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80 Cards in this Set

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Article IV of the constitution says what?
Full faith and credit clause, priveledges and immunities clause = Everyone is entitled to the same laws, authority, etc. no matter where they are.
Article V
Congress has the power to propose more amendments and so do state legislatures
Article VI
Supremacy clause
Article VII
Ratification of 9 states is enough for the establishment of the Constitution
Bill of attainders and ex post facto laws
What body of power can remove the pres
what body of power can indict the pres
What are the 2 ways that amendments to the Constitution can be proposed?
2/3 state legislatures,
2/3 congress
what are the 2 ways that the constitution can be ratified?
3/4 state conventions
3/4 state legislatures
Amendment 1?
Free speech, religion, press, petition
amendment 2
right to bear arms
3rd amendment
no quartering w/o approval
right against unreasonable searches and seizures
4th amendment (think Mapp v. Ohio)
Amendment 5
No person should be denied due process of law (think of Gideon v Wainwright)
Amendment 6
right to a speedy trial
Amendment 7
Trial by jury in virtually all cases
Amendment 8
no cruel and unusual punishment, excessive bail
Amendment 9
certain rights that are granted to the branches are not meant to hurt the public.
Amendment 10
Powers reserved to states
Amendment 11
Judicial power cant extend to any suit in law or equity
Amendment 12
President and VP are on the same ballot
Amendment 13
Abolishment of slavery
Amendment 14
naturalization, due process of rights
Amendment 15
right to vote (for free men)
Amendment 16
Congress has power to collect income tax
Amendment 17
Direct election of senators by people
Amendment 18
Amendment 19
women can vote
Amendment 20
Times congress should meet
Amendment 21
repeal of prohibition
Amendment 21
Repeal of prohibition
Amendment 22
presidents can only have 2 terms (4 yrs each)
Amendment 23
voting/representation of D.C.
Amendment 24
You dont have to pay a poll tax
Amendment 25
VP should become president if anything happened to president
Amendment 26
18 yr olds can vote
Amendment 27
No law varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and reps should take effect until election time
Congress had the power to incorporate a bank and a state should not tax instruments of the national govt
mcCulloch v Maryland
The Supreme court held that Congress lacked the authority to enact the Act since the statue did not regulate an activity that affected interstate commerce
US vs Morrison
Gideon v Wainwright (1963)
Under the SIXTH amendment, ppl r guaranteed a right to counsel
NY Times v Sullivan
the 1st amendment protects the publication of all statements, including false ones.
Plessy v. Ferguson
state facilities could be separate just as long as they were equal
Gibbons v Ogden

Could the state of NY regulate interstate commerce?
No, regulation of interstate commerce is solely reserved to COngress
Brown v board of education
Does segregation in public schools deprive minority students?
yES b/c they arent really equal
brown v board II
implement policies ASAP
engel v vitae

Is prayer reading in public schools unconstitutional?
Yes b/c it violates the establishment clause that public systems, including the govt, should not enforce religion
zelman v. simmons-harris

Does the Ohio's school voucher program violate the establishment clause?
Their giving aid to certain students to go to religious schools does not advance or induce religion
Roe v Wade
Women have a right to abortion during the 1st trimester
Buckley v Valeo

did campaign limits violate the 1st amendment right?
No----restrictions guarded against unfair practices.

Related to Federal Election Commission
Youngstown sheet and Tube Co. V. Sawyer (1952)

Did the president have the authority to give an order for operation of steel mills?
NO! None of his duties give him this power
U.S. v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corporation

Did Congress in its joint resolution unconstitutionally delegate legislative power to the president?
The Court found no problem with this; the president could act as a representative of the nation
Marbury v madison
you should know this
Bush v Gore

Did the florida supreme court violate aticle ii section 1 calus
yes it was unfair
Barron v Baltimore. did the 5th amendment deny the right of the states and US govt to seize private property for public use w/o justly compensating the property's owner?
NO! the 5th amendment does not apply directly to the states
Ex parte milligan
Trials of civilians by presidentially created military commisions were unconstitutional
ex parte merryman
president cannot suspend habeus corpus
hamdi v rumsfeld
Hamdi got his day in jail
Fed paper 47
the branches of govt should not be completly separate and distinct
Fed paper 48
checks and balances, not just division of powers
fed paper 51
supreme court shouldnt be able to elect new justices because they might end up chosing ppl who arent that qualified
16 fed
the articles gave too much power to the states and not enough to the NATIONAL govt which needs to be able to defend itself
17 fed
state/local govt as a check for national govt
44 fed
states cant make their own treaties

NO! the fed needs the states
will the powers alloted to the fed govt infringe on the states rights?
What is a republican form of government?
a govt that derives its power indirectly or directly from its people.
a strong union can break and control factions w/o limiting freedom
biennial elections are good
examination of the senators
John Locke's state of nature
state of equality where no one has power over one another and can do whatever they want.

this doesnt warrant abuse or crime
Natural liberty
person has the right to be ruled under laws of nature
social liberty
right to be under no legislative power other than that founded by the commonwealth
state of slavery
extension of state of war to a group of ppl
what is individual property?
when someone exerts labor on something, that thing becomes theirs
People are born free w/o reason
AKA TAbula rasa
conjugal society
man/woman in a household hold all power in a household
asbolute power is evil...why?
b/c there is no common authority
What three things does nature lack?
1. law
2. a judge
3. executers
To gain the three things that nature lacks what do ppl must do?
people must give up some of their rights
Executive should always be doing its job
why? b/c that is what it does
the exercise of power beyond right