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80 Cards in this Set

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What is hypoxia?
-Dead zone in Gulf of Mexico
-So depleted of o2 that it cannot support marine organisms
What is a feedback loop?
-A system's output can serve as input to that same system in a circular process
-Negative feedback= stabilizing, temperature regulation (body)
-Positive feedback= destabilizing, ex. erosion
What is dynamic equilibrium?
Inputs and outputs will reach a fluxuating balence at some point in time
What is homeostasis?
Tendency of system is to maintain stable conditions
What are emergent properties?
Whole system has properties not seen by just looking @ the parts
What is a closed system?
-Isolated, no interactions with other systems, no inputs/outputs
-Biosphere II= example of experiment
What is an open system?
Exchanges energy through inputs and outputs
What is eutrophication?
Process of nutrient enrichment, algal bloom, bacterial increase, and ecosystem deterioration
What is the atmosphere?
Comprised of air surrounding planet
What is the hydrosphere?
Encompasses all water (bodies, in atm., underground)
What is the lithosphere?
Everything that is solid earth
What is the biosphere?
Sum total of all planet's living organisms, biotic and abiotic factors with with they interact
What is an ecosystem?
Community of organisms and abiotic environment
What is landscape ecology?
Broad-scale study of geographical areas that have mutiple ecosystems
What is an ecotone?
Transitional zone where 2 or more ecosystems meet
What is gross primary production?
Autotrophs capture sun's energy through photosynthesis
What is net primary production?
The amount of energy autotrophs use for their own metabolism
What is productivity?
The rate at which biomass is generated
What is net primary productivity?
Higher rate, higher net
What are nutrients?
Elements that organisms consume and require for energy
What is a biogeochemical cycle?
Nutrients circulate through ecosystems in these cycles
What is the carbon cycle?
-How carbon moves through the environment
-C is ingredient in carbohydrates, fat, proteins, bones, ect.
-Producers preform photosynthesis to produce O2
-Respiration breaks down carbohydrates to produce CO2 and H2O
What is the phosphorus cycle?
-Involves mainly lithosphere and ocean
-P component of DNA, RNA, ATP, found in rocks, soil
-No atmospheric component
What is the nitrogen cycle?
-Atm. major reserve for nitrogen
-Nitrogen= 78% of atm.
-Lightning, bacteria, and human technology are the only ways to fix N into useable compounds
What is nitrogen fixation?
Through lightening or bacteria that live in mutualistic relationships with plants
What is nitrification?
Occurs through specialized bacteria
What are denitrifying bacteria?
Converts nitrates in soil or water to gaseous nitrogen
What is the Haber-Bosch process?
Allows humans to synthesize ammonia
What is the hydrologic cycle?
-Influences all other cycles
-Water moves into atm by evaporation and transpiration, returns to surface by precipitation, which goes into bodies of water by runoff
-Underground reservoirs= aquifers, groundwater
What is the rock cycle?
-Over time, rocks are heated, cooled, broken down, and reassembled
-Rocks form when magma cools into igneous rock, called lava when from a volcano
-Sediemntary rock formed when minerals seep through sediment layers and crystallize in "lithification"
-Metamorphic rock= marble and slate, heat and pressure creates
What is crust mantle and core?
Earth's surface consists of them
What are divergent plate boundaries?
New crust is formed where two plates are pushed apart at these
What is a transform plate boundary?
When two plates meet, they may slip and grind and form one
What is subduction?
When two plates collide at convergent plate boundaries this or uplift happens
When a population of a city increases, what causes it to stabilize?
-Positive feedback= more jobs, fun things things to do, parks, ppl move into city
-Negative feedback= competition for jobs, dirty/pollution, crime, $, ppl leave
What is residence time?
How long it takes something to move through a system
What is an example of emergent properties?
Trees= leaves, fruit, trunk, bugs, but tree as whole gathers water, photosynthesis, provides shade, ect.
What happens in the Carbon Cycle?
-Atmosphere to Lithosphere= photosynthesis, respiration, combustion
-Lithosphere to Hydrosphere= runoff, uplifting
-Hydrosphere-Atm= diffusion
-Hydrosphere and Lithosphere to Fossil Fuels= may form coal, oil, natural gas (death)
What combinations and chemicals are used in the Carbon Cycle?
-Atmosphere to Lithosphere= CO2+H2O=H2CO3, carbonic acid (normal rain)
-In Atmosphere= CO2, CH2 (methane), CO
-Hydrosphere= respiration, photosynthesis, carbonate (CO3), shells coral
What are the basics of the Nitrogen cycle?
-Atmosphere to Ammonia= bacteria fix N2 (water or land)
-Ammonia to Nitrates= nitrates to plants, plants to animals, decomposers
-Nitrates to Atmosphere= denitrification by bacteria
-Atmosphere to NOx= combustion
What are the chemicals and combinations involved in the Nitrogen cycle?
-NOx in combustion= nitrogen oxide, NO2+H2O=HNO3 (nitric acid or acid rain)
-Atomospheric nitrogen=N2
What are the basics of the Phosphorus Cycle?
-Inorganic phosphate to plants= decompose or into animals
-Animals decompose or into waste (guano)
-Inorganic phosphate to ocean= runoff
What are the combinations and chemicals involved in the Phosphorous cycle?
Inorganic phosphate= PO4 (in soil and streams)
What is the Sullfer cycle?
-Lithosphere to water= runoff
-Water to Hydrogen sulfide= decay
-Hydrogen sulfide to sulfur oxides to sulfuric acid back to lithosphere or water
-Lithosphere to hydrogen sulfide= pollutants
What are the chemicals/compounds involved in the sulfur cycle?
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) to sulfur oxides (SOx + H2O) to sulfuric acid (acid raid, H2SO4)
Where is most sulfur found?
What is the water cycle?
-Atmosphere to Lithosphere= precipitation, evaporation, transpiration (water loss by plants)
-Lithosphere to hydrosphere= runoff
-Hyrdosphere to atmosphere= percipitation, evaporation
What is infiltration and percolation?
-From lithosphere to hydrosphere in water cycle
-Infiltration= movement of H2O into soil
-Percolation= movement of H2O through the soil
What can cause a dead zone and what can re-oxinate it?
Runoff of nitrates, hurricanes mix up ad re-oxinate
What is Eutrophication?
-Water becomes enriched, leads to hypoxia
-Enriched by phosphates or nitrates
-Enrchiment--algae bloom-bacteria growth--use up O2
What are solutions to eutrophication?
-Pollution control
-Organic farming, limits, educating farmers
-Time at application (not before big storm)
What is the Tectonic cycle?
-Divergent= new plates are made
-To mantle, continents
-Subduction= one plate moves down under another one
-Volcanos= result of subduction
-Transform plate= one plate sliding along another
What is Eutrophication?
-Water becomes enriched, leads to hypoxia
-Enriched by phosphates or nitrates
-Enrchiment--algae bloom-bacteria growth--use up O2
What are historical events that have influenced human population?
-10,000=agricultural revolution, mesopotamia, growing more food leads to more ppl, stable food supply
-1700-1800= Industrial rev, machines produce more food, medicine=less deaths
What are solutions to eutrophication?
-Pollution control
-Organic farming, limits, educating farmers
-Time at application (not before big storm)
What is the IPAT model?
-Formed by Ehrlich
-I=impact, P=population, A=affluence, T=technology
-When P increases and A decreases it's the same as vice versa
-XS= sensitivity was added, environmental sensitivity
What is the Tectonic cycle?
-Divergent= new plates are made
-To mantle, continents
-Subduction= one plate moves down under another one
-Volcanos= result of subduction
-Transform plate= one plate sliding along another
What are historical events that have influenced human population?
-10,000=agricultural revolution, mesopotamia, growing more food leads to more ppl, stable food supply
-1700-1800= Industrial rev, machines produce more food, medicine=less deaths
What is the IPAT model?
-Formed by Ehrlich
-I=impact, P=population, A=affluence, T=technology
-When P increases and A decreases it's the same as vice versa
-XS= sensitivity was added, environmental sensitivity
What are the basics of the Nitrogen cycle?
-Atmosphere to Ammonia= bacteria fix N2 (water or land)
-Ammonia to Nitrates= nitrates to plants, plants to animals, decomposers
-Nitrates to Atmosphere= denitrification by bacteria
-Atmosphere to NOx= combustion
What are the chemicals and combinations involved in the Nitrogen cycle?
-NOx in combustion= nitrogen oxide, NO2+H2O=HNO3 (nitric acid or acid rain)
-Atomospheric nitrogen=N2
What are the basics of the Phosphorus Cycle?
-Inorganic phosphate to plants= decompose or into animals
-Animals decompose or into waste (guano)
-Inorganic phosphate to ocean= runoff
What are the combinations and chemicals involved in the Phosphorous cycle?
Inorganic phosphate= PO4 (in soil and streams)
What is the Sullfer cycle?
-Lithosphere to water= runoff
-Water to Hydrogen sulfide= decay
-Hydrogen sulfide to sulfur oxides to sulfuric acid back to lithosphere or water
-Lithosphere to hydrogen sulfide= pollutants
What are the chemicals/compounds involved in the sulfur cycle?
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) to sulfur oxides (SOx + H2O) to sulfuric acid (acid raid, H2SO4)
Where is most sulfur found?
What is the water cycle?
-Atmosphere to Lithosphere= precipitation, evaporation, transpiration (water loss by plants)
-Lithosphere to hydrosphere= runoff
-Hyrdosphere to atmosphere= percipitation, evaporation
What is infiltration and percolation?
-From lithosphere to hydrosphere in water cycle
-Infiltration= movement of H2O into soil
-Percolation= movement of H2O through the soil
What can cause a dead zone and what can re-oxinate it?
Runoff of nitrates, hurricanes mix up ad re-oxinate
What's Eutrophication?
-Water becomes enriched, leads to hypoxia
-Enriched by phosphates or nitrates
-Enrichment--algae bloom--algae die--bacteria grow--use up O2
What are some solutions to Eutrophication?
-Pollution control
-Organic farming, educating farmers
-Time at application not before storm to reduce runoff
What is the Tectonic Cycle?
-Divergent= new plates are made
-To mantle and continents
-Subduction= one plate moves under another one
-Volcanoes= result of subduction sometimes
-Transform plate= one plate sliding under another
What has historically influenced the human population?
-10,000=agricultural revolution, growing more food-more ppl, stable food supply
-1700-1800=industrial revolution, machines produce more food, medicine leads to less deaths
What is the IPAT model?
-I=impact, P=population, A=affluence, T=technology
-XS=environmental sensitivity (added)
What is the growth rate formula?
What are two ways to predict growth rate?
1.Doubling time (T)= T=70/r, where r= annual growth rate, assumes exponential growth (problem, were not anymore)
-Age structure=rough estimate
What is TFR?
-"Total Fertility Rate", average # of children per woman
-TFR=3.8, rapid increase
-TFR=2.0, decrease, children may not reach reproductive age
-Replacement TFR=2.1, constant population size
What is population momentum?
Population will continue to increase even if TFR is 2.1 b/c children already exist, gradual
What are reasons for decrease in TFR?
-Women in work force, later marriage, education (women's empowerment)
-Increase in income
-Change to urban lifestyle
-More social programs for elderly
-Decrease in infant mortality
What is the world TFR today?