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32 Cards in this Set

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How was North America shaped?
Pangea + continental drift, glaciers in the Ice Age (2 mill. - 10,000 yrs ago), orogeny.

it's basic shape was formed 10 million years ago,
How was North America peopled?
For 25,000 years, nomads from Eurasia/Siberia came to N.Amer/Alaska via Bering Isthmus during the Ice Age, most likely in pursuit of game. From there, they migrated south and east.
What was the staple crop? Origin? Impact?
Corn. Mexico 5000 BC. Settlements; the earlier a society began growing corn, the more advanced they were able to become (for this reason, North American Native Americans were more easily subdued by the Europeans)
Describe the most significant NA of 5000 BC (who, where, significance)
Where: C. Amer (Mexico)
Signif: Corn -> most accomplished/advanced of all Native Americans; chinampas
Describe the most significant NA of 1200 BC (Who, where, significance)
Where: Rio Grande, N.Amer SW
Signif: irrigation sys, multistoried buildings
Desc. the most signif NA of the 1st millenium AD (Who, where, signif)
-Ohio RV, upper mid-west

-lower mid-west

-P-d New Mexico, SW desert

-Large populations & settlements, but declined around 1300 AD (possible drought?)
Desc. the most signif NA of early 1000 AD (who, where, signif)
SE Amer
Signif: 3 sisters crops (corn, beans, squash - method retains H2O) --> rich diet, dense population

NE Amer
most accomplished/advanced of North American natives; Iroq. Confederacy; competent military, goverment, and political organization
How did most NA live at the time of the Europeans' arrival (1492)?
small groups, scattered, impermanent settlements

more adv. were agricultural & matrilineal, and had job specialization. (men hunt/fish/find fuel; women tended crops, took on positions of authority)

tread lightly on land, didn't aggressively manipulate land as Europeans did
Where were some indirect discoveries of the New World?
Scandinavians/Norsemen (NE N.Amer p-d Canadian province Newfoundland) ; Europeans (mostly ex-Crusaders) in pursuit of the NW Passage
Why did Europeans enter Africa? Why then?
Pursuit of alt. rt. to Asia + (1450 Portug. discover a way to sail home from African coast with the prevailing winds [no longer had to sail against the current/wind] + caravel)
What were the effects European access to more of Africa (beyond the northern and western coasts)?
gold trade; slave trade expands; plantations on islands off W. Af. Coast --> large scale commercial agric + expand use of slave labor
What were some Portug. accomplishments on the search for alt rt to Asia?
Sail with prevailing winds on way back to Europe from S. Africa; caravel

1488 Bart. Diaz - tip of Af
1498 Da Gama - around tip & to India

Expanded Arab/Af. practice of slave trading
Why did Europeans want to find an alternate route to Asia?
CRUSADES -->(Muslim control of land rt + demand for E.goods (sugar, spice, silk)) + relig. zeal (missionary work) + stress on status and honor + market
Why did Europeans want to explore?
money, power, labor (Africa), certain goods (east), gold & silver (New World), dawn of the Renaissance in 1300s (1400-1700) /spirit of ambitious optimism

As it was well-summed by the Spaniards,
"We came to serve GOD (missionary work), the KING (land, status, power) and also to get RICH (gold)" (most spaniards were disapptd, many indebted to sponsors)
What enabled them to explore?
scientific knowledge and its spread by the printing press 1450, mariner's compass, feasibility of long-range sea travel discovered by Portug.
Who was Columbus?
Italian seafarer, sponsored by the Spanish (K. Ferdinand and Q. Isabella), took off seeking India 10/12/1492 but found the Caribbean Island of Hispaniola (p-d haiti and dom.rep) instead
What was the effect of Columbus' discovery?
Worlds collide, Columbian exchange 1500s --> Population boom, econ growth and inflation in Europe; pop boom and increase in slave trade in Africa; death of Native Americans and more mobility for NA in the New World.
Who was Spain's main competition in S. Amer? How was it solved?
Portugal. Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 (most of land given to Spanish, but Port. got some land in Africa and Asia in addition to Brazil
1513. Claimed Panama for Spain.
Ponce de Leon
1513. Florida for Spain
1519 Conquered the Aztecs in Mexico
1519-1522 circumnavigate
1531-1533 Subdued Incas in Peru --> silver to the Old world --> econ. growth, inflation money
De Soto
1539-1542 SE "U.S." (Florida, Mississippi) -- severely mistreated the NA
1540-42 SW "U.S"
What was the encomienda system?
Indians <--> Christianization. provided a source of labor to work land and spread Christianity
How did the Crusades inspire exploration?
religious zealotry & intolerance
obsession with status & honor
contempt for manual labor
demand for eastern goods
How did Cortes conquer Mexico?
1519 Sailed from Cuba (ARO Columbus, Carib. Islands used as launch off pt to conquer the Americas) to the Yucatan Peninsula. On his way to Mexico, he picked up a SPANISH castaway and Malinche (and Indian slave, thfr knew MAYAN and NAHAUTL, lang of Aztecs). --> mustered native support --> Allies + disease + resemblance to Az. God + counterattack (noche triste -- the unhappy, exploited Aztecs bite back) = CONQUEST 8/13/1521
Consequences of Cortes' conquest of the Aztecs?
300 yrs Spanish rule

Native pop decrease dramatically

Christian Cathedrals replace Aztec places of worship

European crops, animals, language, laws, and religion

DIVERSITY aro mix & mingle (mestizos)

Why did the Spanish want to expand their territory in the Americas?
Secure their possessions against the French (De Verrazano & Cartier) and British (Cabot) in the north east, spread Christianity
How did the Spanish secure their possessions?
Fortify and settle the N.boundary: St. Augustine in Florida

SW "U.S": Onate
- includes Battle of Acoma, against the Acoma Pueblos --> victory --> takeover and oppress (esp. relig) --> Pope's Rebellion 1680 --> NA undermine Spanish influence on northern border of their territory

TEXAS 1716 in response to Fr. Robert de la Salle to Mississippi River

CALI 1769 Father Junipero Serra --> missionary outposts along coast
Effects of Spanish rule
GOOD: universities, books (spread by printing press), extravagant cathedrals, grand empire

BAD: diseased, killed, enslaved; cultural oppression; the "Black Legend" (biasedly antagonizes the Spaniards).

AMBIVALENCE: diversity, cultural diffusion (as opposed to shunning and isolating the NA as the English Anglo-saxons will)