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78 Cards in this Set

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Grand Canal

the waterway linking the Yellow and Yangzi Rivers

Li Shimin

founder of the Tang Empire, second emperor

Tang Empire

empire unifying china, 618-907

tributary system

countries not under the control of China enrolled as tributary states, meaning they acknowledged the emperor for exchange for trading rights or alliances

Song Empire

960-1126, controlled by the Lioa and the Jin people


a very large flat bottom sailing ship produced in the Tang


saltpeter, sulfur, charcoal. brought to china in 400-500's


new approaches to Confucianism, basic ruling in the Song


Japanese word for highly disciplined meditation

movable type

each character is cast on a separate piece of metal


practice of identifying special individuals who will interact with spirits for the benefit of the community


Korean kingdom founded in 918-1259


aristocratic family that dominated the Japanese imperial court

Kamakura Shogunate

first of Japan's decentralized military governments

champa rice

quick maturing rice that can allow two harvests in one growing season


a state based on the Indonesian island of sumatra

Why was the city Chang'an important to the Sui and the tang?

played a key role in the development of communication and trade (tributary system)

What two cultures did the tang Empire blend?

Chinese and Turkish cultures. Chinese weapons with Turkish ways.

To facilitate communication and trade between northern and southern china, the sui built the...

grand canal

the sui dynasty fell because...

overextension, high cost of public works, assassination of emperor, need for massive resources

the tang empire is considered cosmopolitan because...

it mixed styles, goods, and cultures from every part of asia

Which sect of Buddhism was connected with the Tang Dynasty?


Chinese maritime innovations included...

compasses and large oceangoing ships

Gunpowder was first used nu the Chinese against...


The use of printed materials in rural life included all of the following except...

directions for cross pollination of crops

the tang empire declined when...

political decay and military decline undermined the social order

After the decline of the tang Empire, the states that emerged were...

Liao, Song and tanggut

the most important technological innovations of the song empire was...

the stern-mounted rudder, high-quality steel, and gunpowder

according to neo-Confucianism, the ideal person is the...


the development of movable type and printed material helped with...

letting people access info on planting and irrigation, furthered development of agriculture land, adaptation of iron plows and rakes, information on how to prevent disease

Confucianism spread to east asia with the spread of

the Chinese writing system

prior to contact with china, koreas primary religion was...


which Chinese custom did the Japanese choose not to implement

walls around its cities for protection

it appears that women enjoyed greater status in korea and Vietnam, for example...

the trung sisters of Vietnam led local farmers in resistance against invaders


powerful city in central mexico 100bce-750ce


raised fields constructed along lakeshores in Mesoamerica to increase agriculture yields


Mesoamerican civilization concentrated in mexico's yucatan peninsula but never unified into a single empire

what did the maya contribute?

math, astronomy, the calendar


power postclassic empire in centrsl mexico


an ethnic state in ancient Mesoamerica, the common political building block of that region


a group up to a hindered families that served as a social building block of an altepelt


also known as mexica, created a powerful empire in central mexico (1325-15210


Andean lineage group or kin-based community


Andean labor system based on shared obligations to help kinsmen and work on behalf of the ruler and religious orginazations


civilization of north coast of peru, built extensive irrigation


Andean civilization culturally linked to Tiwanku, perhaps beginning as a colony of Tiwanku


name of capital city and empire centered on the region of Lake Titicaca

tribute system

system in which captured peoples were forced to pay a tax in the form of goods and labor


capital of Aztec empire


important culture of what is now the southwest united states, built multistory residences and worshipped in building called kivas


largest and most powerful Andean empire


form of political organization with a ruler by a hereditary leader who held power over a collection of a village


system of knotted colored cords used by preliterate Andean peoples to transmit information

religion in Teothaucan was


The benefit of chinampas was...

year round agriculture

maya society was organized in which family system...


maya sacrificed victims typically consisted of...

captured nobility from other areas

women in maya society were...

central to the religious and economic life of every home

the major states in the postclassic periods were those of the..

toltecs and aztecs`

The dates of the Inca Empire were...


the Aztecs formed their empire by...

ruthlessly conquering other people

Andean civilization was...

isolated and mountainous

the Andean mountain agriculture supported which products?

meat, grains and potatoes

llamas and alpacas were valued by the incas for...

wool, food and trasportation

the principal reason for human sacrifice among the Aztecs was...

Huitzilopochtli required a diet of human hearts

How did the Inca ensure the loyalty of defeated regions?

by forcing the heirs of defeated rulers to live in the royal court

the city of cuzco was not as large as Tenochtitlan, but...

it was laid out in the shape of a puma

where was the inca empire located?


who was the emperor of the Aztec empire?


what was the capital city of the inca epire?


who was the conqueror of the Aztec empire?


location maya empire?


emperor of the inca empire?


capital city of the Aztec empire?


conqueror of the inca empire


location of the Aztec empire


the years maya was in effect


the years Aztec was in effect
