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71 Cards in this Set

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Sphere of Influence-
Area recognized by other nations as primarily the interest of one particular nation (e.g Eastern Europe was regarded after WWII as within the Soviet Union’s sphere of influence)
Soviet foreign minister during and after the war
Potsdam Conference-
July 1945 meeting between Truman, Stalin & Atlee (new Brit PM) where it was decided that Germany would be occupied by Brit, Fr, US & USSR temporarily
Baruch Plan-
1946 US plan to keep the US the only nuclear power. It was rejected by Stalin’s USSR.
1946 US policy (articulated by Kennan in his “long telegram”) of preventing the USSR from spreading communism beyond where it already existed. It was first tested in Greece & Turkey in 1947 where Soviet-backed communists were trying to take over so Pres Truman sent $400 mil in aid to anti-communists
Domino Theory-
Eisenhower’s term for how countries might begin falling to communism if not stopped
Marshall Plan-
1948-1952 US sec of state Marshall’s successful plan of rebuilding Western Europe with US money ($13 bil) to keep it from falling to communists
Berlin Airlift-
1948-49. USSR blocks access to western zone in Berlin via roads & rail (to get west out of city) but US supplies city by air & Stalin gave in. It was a major victory in the Cold War for the West & turned Berlin into the symbol of the Cold War.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Western alliance system v. communism started in 1949.
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. 1949 Soviet sponsored organization in response to NATO.
National Security Council. US agency established in 1947 to set defense and military priorities.
1950 NSC report that suggested the US dramatically increase defense spending to deal with the Soviet threat
General MacArthur-
US general in charge if occupied Japan from 1945-1951
Mao Zedong-
Chinese communist leader whose forces took over China in 1949 turning it into a communist nation
Zhou Enlai-
aka Chou En-lai. Communist leader with Mao.
Jiang Jieshi-
aka Chiang Kai-shek. Leader of the non-communist Nationalists forces in China who lost to Mao’s communists in 1949 after US withdrew financial aid. The nationalists fled to the island of Formosa and established the non-communist nation of Taiwan while the communists established the People’s Republic of China on the mainland
China Lobby-
US anti-communist group led by publisher Luce & Rep senators Mundt & Knowland who accused Truman’s sec of state Acheson of losing China to the communists & insisted that the US should not recognize communist China as a legitimate nation
Truman’s sec of state whom the China Lobby accused of losing China
Red China-
Term used by China Lobby for People’s Republic of China
38th parallel-
Line of latitude that divided Korea into communist N & non-communist S
Kim Il Sung-
Communist leader of N Korea
Syngman Rhee-
Non-Communist leader of S Korea
Korean War-
1950-1953. Communist N invades non-communist S. US sends troops to help S & nearly push communists out of N entirely (and perhaps reuniting Korea as a non-communist nation) but then Red China sends 300,000 troops & drive US/S Korean forces back below the 38th parallel where the nations were officially divided by 1953 treaty. The war underscored the need to deal with communist aggression anywhere & Asia became a major theater of conflict
Police Action-
Term used to describe Korean War since it began as United Nation action v. communist aggression and aimed only to reestablish peace with a UN “peace-keeping force”
Yalu River-
N border between N Korea & China. It was across the Yalu River that the Chinese had invaded Korea. MacArthur openly suggested that the US “bomb the Yalu” (i.e. use nukes on China) & was fired by Truman
Election of 1952-
Repub Eisenhower & VP Nixon defeat Dem Stevenson. (Truman chose not to run due to the unpopularity of the Korean War which had been dubbed “Truman’s War”)
New Look-
Eisenhower’s foreign policy of building up nuclear weapons as a cheaper way of dealing with Soviet/communist aggression
Massive Retaliation-
Eisenhower policy of guaranteeing peace by the threat of a huge nuclear response to Soviet/communist aggression
Eisenhower’s Sec of State
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. Nuclear weapons deployed by both the Us & USSR which were capable of hitting targets thousands of miles away
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization created by Sec of state Dulles in 1954
Covert Interventions-
Secret attempts to undermine anti-US, pro-communist governments
Central Intelligence Agency. Created to launch covert interventions. It helped put the Shah of Iran on the throne in 1953 & oust Guzman in Guatemala in 1954
Jewish nationalism which had helped to establish a Jewish state in Israel (aka Palestine) in 1948. This began a struggle between Arab Muslims and Jewish settlers who both claim this area.
Pan-Arab Egyptian leader after 1954
Suez Crisis-
Nasser accepts Soviet help to build the Aswan Dam on the Nile & nationalizes the Suez Canal in 1956. Brit & France (which had controlled the canal) invade & take it back but the US asks them to give it up
Eisenhower Doctrine-
Post-Suez Canal policy that asserted the US would help any nation v. armed communist aggression
Employment Act-
1946 law to achieve full employment by using Keynesian deficit spending to spur & control growth
Taft-Hartley Act-
1947 republican-sponsored law passed over Truman veto that rolled back 1935 National Labor Relations Act & allowed “right-to-work” laws that limited unions’ operations
Election of 1948-
Truman in his Fair Deal/“Give ‘em hell, Harry” campaign defeats Repub Dewey in a close election that included a Progressive Party led by ex-FDR VP Wallace & a States’ Rights Party (aka Dixiecrats) led by SC gov Strom Thurmond
Fair Deal-
Truman’s extension of FDR’s New Deal which emphasized social & economic equality, little of which was passed
Socialized Medicine-
A major but never achieved part of Truman’s Fair Deal which called for the federal government, not private industry, to provide health care for Americans
Senator McCarthy-
WI senator whose anti-communism helped to create a Red Scare after WWII but whose aggressive style (especially in the televised Army/McCarthy hearings in 1954) eventually led to his censure
House Committee on Un-American Activities. Formed in 1938 to root out fascist & communist influence in unions & New Deal agencies it helped spark the “Great Fear” in 1947 when it looked into communist influence in the movie industry
People who were accused of communist sympathies & were therefore not to be hired by anyone
Fellow Travelers-
Term for communist sympathizers
Alger Hiss-
Former New Deal & state Dept official (who’d been at Yalta with FDR) who HUAC (with the help of ex-communist journalist Whittaker Chambers) discovered was a communist and had passed on classified documents to the USSR
Richard Nixon-
CA republican representative, then senator whose work on HUAC made him a major anti-communist hero
Husband & wife communist spies convicted of espionage & executed in 1953 whose trial was a sensation
I Like Ike-
1952 Eisenhower election slogan
Eisenhower’s Korea, Communism & Corruption campaign tactic in 1952
Hidden Hand Presidency-
Eisenhower’s style as President of appearing to be above politics while actually being deeply involved in it
Soviet satellite launched in 1957 which made many worry that the USSR was beating the US in the “space race”
National Aeronautics and Space Administration founded in 1958 to compete with Sputnik
Election of 1954-
Democrats take over congress
Dept of Health, Education & Welfare established in 1953
Interstate Highway Act-
1956 law to build the interstate highway system (and largest public works program in US history)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Civil Rights Commission-
1946 Truman agency to promote civil rights
Shelly v. Kraemer-
1948 Supreme Court decision striking down racial covenants in housing developments
Desegregating the Troops-
Truman’s decision to desegregate armed forces in 1948
Brown v. Board of Education Of Topeka-
1954 Supreme Court decision striking down the 1896 pro-segregation “separate but equal” Plessy v Ferguson decision
Orval Faubus-
AK gov who refused to integrate Little Rock’s Central High School in 1957 & Eisenhower called in federal troops
Rosa Parks-
Black woman who refused to sit in the back of a bus prompting a bus boycott in Montgomery, AL in 1955
Martin Luther King-
Black minister who led the Montgomery boycott
Southern Christian Leadership Conference-
aka SCLC. Founded in 1957 by King & Reverend Ralph Abernathy to promote civil rights
National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy. Anti-nuke organization
Mutually Assured Destruction. Policy justifying nuclear proliferation by asserting neither side would launch an attack if it meant both would perish in a nuclear holocaust
U2 Incident-
1960 controversy in which US spy plane shot down while spying on USSR. Initially Eisenhower denies it but pilot
Military-Industrial Complex-
Eisenhower’s term for the combined power of military and industry which might work together to promote arms building for its own benefit thereby draining much US energy & resources