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100 Cards in this Set

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Egyptian formal writing system, mainly picture based.
Meroitic Script
alphabetic script originally derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs, used to write the Meroitic language of the Kingdom of Kush. Developed 700–300 BCE. Appeared in the 2nd Century.
Harappa Society
A Civilization in current day India existing 3000-1900 B.C.
Rig Vedas
Indo-Aryan work 1400-900BCE with 1028 hymns tot he gods.
An Indian River whose source is the Himalayas an is known for its wildness.
Egyptian god related to the creator god.
The god associated with life, and rebirth due to his story of being cut up and put back together.
An Indo-Aryan Chief
Xia Dynasty
Chinese Dynasty by legendary king Yu in 2200BCE
Oracle Bones
Early Shang writing was found on these.
Made in 800-400BCE refers to the the practice of disciples gathering fro religious discussion.
King Menes
Unified rule came from this conquerer in 3100BCE and founded Memphis.
Shang Dynasty
The ruling elite of this dynasty (1766-1122BCE) monopolized bronze metallurgy to maintain power.
Yellow River
A Chinese river whose source is the high plateau of Tibet that is loaded with loess, a rich soil.
State of Chu
During the Zhou dynasty, in the central region of the Yangzi river, and challenged them for supremacy.
Mesoamerican "rubber people" arose about 1200BCE. Excess amounts of rainfall called for irrigation to avoid flooding.
Built by Mayans (300-900BCE) a bustling trading city with a population nearing 40,000 with many large buildings.
City starting in 500BCE and by 100BCE its population reached 50,000 with prominent pyramids and at it's high point as a trading center with a population of 200,000 people.
A state around (300-700CE) leaving a large artistic legacy, depicting a complex and diverse society.
The earliest inhabitants of New Guinea that led seafaring lives. In 3000BCE established themselves on many islands.
Underground canals that crisscrossed the Persian empire.
The founder of Zarathustrianism.
Invaded Persia in 334BCE and shattered the Archaemenid forces.
They controlled Persia after the death of Alexander. Their king was one of Alexander's generals.
Han Dynasty
Prosperous Chinese dynasty lasting for over 400 years (206BCE-220CE)
Doctrine that focused on introspection and reflection and did not focus on solutions to specific problems.
Doctrine that focused on morally superior individuals which took a broad view of political affairs but emphasized social activism.
First Archaemenid ruler who ruled from his mountain fortress in Parsagade, also known as "The Shepherd".
Doctrine that stated that the state's strength was in agriculture and the armed forces and most of the state's resources should be channeled there.
A Jainism principle: the non violence towards all living things.
A religion that features the "Four Noble Truths"
Chandragupta Maurya
A king who reigned (322-298BCE) who starved himself to death after becoming a Jainist monk.
Siddhartha Guatmaa
The founder of Buddhism.
Bhagavad Gita
A short poetic work with a dialogue between Vishnu, a god, and a warrior about following the requirements of you caste.
A great naval victory by the Athenians over the Persians under Xerxes (480BCE) that some historians think saved Western Civilization.
A philosophy that stressed leading virtuous lives and not letting both good and bad things in life affect one too much.
Greek philosopher who valued logic and following senses. He wrote extensively on dramatic criticism and his ideas are often followed today.
Greek philosopher who wrote "The Republic" in which he wrote about Philosopher Kings and the Theory of Forms.
A philosophy that identified pleasure as the greatest good.
One who codified Roman Law.
The term used to describe the split between the Roman Catholic Church in Rome and the Eastern Orthodox Church in Constantinople.
The idea that a king's rule has an aura of divinity and is sanctioned by God.
The general who reconquered the Western Roman Empire.
Daughter of a bear keeper and was married to Justinian.
The holy book of Islam based on the teachings of Muhammad. Means "Recitation"
The sect of Islam that supported Ali, the adopted son of Muhammad.
Islamic mystics who felt Muslims should worship in their own way and not trust reason.
The sect of Islam called "traditionalists" who supported the original Caliph's who succeeded Muhammad.
The one true god of Islam.
Missi Dominici
Envoys Charlamagne sent to oversee local rulers.
Outstanding seafarers who had shallow draft boats and raided Enland, France, and Russia.
St. Benedict
He started an order of Monks and provided a set of regulations for them stressing poverty, chastity, and obedience.
The Frankish warlord who conquered much of Gaul in 486 who converted to Roman Christianity.
"Charles The Great" The Frankish King who conquered much of Spain, Italy, and Baravia and was crowned emperor by the pope. Reigned (768-814CE).
Charles Martel
Charles "The Hammer" Martel this Frank established the Carolingian Empire and defeated the Gaul's in the Battle of Tours.
King Otto I
He led an army to support the Pope in the 960's against the Lombard Magnates and was crowned by the pope the First Holy Roman Emperor.
King Alfred
He stopped the Norse/Viking invasion of England in the 800's.
A great Christian kingdom of Ethiopia about 400CE with a prominent sea port known for trade.
A key commercial kingdom in West Africa whose capital was Koumbi-Saleh.
"The Lion Prince" (1230-1255) who ruled Mali and made it into a great nation.
A powerful kingdom in East Africa with a magnificent stone complex from (900-1200CE)
Chinggis Kanh
Mongol warlord who unified the Mongol tribes who took over Northern China and Persia in the early 1200's.
An African people who migrated throughout Africa (2000-1000BCE) spreading agriculture while displacing hunter gatherers.
Ilkhanate of Persia
Brother of Khubilai Khan who took over Baghdad in 1258.
Khubilai Khan
Chinggis Khan's grandson who consolidated Mongol rule all over China.
Golden Horde
A group of Mongols that overran Russia, Poland, and Hungary. (1237-1242).
An Indian movement that sought to erase the distinction between Hinduism and Islam.
Sui Dynasty
Chinese Dynasty (589-618CE) that reunified China under Yang Jian and built the Grand Canal.
Tang Dynasty
Chinese Dynasty (618-907CE) that developed the equal field system and believed that it was the center of civilization.
Extensive rains in the spring and summer in India. Governing trade routes on the Red Sea ports.
A Hindu god that had its own devotional cult. The preserver of the world.
Professional warriors of provincial lords (shoguns) in Japan.
Qin Dynasty
Chinese Dynasty (221-207BCE) ruled by Qin Shihuadangdi reigned (221-210). Used centralized rule and fell because of civil insurrections.
Distincitve stepped pyramids to honor gods that were used for worship in Mesopotamia.
The name for God in Mesopotamia, and was used in monotheistic religion.
People from India/Europe: referring to Hitties who migrated to the central plain of Anatolia and imposed their rule and language on the people.
A hebrew man born in Egypt who was responsible for getting monotheism in the mainstream of the world.
The first King to ever write a set of laws/codes in 2800BCE.
King of Kish who conquered other city states to start his empire.
An australopithecus female skeleton found in Ethiopia.
Existed 40,000 years ago and is a homo sapien. They were highly reflective in art and existed in Europe.
The "old stone age" which is from the earliest known hominid 3.5 million years ago to 12,000 years ago.
The "new stone age" which is from 12,000 years ago to 8500BCE.
Forming around 800BCE they controlled much of Italy while manufacturing bronze, iron, silver, and gold.
Punic Wars
Three wars (264BCE-146CE) over Sicily. By the end of the third Carthage was burnt to the ground and the land was salted.
Julius Caesar
A great Roman general of daring acts, later becoming emperor of Rome. Upon declaring himself as dictator he was assassinated.
Cult dedicated to the god Mithras. Adopted by soldiers, it focused on Sun & light, divine sanction of human life, and and purposeful moral behavior.
Of Nazareth, a charismatic Jewish teacher. Deemed, Christ, the son of god performing miraculous feats, preaching peace, and was executed in 30CE.
Pax Romana
"Roman Peace" set by Augustus from the 1st-3rd century. Settling civil wars and outbreaks in areas under Roman rule.
An emperor, reigned (284-305CE) divided the empire into two administrative districts. He was a skillful administrator.
Developed by Prophet Mani, "the elect" were especially holy abstaining from pleasures. "the hearers" led conventional lives while supporting the elect. All looked towards personal salvation.
St. Augustine
(354-430CE) bishop of North Africa city of Hippo. Put Platonist, Manichaeanistc, and Hellenistic teachings into Christianity.
A Carthage military commander. Marched troops through the alps and defeated many Roman armies. Returned to Carthage and failed as an administrator. Voluntary exiled himself to the Seleucid Court where he was a military adviser.
Encountered Byzantine ideas in long distance trade. Adopted an ascetic heretic lifestyle.
St. Francis
Founded order of mendicant (beggars) friars. (1182-1226) who preached for alms (money) to live holy lifestyles.
Descendants of Vikings, living on the peninsula of Normandy in France. Served Carolinians and later Capetians. Constructed centralized rule with Dukes.
Hansaetic League
Trade network in the Baltic and North Sea which embraced many cities. This encouraged economic, social, and banking growth.
A code of conduct among nobles which held a high ethical standard of individuals to become examples of behavior in society.
Urban II
The pope that launched the crusades in 1095. Called for Christian kings to take back the holy land, Jerusalem.
Eleanor of Aquitane
(1122-1204) liberally supported romantic poets & entertainers. The most celebrated woman of her time supporting chivalry, good manners, refinement, and romantic love.