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38 Cards in this Set

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Erectors Spinae group
Action- unilaterally: laterally flex vertebral column to the same side
Bilaterally: extend the vertebral column
origin: common tendon (thoracolumbar aponeurosis) that attaches to the posterior surface of sacrum, iliac crest, spinous processes of the lumbar and last two thoracic vertebrae
insertion- various attachments at the posterior ribs, spinous and transverse processes of thoracic and cervical vertebrae and mastiod process of temporal bone
Action- unilaterally: laterally flex vertebral column to the same side
Bilaterally: extend the vertebral column
Origin: spinous processes of the upper lumbar and lower thoracic ertbrae ligamentum nuchae spinous process of c-7
insertion: spinous processes of upper thoracic spinous processes of cervicals, except c-1
Action- unilaterally: laterally flex vertebral column to the same side
Bilaterally: extend the vertebral column
origin: common tendon transverse processes of upper five thoracic vertebrae
insertion: lower nine ribs and transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae transverse processes of cervical vertebrae mastoid of temporal bone
Action- unilaterally: laterally flex vertebral column to the same side
Bilaterally: extend the vertebral column
Origin: common tendon (lumborum) posterior surface of ribs 1-12
Insertion: transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae 1-3 and posterior surface of ribs 6-12
posterior surface of ribs 1-6 transverse processes of lower cervicals
Multifidi and rotatores
rotate the vertebral column to the opposite side
extend the vertbral column
origin: multifidi: scaryn and transverse processes of lumbar through cervical vertebrae
rotatores: transverse processes of lumbar through cervical vertebrae
insertion: spinous processes of lumbar vertbrae through second cervical vertebra
semispinalis capitis
action : extedn the vertebral column and head
origin transverse processes of c-4 to t-5
insertion: between the superior and inferior nuchal line of the occiput
splenius capitits and cervicis
unilaterally: rotate the head and neck to the same side
laterallly flex the head and neck to the same side
bilaterally: extend the head and neck
origin: capitis- inferior one half of ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes of c-7 to t-4
cervicis: spinous processes of t-3 to t-6
insertion: capitis mastoid process and lateral portion of superior nuchal line
cervicis: transverse processes of c-1 to c-3
Rectus capitis posterior major
action: rock and tilt the head back into extension rotate the head to the same side
origin: spinous process of the axis
insertion inferior nuchal line of the occiput
rectus capitis posterior minor
action: rock and tilt the head back into extension
origin: tubercle of the posterior arch of the atlas
insertion: inferior nuchal line of the occiput
Oblique capitis superior
Action: laterally flex the head to the same side
origin: transverse process of the atlas
insertion: between the nuchal line of the occiput
Oblique capitis inferior
Action: laterally flex the head to the same side
origin: spinous process of the axis
insertion: transverse process of the atlas
Quadratus lumborum
Action: unilaterally: laterally tilt the pelvis
laterally flex the vertebral column
bilaterally: fix the last rib during forced inhalation and exhalation
origin: posterio iliac crest
insertion: last rib and transverse processes of first through fourth lumbar vertebrae
Rectus abdominis
action: flex the vertebral column tilt pelvis posteriorly
origin pubic crest pubic symphysis
insertion: cartilage of fifth, sixth and seventh ribs and xiphoid process
External oblique
action- unilaterally: laterally flex vertebral column to the same side. rotate vertebral column to theopposite side
bilaterally: flex the vertebral column. compress abdominlal contents\
origin: external surfaces of fifth to twelfth ribs
insertion: anterior part of the iliac crest, abdominal aponeurosis to lina alba
internal oblique
action: unilaterally:laterally flex vertebral column to the same side
flex the vertebral column compress abdominl contents
origin: lateral inguinal ligament, iliac crest and thoracolumbar fascia
insertion internal surface of lower three ribs abdominla aponeuross to linea alba
transverse abdominis
action: compress abdominal contents
origin: lateral inguinal ligament, iliac crest thoracolumbar fascia and internal suface of lower sic ribs
insertion: abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba
action: draw down the central tendon of the diaphrag. increase thecolumn of the toracic cavity during inhalation
origin: costal attachment: inner surface of lower six ribs
lumbar attachment: upper two or three lumbar vertebrae
sternal attachment: inner of xiphoid process
insertiion central tendon
action exteranl intercostals: draw the ribs superiorly (increaseing the space of the thoracic cavity) to assist with inhalation
internal intercostals: draw the ribs inferiorly( decreasing the space of the thoracic cavity) to assist with exhalation
origin: inferior border of he ribs above
insertion:superior border of the rib elbow
serratus posterior superior
action: elevate the ribs durin inhalation
origin: spinous processes of C-7 to T-3
insertion: posterior surface of second through fifth ribs
serratus posterior inferior
action: depress the rib during exhalation
origin spinous processes of T-12 to L-3
insertion: posterior surface of ninth through twlfth ribs
action:unilaterally: laterally flex the vertebral column to the same side
bilaterally: extend the vertebral column
origin cervical: spnning the ransverse processes of vertebrae C-2 to C-7
lumbar: spanning the transverse processes of vertebrae L-1 to L-5
insertion: cervical: spnning the ransverse processes of vertebrae C-2 to C-7
lumbar: spanning the transverse processes of vertebrae L-1 to L-5
action extend the vertebral column
origin cervical: spanning the spinous processes of C-2 to T-3
lumbar: spanning the spinous processes of T-12 to L-5
insertion cervical: spanning the spinous processes of C-2 to T-3
lumbar: spanning the spinous processes of T-12 to L-5
action: unilaterally- laterally flex the head and the neck to the same side. rotate the head and neck to the opposite side
Bilaterally: flex the neck
assist o elevate the ribcage during inhalation
origin steranl head: top of manubrium
clavicular head: medial one-third of the clavicle
insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone and the lateral portion of superior nuchal line of occiput
Anterior scalene
action: unilaterally- with the ribs fixed laterally flex the head and neck the same side
rotate head and neck to the opposite side
origin transverse processes of third through sicth cervical vertebrae
insertion: first rib
meddle scalene
action: unilaterally- with the ribs fixed laterally flex the head and neck the same side
rotate head and neck to the opposite side
origin: transverse processes o secon through seventh cervical vertebrae
insertion: first rib
posterior scalene
action: unilaterally- with the ribs fixed laterally flex the head and neck the same side
rotate head and neck to the opposite side
origin: transverse processes of sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae
insertion: second rib
action: elevate the mandible
may assist to protract the mandible
origin: zygomatic arch
insertion: angle and ramus and mandible
action: elevate the mandible retract the mandible
origin: temporal fossa and fascia
insertion: coronoid process and anterior edge of ramus of the mandible
action: elevate hyoid and tongue depress mandible
origin: geniohyoid, mylohyoid: underside of mandble
stylohyoid: styloid process
insertion: hyoid bone
action: with hyoid bone fixed, depress the mandible with mandible fixed, elevate the hyoid bone retract the mandible
origin: mastoid process( deep to sternocleidomastoid and splenuis capitis)
insertion inferior border of the mandible
action: Depress the hyoid bone and throid cartilage
origin sertnohyoid and sterno thyroid: top of manubrium
thhrohyoid: thyroid cartilage
omohyoid: superior border of the scapula
insertion: sternohyoid, thyroyoid and omohyoid: hyoid bone sternothyoid: thyroid cartilage
Action: assist to depress the mandible (temporomandibular joint) tighten the fascia of the neck draw down corner of the mouth
origin: fascia covering superior part of pectoralis major
insertion: base of mandible, skin of lower part of face
action: frontalis: raise the eyebrows and wrinkle the forehead
occipitalis: anchor and retract the galea posteriorly
origin: both: galea aponeurotica
insertion: frontalis: skin superior to eyebrows
occipitalis: superior nuchal line of the occiput
medial pterygoid
action: unilaterally- laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side
bilaterally: elevate the mandble, protract the mandible
origin: medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone and tuberosity of maxilla
insertion: medial surface of ramus of the mandible
lateral pterygoid
action: unilaterally: laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side
bilaterally: protract the mandible
origin: superior head: infratemporal surface and crest of greater wing of sphenoid bone
inferior head: lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
insertion: articular disc and capsule of temporomandibular joint, neck of mandible
Longus capitis
action: unilaterally: laterally flex the head and neck to the same side
rotate the head and neck to the same side
bilaterally: flex the head and neck
origin: transverse processes of C-3 through C-6
insertion: inferior surace of occiput
longus colli
action: unilaterally: lateraly flex the head and neck to the same side rotate the head and neck to the same side
bilaterally: flex the head and neck
origin bodies of C-5 through T-3, transverse processes of C-3 through C-5
insertion: Tubercle on anterior arch of the atlas; bodies of the axis, C-3 and C-4; transverse processes of C-5 and C-6
action: tenses the linea alba
origin: pubic symphysis
insertion: linea alba