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108 Cards in this Set

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organized to oppose the Stamp Act

Sons of Liberty

made Florida part of the US

Adams-Onis Treaty

opposed the Constitution


first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe


congress could only do what was specifically stated in the Constitution

strict construction

wrote "The Star Spangled Banner"

Francis Scott Key

passed to punish Boston

Coercive Acts

Maine entered as a free state, Missouri entered as a slave state, and slavery was forbidden north of the 36 30 line

Missouri compromise

leader of the Sons of Liberty

Samuel Adams

a general search warrant allowing customs officials to search a person or his property at will

writ of assistance

gave the US the right of deposit at New Orleans

Pinckney's Treaty

period of political harmony after the collapse of the Federalist Party

era of good feelings

introduced resolutions to the House of Burgesses stating that they alone could tax Virginians


belief that congress may do anything not prohibited by the Constitution

loose construction

means that colonies exist only to benefit the mother country


appointed to write the Declaration of Independence

Committee of Five

supported the Constitution


went up the Arkansas River, into the Rockies, in what is now Colorado


saved the economy of Jamestown by producing smokeable tobacco


passed by parliament stating they had the power to make any laws governing the colonies

Declaratory Act

surrendered to Washington at Georgetown


required colonists to provide food and lodging for British soldiers

Quartering Act

no fewer than three nor more than five states could be created out of the Northwest territory

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

prohibited US ships to sail to foreign ports

Embargo Act of 1807

bound for a specific period of time to the person who paid their way to America

indentured servant

wrote Common Sense


put limits on the number of warships that the US and Great Britain could have on the Great Lakes

Rush-Bagot Agreement

called the Intolerable Acts in America

Coercive Acts

did most of the work writing the Declaration of Independence


a series of essays explaining the Constitution in great detail

The Federalist Papers

prohibited settlement west of the Appalachian mountains

Proclamation of 1763

case helped establish freedom of the press


pamphlet encouraging independence and criticizing the king

Common Sense

divided the northwest territory into townships

Land Ordinance of 1785

Who wrote the Federalist Papers?

Hamilton, Jay, and Madison

ended the War of 1812

Treaty of Ghent

forced movement of the Cherokee to Indian Territory

Trail of Tears

headed the committee that wrote the Articles of Confederation


first case in which judicial review was used

Marbury vs Madison

provided for a fin and jail term for anyone who criticized the gov't

Sedition Act

What was included in the Connecticut Compromise?

a bicameral congress with House of Representatives based on population and a senate with equal representation

Name one British advantage and one disadvantage in the Revolutionary War

advantage- best navy in the world

disadvantage- fighting on unfamiliar ground

Why was the Battle of Saratoga the turning point of the Revolutionary War?

showed foreign countries (esp. France) that America could win so they sent aid

List the items included in Clay's American System.

internal improvements, strong national bank system, and protective tariffs

What were the main points of the Monroe Doctrine?

1. Americas were no longer open for European colonization

2. the US would no longer become involved in European affairs

prohibited antislavery petitions from being brought up in the House of Reps

gag rule

led the first Americans to settle in Texas

Stephen F. Austin

worked for free public education, constant curricula, and better teacher pay


chosen to command the Texas army and to be president of the Republic of Texas


founded the mormon church

Joseph Smith

published the abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator


blazed the Santa Fe Trail and opened the south west for trade


worked to improve prisons and set up institutions for the mentally ill


known as the "Black Moses"


another name for the American Party


What was the result of Nat Turner's rebellion?

slaves were prohibited from learning to read and write

Who developed the rendezvous system?

William Ashley

led troops into CA to help the people there gain their independence in the Bear Flag Revolt


set the Oregon border at the 49th parallel

Treaty of 1846

said it was America's "Manifest Destiny to overspread and possess the whole of the continent"


name two of the provisions of the Compromise of 1850

1. CA would enter as a free state

2. NM and Utah would decide on slavery themselves

name two arguments against the annexation of Texas

1. south would gain too much power politically

2. it could bring war with Mexico

name two causes of the Mexican War

1. patriots resented the loss of Texas

2. Mexican gov't wouldn't pay claims to US

groups in New England that sent pro-slavery people to settle in Kansas

Emigrant Aid Societies

first agreement made between the US and Japan

Treaty of Kanagawa

allowed people to vote on whether or not slavery would be allowed

popular sovereignty

wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin on the evils of slavery and stirred up feelings of antislavery


purpose was to provide a route for a transcontinental railroad from the deep south to the pacific

Gadsden Purchase

Who was elected president of the CSA? vice president?

Davis - Pres.

Stephens - VP

sailed up the MS River and took New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Natchez


`freed all the slaves in the states in rebellion

Emancipation Proclamation

name the CSA and USA ironclads

Merrimack and Monitor

what was the bloodiest one-day's fighting of the Civil War?

Battle of Antietam

name two CSA advantages in the Civil War

1. fighting on the defense

2. fighting for their way of life

how did the north name battles? the south?

north - after natural things

south - after physical things

what was the result of Antietam?

showed other countries the CSA could not win so they did not send aid

name two USA advantages in the civil war

1. outnumbered CSA almost 3:1

2. had 90% of manufacturing

abolished slavery throughout the US

13th amendment

defined citizenship and prohibited states from depriving any man of his rights

14th amendment

gave all men the right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude

15th amendment

rented land for cash

tenant farmers

white southerners that supported reconstruction and the Republicans


divided the south into 5 military districts with a Union general presiding over each

Reconstruction Act

name two examples of the Black Codes

blacks could not be on juries and could not hold meetings without a white man present

took over president after Lincoln was assassinated

Andrew Johnson

people who farmed land for a percentage of the crop at harvest time


northerners that came to the south looking for economic gain because of the problems there


prohibited the use of force or terror to keep someone from voting

Force Acts

assassinated Abraham Lincoln

John Wilkes Booth

set up to help blacks make the transition from slavery to freedom

Freedman's Bureau

What was the Tenure of Office Act? How did Pres. Johnson test it?

said the president couldn't fire any gov't. officials without the senates approval; he fired Sec. of War Stanton and replaced him with Grant

describe an impeachment proceeding

the House is the prosecutor, the Senate is the jury, and the Chief of Justice presides; they need a 2/3 majority vote for removal from office

set up a civil service commission to give tests to people seeking gov't. jobs

Pendleton Act

segregation laws that called for called for separate facilities for blacks and whites

Jim Crow Laws

replaced iron rails with steel making them stronger and safer


most famous political boss; controlled Tammany Hall which ran the Democratic Party in NYC, stole $200 million from the US through haud and graft


Supreme Court ruled that states could control businesses that operated in the public's interest

Munn vs. Illinois

adopted by the southern states to keep blacks from voting, included a poll tax, literacy test, and resident requirements

Mississippi Plan

aka Patrons of Husbandry; set up originally to help farmers cope with the loneliness of farm life


shot James A. Garfield


Supreme Court ruled that separate but equal was allowed by the Constitution

Plessy vs. Ferguson

Why did rail lines divide the US into 4 time zones?

to avoid wrecks and keep schedules

invented basketball


adapted rugby into American football


founded the Tuskegee Institute and believed backs should focus on economic advancement rather than social equality

Booker T. Washington

patented the telephone and helped form the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. to provide long distance service


1st American to receive PhD from Harvard


Where did most of the "new immigrants" come from?

southern and eastern Europe