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13 Cards in this Set

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Recovery from stroke time course

Early (first 3 months)- spontaneous quick recovery

6-7 months- things slow down

Late- slower but still some recovery, variability

Changes in diagnosis over time

global to nonfluent (i guess a non-global nonfluent)

Wernicke's to nonfluent

less severe changes more than severe

-younger patients evolve more into Broca's

More patients improve in...

comprehension than production

verbal than written

Contributing factors to spontaneous recovery

(neural mechanisms of recovery)

-adema- brain swells less

-absorption of damaged tissue

-blood flow returning


decreased brain function at a distance from the lesion (synapsis disconnected)

regenerative or collateral sprouting

dendrites look for healthy neurons to connect to


adaptive capacity of the brain

Factors leading to increased plasticity




-exposure to training

-specificity- nature fo trainig

-salience- making things rewarding

-age- (younger better)

-transference (one type of skill helpful to others)

-interference (compensatory strategies could interfere)

Do site and size make a difference?

site- yes (localizationist)

size- in general yes but not necessarily

controversial factors affecting recovery

age- younger better

gender- not really w aphasia

handedness- L handed may have bilateral distribution of language but not conclusive

psychosocial- depression has an effect

Approaches to research

case studies-individuals

group studies- control and experimental groups

Frequency of occurence data- counting behaviors etc.

Pre vs post treatment

single subject- 1 person, baseline, therapy, check maintenance


potential for positively changing a target pop


changes brought about by treatment in clinical process