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96 Cards in this Set

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What did Thomas Paine urge the British colonists to support in his pamphlet 'Common Sense'

A movement for independence from Britain

The US Declaration of Independence was a combination of what two things

Ideals of John Locke (social contract) and a list of charges against Britain

What did Britain agree to recognize in the Treaty of Paris

Independence of the US

What did the US Constitution create and what did it guarantee

Created a federal government, guaranteed individual liberties like freedom of speech

Explain what was so controversial about the way in which the Estates of France were taxed

The first two estates didn't have to pay taxes but were most wealthy

List two changes revolutionaries wanted in the Declaration of Rights of Man

Proclaimed "liberty, equality, and fraternity", prohibited social distinctions, and created a constitutional monarchy

What occurred during the period of the French Revolution known as The Terror

Enemies of the revolution were ruled out, jailed, and killed (including the king and queen)

List three reforms Maximilien Robespierre made in France before he was executed

Outlawed Christianity, change the calendar, and gave women more rights

List the three religious groups in France that Napoleon made happy

Catholics, Jews, and Protestants

List three of the negative practices of Napoleon during his reign in France

Limited free speech, used spies, and took away women's rights

In 1812, Napoleon made a disastrous invasion of what country


What happened to Napoleon at Waterloo

He is defeated by the British and Prussian armies

What is Toussaint Louverture's significance to world history

He was a free slave who built an organized, disciplined army of gen de coleur (freed slaves) and maroons (escaped slaves) who attacked French landowners (Haitian Revolution)

Why did European leaders lose control of their colonists in early 1800s America

They were concerned with stopping Napoleon instead of controlling people in the Americas

What did Simon Bolivar hope to accomplish

Independence for northern South America

Why was Brazil able to remain wealthy under the rule of Prince Pedro


Explain the differences between conservatism and liberalism in the 1800s

Conservatism was the idea that societies develop slowly and must be protected from radical or revolutionary ideas while liberalism was the idea that change is both normal and required and will bring about equality and freedom

List three reasons why slavery largely came to an end between 1780 and 1890

Enlightenment and religious leaders were critical of it, and the cost of protecting people from slave revolts made slavery too expensive

Who were migrants

Cheap workers (especially from India and China) who moved across the globe to replace slaves

What happened to Russia's serfs in 1861

They still did the agricultural work until they were emancipated in 1861 and they would remain poor and impoverished

Define "nationalism"

The belief that people belong to a distinctive national community

What did Otto von Bismarck believe would define German nationalism

"Blood and iron"

Define "anti-semitism"

Hatred of Jews that was a direct result of nationalism (especially in Germany)

What was Zionism

Theodr Herzl wanting to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine where Jews could live and be safe

The Enlightenment challenge what long-held belief about women

That they are inferior to men

What began in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848

Modern feminist movement

What did the feminist movement begin to focus on in the 1870s

Suffrage (women's right to vote)

What group of people were bitterly opposed to the feminist movement

Conservative men

List the four things that increased in industrialized countries

Urbanization, empire building, globalization, and populations

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin


Why were the improvements James Watt made to the steam engine so important

They now replaced water power in textile mills

List three ways in which steamships and steam locomotives changed the economies of industrialized countries

Now connected to textile mills through waterways and railroads, this led to a reduction in shipping costs and cheaper goods

List four reasons why historians believe the Industrial Revolution began on the continent of Europe

Luck, Europeans were the "middle men" in trade between the two hemispheres, capitalism encouraged change and innovation, raw materials were available in the Americas and could be easily shipped to your

What was it about Britain's government that made it the starting point for the Industrial Revolution

It had a stable government that promoted science, knowledge, and economic innovation

List three natural resources Britain had that made it an ideal location for industrialization

coal and iron ore, water

What makes a country a "dependent nation"

A country that did not industrialize

List four things that had increased in Britain by 1800 as a result of industry

Rapid development of railroads, increasing mining and services, decreased focus on agriculture, decreased focus on small family textile businesses (the "putting out system"), and creation of more affordable goods

Which group of people typically benefited the most from industry

Middle class

List three groups that, thanks to industry, became more important than the nobility

Factory owners, manufacturers, businessman, bankers and investors

Who were the service sector workers

Middle class clerks and secretaries who made up 20 percent of Britain's population

What's for problems found in industrial cities

Overcrowded, filled with pollution, human waste, and raw sewage in the streets and rivers, diseases (Cholera, tuberculosis), crime, gambling, drinking, and prostitution were rampant

Who were socialists

Critics who disliked the working conditions and inequalities of factory life

What did Karl Marx believe was causing all of the world social problems


Why were corporations developed in the United States

To fund new industries through investments in stock markets

According to Karl Marx, how would capitalism and private property eventually be abolished

A violent revolution led by industrial workers

List the three inventions that helped facilitate the destruction of Native American culture in North America

Railroads, the Gatling gun, and barbed wire

List 3 things that fueled the 'culture of consumption" in the United States

Advertising, catalogs, and department stores

Why did Americans prefer progressivism over socialism

It was slower and nonviolent

Why did Alexander II free Russia serfs

So they can work in factories and make money

What did the intelligentsia of Russia push for

Socialism and reform

What were pogroms

Attacks on Jews that forced many to move to Europe and America

List three of the goals of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia

Police control, oppression of his enemies, and territorial expansion

Why did the Creole elites of Latin America not industrialize

Their goal was to control land for agriculture and ranching

Explain the concept of "machismo"

Social ethic that honored male strength and aggression

List four reforms that were part of Benito Juarez' "La Reforma" in Mexico

Wanted to limit the Catholic Church's power, granted universal male suffrage, limited power of the military, and created freedom of the press

Why did the Mexican Revolution occur and what was the result

There was a lot of famine among peasants, so they fought against the landowners, over 1 million died

List four reasons why the Industrial Revolution fueled European expansion

Created a demand for raw materials and agricultural products, need for markets in which to sell European goods and allow capitalists to invest in them, foreign market created jobs for Europeans, nationalism stressed expansion

List four things that connected growing European empires

Steamships, the Telegraph, canals (Suez and Panama), and railroads

List four advancements that gave Europeans a military advantage over other regions in the 1800s

Gunpowder, repeating rifles, the Maxim gun, and artillery on ships

Describe the political and cultural benefits of industry and empire

Political benefits were that nations could acquire strategic locations across the world. Cultural benefits were that its spread education, health care, good government, and Christianity to the "weaker" races

Explain the difference between imperialism and capitalism

Industry and trade resides in the state rather than private owners

What was "carved up" at the Berlin Conference

Africa and the Pacific

Why was Singapore colonized

To link British bases between the Indian Ocean and South China Sea

What did most Latin American countries become dependent upon

US companies investing there

Name the country that created the world's largest empire in the 1800s


Why did the Indian Rebellion occur and how was it resolved

Mutiny by the sepoys over lack of British sensitivity towards their culture, Britain crushed the revolt and established direct rule

What type of government was typically set up in a colony


What wasn't accepted "norm" under colonization


Explain the cultivation system and give an example of it

Using colonized farmers to give up some of their crops as taxes (Dutch used peasants in Indonesia)

Why did Belgium's King Leopold colonize the Congo Free State

A source of rubber

Who fought in the Boer War and what were they fighting over

Bloody battle between Afrikaners (Dutch) and the British over diamonds and gold in Southern Africa

Give an example of seasonal migration an example of permanent migration

An example of seasonal migration is the Japanese migrants in Hawaii, permanent migration is Indian migrants to South Africa

The Boer War eventually led to the creation of what modern state

South Africa

Explain how indentured servitude work

People sign a contract to work in a foreign land. They were given transportation, room, board, and wages in return for 7 years of labor

What were "ethnic enclaves"

Places like Chinatown

List four problems that existed within ethnic enclaves

Segregation, unsanitary conditions, overcrowding, and large numbers of poor people

What religion became popular around the world as a result of European colonialism


List six inventions that changed people's lives in the late 1800s

Bicycle, automobile, airplane, light bulb, telephone, and radio

List 4 developments that helped to prevent illness in the late 1800s

Sanitation system, soaps, disinfectants, and vaccinations

List three popular forms of entertainment in the late 1800s

Newspapers, theaters, and sports

Why was the Opium War fought and what did it show the world

British ships attack China and show how far behind China's military was

What was the goal of the Taiping Rebellion and what was the result

Revolutionary attempt to take land, redistribute it to peasants, develop free public education, & end foot binding. The Qing army killed 30 million of the peasants

What was the Self-Strengthening Movement designed to accomplish in China

Modernize China

Who were the Boxers and what was the result of the rebellion

A violent anti-foreigner group, they were defeated

List four problems the Ottoman Empire was encountering in the 1800s

Military losses to Europe, a lack of modernization, economic shift to the Atlantic Ocean, Sultans were losing power to local warlords

What consequence resulted from Muhammad Ali's decision to industrialize Egypt

They became dependent on European loans

List four goals of the Young Turk Party

Hoped for universal suffrage, compulsory education for both men and women, freedom for women, & a modern, secular state

What slowed down the plans of the Young Turk Party

World War 1

What is a sphere of influence

A region in which a foreign nation has control over trade

What was the purpose of Matthew Perry's "gunship diplomacy"

To bring Japan out of its isolation and create a US sphere of influence

What was the Meiji Restoration

Japan's return to Imperial Government and a new sense of "westernization"

Who was given unchecked power under the Meiji Restoration and what group was abolished as a result of the Meiji Restoration

The Emperor was given unchecked power and the samurai were abolished and shot

List 3 "Western" ideas that developed in Japan as it modernized

Clothing, hairstyles, and books

Unlike Egypt, Japan modernized without doing what

Acquiring foreign debt

What group (besides the samurai) suffered the most under Japanese modernization

Urban workers, peasants

By 1895, what was the focus of Japan's society
