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56 Cards in this Set

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Why were Europeans in the New World not so easily subdued by the scowl of their superiors when Brtions were?
people in Britian were born into changeless surroundings
all citizens willingly submit their private, selfish interests to the common good.opposed to aristocracy and monarchy
radical whigs
a group of British political commentators who said that arbitrary power of a monarch threatened liberty. they warned that monarchs could easily be corrupt, and cared to protect civil rights.
wealth is power and a country's economic wealth could be measured by the amount of gold and silver in its treasury. to gain this, a country had to export more than it imported .
why did britian feel it had a right over the colonies?
mercantilism said it was a good source of supplies and a guaranteed market for exports which allowed the country more export than import.
one of the fist mercantilist laws and when? who was it aimed against?
Navigatoin Law of 1650, aimed against the Dutch shippers trying to make their way into Amerian carrying trade
European goods destined for america had to go through what first?
they had to be brought to britian so tarrifs could be passed
what did britian say about american export of tobacco and other goods?
they could only export it to britian
what was there a shortage of in the colonies? What did colonists do about it, and what did that cause?
money, printed paper money which quickly depreciated and made parliament prohibit the colonial legislatures from printing paper currency and from passing bankruptcy.
what did the british crown have the right to do to legislation?
nullify any of it if it interfiered with the mercantilist system
how did colonists benefit from the mercantile system?
they reaped the benefits of trade with Britain, and Virginia monopolized the tobacco trade, ship parts were sold to Britain, and the redcoats protected the colonies without a penny of cost.
how much debt was Britain in after the French and Indian war?
140 million pounds
who was the prime minister who first imposed taxes to gain money lost by the war? when did these taxes begin?
George Grenville, 1763
what policy was passed in 1763?
stronger enforcement of the Navigation Laws
what was the first law ever passed by parliament for raising tax revenue in the colonies for the crown? when? what did it say?
sugar acts of 1764, made a high duty on foreign sugar imported from the west indies?
quartering act and when
1765, colonies had to provide food and quarters for British troops
Stamp acts and when
1765, stamps had to be affixed to show a tax was paid to to bills of sale, some commercial and legal documents, playing cards, pamphlets, newspapers, diplomas, bills of lading, and marriage liscenec
what court rights were denied to colonists and paid for by the stamp and sugar acts?
admiralty courts which allowed trial without jury and the nothing "guilty until proven innocent"
why did the americans think they were being stolen from with taxes?
parliament had no american representatives
Stamp Act Congress and when
1765, brought together delegates from nine colonies in NYC
nonimportantion agreements
agreement to boycott british goods after the stamp acts
how did the sons and daughters of liberty react to the stamp act?
they sometimes tar and feathered violators of the non-importation agreements and ransacked the houses of unpopular officials
what percent of exports of england did americans buy?
declaratory act and when?
1766, reaffirmed parliament's right to bind the colonists in all cases whatsoever
Charley Townshend
convinced Parliament to pass the Townshend Acts in 1767, determined to pluck feathers from the colonial goose
what did the townshend acts include?
glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea
what happened to profits of townshend acts? what tactic did this stop the colonists from using? what happened the same year that made this worse?
they paid for salaries of royal governors and judges in America. Americans could not withhold salaries to get governors to comply with them anymore. also,in 1767 ny legislature was suspended for lack to comply with the quartering acts
what did the british do to stop smuggling of tea?
they sent in two regiment troops in boston in 1768
date of the Boston Massacre?
march 5, 1770
who defended the british in the boston massacure?
john adams
who was the first to die in the boston massacre? how many killed total?
crispus attucks, 11
who was the "engineer of rebellion"?
samuel adams
what did samuel adams form?
the comittees of correspondence in massachussets, which was meant to spread the spirit of resistance through letters
what evolved into the first American congress?
the committees of correspondence
when did the British east india company file bankrupcy and what did britian do in response?
1773, the ministry decided to award the company with a monopoly on tea in america. the tea was sold more cheaply than ever
how did american respond to the british east india company's monoply?
they thought the lower prices were tricks to bait the colonists with cheaper tea and accept tax. the americans did not buy any tea
which british governor in boston insisted on the landing of a british tea ship?
thomas hutchinson
date of boston tea party
december 17, 1773
what did the intolerable acts do?
1. Boston Port Act- closed Boston harbor until damages were paid
2. many charter rights taken away
3. restrictions on town meetings
4. British soldiers could be sent to Britian for trial
4. new Quartering acts- soldiers could lodge anywhere
what accompanied the intolerable acts in 1774? What did it do?
Quebec Act, gave more land to French Catholics
what did the colonies do in response to the intolerable acts?
continental congress- met in Philadelphia to consider what to do about IAs. only georgia was not present.
who played a "stellar" role in the continental congress by convincing his colleagues to take a revolutionary angle? what did he propose?
John Adams, American home rule under British direction
what did the continental congress draw up (2)?
Declaration of Rights and the Association
what did the Association say?
called for a complete boycott of british goods, nonimportation, nonexportation, nonconsumption
Why were the British sent to Lexington and Concord? When?

What happened?
1775, to seize stores of colonial gunpowder and to bag rebel ringleaders, samuel adams and john hancock

The british licked off minute men at lexington but were forced to retreat at concord. they eventually regained boston but had some 300 casualties
what ratio did the british citizens outnumber the colonists?
what king was in power during lexington and concord? who was the prime minister?
king george III, lord north
what was against the british during the rev. war?
opressed ireland, france, inept london government, many britons did not want to kill their cousins, whigs supported the colonies because they hated tories, second rate generals, distance from home
what did colonists have no their side in the revolutionary war?
great generals, possible french allies, unemployed european officers volunteered their swords for pay,
what french general greatly helped colonists' armies
marquis de lafayette
who (what was his profession, too) issued slavery for any black man that fought on the British's side, and when?
1775, Lord Dunmore, royal governor of virginia
what german official whipped colonial soldiers into shape?
Baron von Steuben
when were the articles of confederation adopted?
what did colonists have no their side in the revolutionary war?
great generals, possible french allies, unemployed european officers volunteered their swords for pay, agriculturally sustained themselves, fought for what they believed in
what was against colonists in the revolutionary war?
bad organization, lacking in unity, intercolonial jealousy, economic difficulties, lack of guns and military supplies, lack of clothing
what did american merchants do during the revolutionary war?
they sold to the british because they could pay in gold