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24 Cards in this Set

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Ap world history Unit 1 Social
Humans Lived in small hunting/gathering societies.The woman was the head of the family and society as a whole. The men would go out in groups or packs and hunt for prey and bring it back to the village,then they wood rest until another hunt was needed. The women stayed behind and took charge over the households due to the mens' absance. They were treated with great respect and they were of high status the men. After the Neolithic Revolution and the begininngs of civilization the men slowly ceased to hunt and began to settle down and begin to farm. Due to the man's presence in the household the woman's status began to decrease while the man's increased until they became the leader of the household and society. After a while the hunting villages began to deminish due to the fact of populations begininng to create cities.
Ap world history Unit 1 Cultural
The culture of the humans was hunting and gathering and living in nomadic villages and a matriarchal society to later settleing into agricultural villiges, which then turned into large citiesthat became patriachical.
Ap world history Unit 1 Religion
Humans had polytheistic pagan religions that some for the majority were anamistic. these religions were not as orgainized and sophisticated as those in present day,yet they provided a way of life for the people and the hope of an afterlife after death.
Ap world history Unit 1 Interaction
The major interaction in this period was the agriculture Revolution due to the fact that it spreaded to most parts of the world with travellers and traders. interactions were not as common due to the fact that the human world population was yet very small at the time.the Agricultural Revolution took along time to spread around the world.
Ap world history Unit 1 Political
Political structures were not as organized and sophisticated. The Political sturucture of societies in this time were limited in the fact that one person was the ruler,despotism.it was only later that councils were created to help the ruler with the stresses and burden of being soverign.
Ap world history Unit 1 Technology
The major technological advances was in the techniques of agriculture and farming. Slash and Burn agriculture was developed which allowed people to farm extensivly until the nurtients in the soil were depleted.It was only then did the people move and settled somewere else.
Ap world history Unit 1 Economy
The economy during this time period was limited to trading,the exchanging of items for more desirable and useful items.
Ap world history Unit 1 Demography
The human demography was very small. Humans were largly dispersed. until after the neolithic revolutions and the Agricultural Revolutions did the population grow and became more centralized in the cities.
Ap world history unit 2 Social
China was an agricultural society with considerable gaps within china's upper class and the farmer-peasents. many of the peasents were un literate.In India the caste system was the main guide and laws for the people, it assign jobs and status,regulated marriges, and contain severe punishments for those who break the stauts quo.low class individuals had little to no legal rights,there was heavy abuse between the master to the servant,women ahd to worship their husbands as a god. adults must have helped older relatives.
Ap world history unit 2 Culture
Culture and traditions were created and influenced at this time by philosophers,religion,and politics.Philosophers such Confucius, Aristotle,Plato influenced Ideas about how some if not all aspects of society should be run,Religion played a huge part of tradition and culture by creating virtures and rituals that people should live by.
Ap world history unit 2 Religion
In China religion was not a major part of life. There was some beliefs in a deity or higher power but little attention was givin to them. Instead,Chinese leaders stressed the importance of a harmonious earthly life.Harmony was carfully constructed rituals to unify society and prevent individual excess. In India, however religion was a MAJOR part of life. Hinduism was a very complex and the firsts of organized religion.Hinduism played a huge role in the social life, determinig your class and status by birth using the caste system. The Greek and the Romans adopted a Pantheon religion with gods of acient greek mythology. Yet later on the pantheon was replaced with a new and growing religion,christiantiy.
Ap world history unit 2 Interaction
Interaction between civilizations in this period was increased due to war. From 338BCE-323BCE Alexander the great established the greatest interaction in this time period with the conquest of asia minor, along with the Roman's conquest's of thhe mediterranian.
Ap world history unit 2 Political
Political structures have improved. China began to establish a burecratic system.Rome established the senate and the republic, Greece established direct democracy.These political institutions helped the Goverments expand and to become more sophisticated, and more organized. In china the Mandate of Heavan was used to determine the ruling of dynasties.
Ap world history unit 2 Technology
Technology during this time were inventions and structureral projects that were made by and made for the state. China began to build dams to control flooding and the great wall. Rome began to build great monuments such as the colosseum
Ap world history unit 2 Economy
The economy in the mediterranean was one of commercial agriculture, and heavy trade.The economy of India was one of ironmaking and chemical making. In China trade was uncomfortable,the Chinese focused themselves instead of the technological advancements that they would gain anyway in trade.
Ap world history unit 2 Demography
Humans began to settle in cities rather than living a nomadic lifestyle.Human population begins to increase, especally those in the city, hunters/gathers begin to decrease .
Ap world history Unit 3 Social
social classes became an important aspect of society and the classes were mostly determinered by wealthy.
Ap world history Unit 3 Culture
Culture and traditions were begin to be a "mix mash" of other civilizations.
Ap world history Unit 3 Religion
The post classical era was when all of the major religion,espcally the montheistic religions were founded.Hinduism was still being practiced in India, and Buddism,which originated in India slowly migrated and spread to the north in China.Islam was Spreading rapidly across the middle east into africa and south east asia.Finally Christianity Spread to the northward in europe both eastwards and westwards. People were being transformed in terms of sprituality ,in which people's beliefs moved away form nature sprits and gods,to a centeral single supernatural force. Yet with all these changes religions began to foght over which amoung them was the one true religion. The result ,The Crusades
Ap world history Unit 3 Interaction
Interaction during this period was massive. The mongols invaded many civilizations as well as most of asia and therefore creating a network of trade and contacts in asia never before seen.The americas were being explorated and were soon to be colonized by the europeans.The ummayads and the abbasid empires United the islamic world and used the religion to help unite the islamic people.The bubonic plague spread due to the mongol invasions and created a massive pandemic in europe. The crusades were being fought in the "holy" land which gave the christian Europeans and the muslims to establish contact.
Ap world history Unit 3 Political
At this time the ruler became less autocratic and more beaucratic. Parliments began to arise in Europe starting in great britain,slowy the ideas spread across Europe.
Ap world history Unit 3 Technology
Technology in this period were created for means of exploration and warfare.massive ships were created to allow more people to be involed in these expeditions. the cannon was invented to be able to attack enemies from a distance,and to attack fortress walls.
Ap world history Unit 3 Economic
Trade was growing rapidly. Europeans were preparing themselvs for exploration to bypass the taxation of the islamic empires and the Italian port cities.
Ap world history Unit 3 Demography
People and civilizations alike began to explore and conquer as their understanding of the world became more clearer.