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53 Cards in this Set

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Mt. Vernon Conference
Hosted by Washington to discuss what could be done to the country's inability to overcome critical problems.
Annapolis Convention
Was to hold further discussion about serious problems which was discussed in the Mt. Vernon Conference in which all the states might be represented.
Constitutional Convention
Held in Philadelphia with the purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation.
Framers of Constitution
Was delegates of the constitution.
James Madison
Help to specified articles of the constitution.(father of the Constitution)
Alexander Hamilton
Help to specified articles of the constitution.First secretary of the treasury.
Gouverneur Morris
Help to specified articles of the constitution.
John Dickinson
Help to specified articles of the constitution.
Checks and Balances
One branch of government having sufficient power to check the others.
Virginia Plan
Proposed by Madison which favored the larger states to have more representatives.
New Jersey Plan
Favored the smaller states to have more representation in congress.
Connecticut Plan: Great Compromise
The resolution between the conflict of Smaller vs Larger states representation in Congress.It provided for a two-house Congress.
House of Representatives
Each state would be represented according to the size of its population.
Each state would be given equal representation.
Three fifths Compromise:Slave trade
Counted each slaves as three fifths of a person for states level of taxation and representation.Slaves would be imported until 1808 when Congress could abolish the practice.
Commercial Compromise
Allowed Congress to regulate interstate and foreign commerce.
Electoral College System
Delegates assigned to each state a number of electors equal to the total of that state's representatives and senators.
Supported the Constitution and a strong central government.
Opposed the Constitution and a strong central government.
The Federalists Papers
Presented reasons for believing in the practicality of each major provision of the Constitution.
Bill of Rights: Amendments
Protecting American Liberties and Rights.
Legislative Branch
Makes day to day decision with limited power.
Executive departments: Cabinet
President organize a cabinet in which to hold meetings with approved leaders for advice and information.
Henry Knox
First appointed secretary of war.
Edmund Randolph
First appointed attorney general.
Judiciary Act (1789)
Established a Supreme Court with one chief justice and five associate justices.
Federal Courts
13 district courts and three circuit of appeals.
Supreme Court
Ruled on the Constitutionality of decisions made be state courts.
National debt
Government faced financial difficulties.
Infant Industries
Hamilton proposed the infant industries should be protected and collect adequate revenues at the same time by imposing high Tariffs on imported goods.
National Bank
Made to deposit government funds and for printing banknotes that would provide the basis for a stable U.S. currency.
Tariffs:excise taxes
taxes paid on good or products.
French Revolution
French war against Britain to establish a republic.
Proclamation of Neutrality
Issued in 1793 by president Washington declaring the U.S. neutrality in the French-British war.
"Citizen" Edmond Genet
A French minister to the U.S. who broke the normal rules of diplomacy by appealing directly to the American to support French cause.He got married in the U.S. and became a citizen.
Jay Treaty (1794)
Washington sent John Jay to Britain to talk them out of its offensive practice of searching and seizing American ships and impressing seamen into the British navy.He returned with a treaty in which Britain agreed to evacuate its posts on the U.S. western frontier.
Pinckney Treaty (1795)
U.S minister Thomas Pinckney went to Spain and negotiated a treaty in which Spain agreed to open the lower Mississippi River and New Orleans to American trade.
Right of Deposit
Granted to Americans so that they could transfer cargoes in New Orleans without paying duties to the Spanish government.
Battle of Fallen Timbers
In 1794 the U.S. led by general Anthony Wayne defeated various Indian tribes in Northwestern Ohio.Later in Treaty of Greenville in which the Native surrendered claims to the Ohio Territory and promised to open it up to settlements.
Whiskey Rebellion (1794
In western Pennsylvania, farmers refused to pay the federal excise tax on Whiskey.The farmers defended their "Liberties" by attacking the revenue collectors.
Public Land Act (1796)
Passed by Congress, it established orderly procedures for dividing and selling federal lands at reasonable prices.
Federalist era
The 1790s was dominated largely by Federalist policies, political parties began to form around two leading figures, Hamilton and Jefferson.
Favored the protection of the states' rights and strict containment of federal power.
Political Parties
In 1796 the two major political parties were the Federalists and the Democratic-Republican.Political parties are organizations to gain political power.
Washington" Farewell Address
Washington spoke about policies and practices that he considered unwise.
"Permanent Alliances"
Washington warned against this this and future presidents would take heed of this.
Two-Term tradition
Was a long-range consequence of Washington's decision to leave office after two terms which later presidents would follow.
John Adams
First and only Federalist president.He also signed the alien and Sedition Act.
XYZ Affair
When president Adams sent a delegation to Paris to negotiate with the French government, French ministers known as X,Y,and Z requested bribes.
Alien and Sedition Acts
The Alien Act authorized the president to deport any alien considered dangerous and to detain any enemy aliens in time of war. The Sedition Act made it illegal for newspaper editors to criticize either the president or Congress and imposed heavy penalties for editors who violated the law.
Kentucky and Virginia Resolution
Declared that the states had entered into a "compact" in forming the national government and if any act of the Federal Government broke the compact a state should nullify the federal laws.
Revolution of 1800
The peaceful change in office from Federalist control to Democratic-Republican control.