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25 Cards in this Set

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George Grenville
British prime minister 1763-1765. To obtain funds for britain after the costly 7-yrs war, he ordered the Navy to enforce the unpopular Navigation Laws.
1764-got Parliament to pass the Sugar Act
1765- Quartering Act
1765- Stamp Act.
Disgruntled the colonists, created anger towards Brit, unified them, and helped provide beginnings of Amer Revolution.
Samuel Adams
Master propagandist and engineer of rebellion. Strong politician and leader. Organized local Committees of Correspondence in MA designed to oppose Brit policy forced on the colonists.
Charles Townshend
Control of British ministry. 1767 persuaded Parliament to pass the Townshend Acts. Light import duty on glass, paper, tea...colonists were greatly against it.
John Adams
Second president of the US; attended the 1774 Continental Congress as a delegate from Georgia. Swayed his countrymen to take revolutionary action against England.
King George III
Good man but not a good ruler; lost all 13 American colonies.
Colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country. Export more than you import
No Taxation without Representation
Used by the colonists to protest the 1765 Stamp Act.
"Virtual" representation
Theory that claimed that every member of Parliament represented all Brit subjects, even those Amers that had never voted for a member of the London Parliament
The Board of Trade
an English legislative body based in London, instituted for the governing and economic controlling of the Amer colonies. Keep the colonies functioning under mercantilism while it could.
Sons of Liberty
1765 Organization of upper&middle class people resisting the 1765 Stamp Act. Even though the Stamp Act was repealed in 1766, the Sons of Liberty & Daughters of Liberty remained active resistors.
Quebec Act
After the F& I war, the English claimed Quebec.
1774 Quebec Act allowed the French Colonists to go back freely to their own customs. Colonists have right to access Catholic religion. Extended Quebec N & S into Ohio River Valley-->tension w/colonists
Navigation Acts
Series of Brit laws to put pressure on the colonists. Enforced by Edmund Andros and the Dominion of New England before the Glorious Revolution
Declaratory Act
1766 English PArliament repealed Stamp Act and signed this act. Stated that Parliament had right to 'bind' colonies whenever it wanted. Stopped the violence and rebellions. Restarted trade w/England
First Continental Congress
Convention and consultative body in 1774. Was the American's response to the Intolerable Acts, considereed ways of redressing colonial grievances. Wrote a Declaration of Rights and appeals to Brit Amer colonies and Britain. Called for boycott through their creation-the "Association."
1764 Sugar Act
First law ever passed by Parliament. Put in place for raising revenue for the crown.
1767 Townshend Acts
Colonists protested against the items that were taxed, but found ways around it like smuggling.
Quatering Act
Forced colonists to pay taxes to house and feed Brit soldiers
The Association
Document produced by the 1775 Continental Congress calling for a complete boycott of Brit goods. Hoped to bring back the days before Parliamentary taxation.
1765 Stamp Act
Required the colonists to pay for a stamp to go on many essential documents. 1766 repealed; major colonial victory
Committees of Correspondance
1772 Sam Adams started the first one to spread propaganda and secret information through letters. Extremely effective
German soldiers hired by George III to smash colonial rebellion; proved good in mechanical sense but were more concerned w/$ than duty.
Boston Tea Party
a "Revolt" on the Tea Act of Parliament. As a result, the MA charter was taken away
Colonists loyal to the king during the Amer Revolution
Stamp Act Congress
1765 met in NYC; had little effect at the time but helped toward colonial unity
1774 Intolerable Acts
passed following the Boston Tea Party. Considered unfair because they were designed to chastise Boston in particular