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91 Cards in this Set

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The later that contains the earth's daily weather
Extends from 50-80 km above Earth
The earths ozone layer exists in this layer of the atmosphere
The highest layer of the atmosphere above 80 km
the layer of the atmosphere that's heated by infrared radiation from the earth
E horizon
silt and sand are concentrated here
O horizon
litter layer mostly un decayed materials
the deep underlying non soil materials
B horizon
the layer where minerals that were leached out of layers above accumulate
A horizon
a mixture of soil loam and detritus, the topsoil
the virus that causes this disease is transmitted through bodily fluids
Can cause massive destruction
caused by microscopic fibers of a mineral
radiation that causes lung cancer
caused by a bacteria carried by mosquitoes
grassland soil
soil that has a substantial organic layer, fire helps to break down plant material in this layer
pine forest soil
soil comprised of litter and humus, this soil is acidic due to the accumulation of needles
desert soil
soil is rocky, very dry and contains almost no organic matter
tropical rain forest soil
soil is acidic and contains very little organic matter despite large plant population
deciduous forest soil
soil is rich in humus and partially decayed leaves
nitrogen dioxide
is involved in the formation of nitric acid
suspended particulate matter
dust or soot
photochemical oxidant
sulfur dioxide
is involved in the formation of sulfuric acid
carbon monoxide
health effects include reduced blood oxygen levels
lower the amount of organic matter in the water
the goal of the second stage of a septic treatment plant
Animals that are effected by thermal pollution in a stream is
insect larvae in the water
The National Priorities and brownfields sites are described in
Superfund Program
Later fall frosts and the northward migration of some tree and plant species may indicate
increased global temperature
high infant mortality rates are likely to occur in countries that have
high levels of infectious diseases
composting is a process that produces
a nutrient-rich soil conditioner
energy can be converted from one form to another
energy input always equals output
the laws of thermodynamics can be applied to living systems
at each step of an energy transformation some energy is lost to heat
energy and matter can generally be converted into each other
oxygen depleted zones of the oceans such as the mouth of the mississippi river are caused by
excessive fertilizers carried into oceans which cause algal blooms that lower the oxygen levels
a benefit of genetically modified foods is
the improved yield in crops
supplies a great amount of useful energy to humans
a liter of gasoline
correct geological era's in order
precambrian, paleozoic, mesozoic, cenozoic
the percent of the worlds solid waste produced by the US
33 percent
conservation easement is
this is a binding agreement that preserves land from further development in exchange for tax write offs
highest priority of the Clean Water Act is
policies to attain fishable and swimmable waters in the US
changes in the genetic composition of a population over many generations
women will have more and less healthy children if they
have little education
the maximum number of a species that can be sustained in an ecosystem
carrying capacity
an increase in the about of Uv light striking the earth as a result of ozone loss will cause
increased skin cancer rates in humans
ozone in the troposphere can result in all of the following
eye irritation, bronchitis, headache, emphysema
the amount of energy that plants pass on to herbivores
the net primary productivity (NPP) of an area
the second law of thermodynamics relates of living organisms because it explains why
all living things must have a constant supply of energy in the form of food
acid deposition most severely affects amphibian species because
need to live in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats
internal costs of an automobile are
car insurance, fuel, raw materials and labor, and new tires
scrubbers are devices installed in smoke stacks to
reduce the amount of materials such as SO2 in the smoke the discharge
the unusable parts that remains after ore is mined is called
Economic goods are
swing set, computer repair service, food and a ticket to a game
contains the greatest amount of sulfur
economic resources include
renewable resources, natural resources, manufactured capital and labor
biological reserves are areas that allow countries to
set aside critical habitats to ensure the survival of species
has the largest population
this phase of the hydrologic cycle requires the input of solar energy
full coost pricing of a refrigerator would include
the refrigerators total impact on the environment
10 ppm refers to
there are 10 molecules of the chemical in one million molecules of water
this type of birth control is primarily a chemical control
birth control pill
disadvantages of old style landfills are
bad odors, toxic waste that leaches into the ground, subsidence of land, eyesore for neighborhood
the international treaty concerning endangered species (CITES) has tried to protect endangered species by
developing a list of endangered species and prohibiting trade in those species
salt intrusion into freshwater aquifers; beach erosion and the disruption of local fisheries are all possible results of
rising ocean levels as a result of global warming
the chemical actions that produce compost would be best described
produces non point source pollution
a large area of farmland near a river
nations gross domestic product
the amount of economic development
requires people and machinery to operate underground
shaft sinking
total fertility rate best expresses
the average number of babies born to a woman between the ages of 14 and 40
Love Canal contaminated the surrounding areas
leaching into ground water, flowing into sewers, runoff into a near by stream and spilled drums of waste
distinct buildings blocks of matter
in sea water carbon is found in
nicarbonate ions
acid rain and snow harm some areas more because the areas
have less ability to neutralize acids
areas that have a lot of phosphorus
rocks, water, living organisms, guano
addition of oxygen to the early earth's atmosphere most likely occurred through the process of
the shrinking of the aral sea was caused by
the diversion of the sea's two feeder rivers for agricultural uses
riparian zones are important parts of land because
their an area of diverse habitats along the banks of rivers
disadvantage of fish farming
can lead to large die-offs due to disease
advantage of fish farming
produce large volumes of food, allow for genetic engineering which can lead to bigger hauls, profitable, reduce pressure to harvest wild species
all species are important and we are not in charge
environmental wisdom
form of nitrogen that plants use directly
effects of thermal inversion
polluted air at the surface cannot rise because it is blocked by warm air above it
shift to a pattern of more sustainable development
shifting taxes to tax pollution and waste rather than taxing the cost of products will allow people to
most damaging to stratospheric ozone
exponential growth
2 4 8 16 32
samples of atmospheric gases from past eras can most easily be done from
gases trapped in polar ice caps
most affected by loss of decomposers
nitrogen cycling
trace element necessary for plant growth
environmental justice movement
concern that people of color and poor people are enevenly exposed to environmental pollution