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65 Cards in this Set

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"The American continents... are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers."
James Monroe 1823
Large US ship with thicker sides, heavier firepower, and larger crews. Oldest actively commissioned ship in navy.
Constitution "Old ironsides"
US fort captured by British along Great Lakes
Name the three areas of attack at the beginning of the war.
Detroit, Niagara, and Lake Champlain
Commander who controlled great lakes area.
"We have met the enemy and they are ours"
Saved New York from British invasion.
While Washington fell what city held strong?
Name of person/story of song.
Francis Scott Key wrote song "Star-Spangled Banner" while detained on British ship
Defended New Orleans
Andrew Jackson
War of 1812.
Madison's War
2,000 in half of hour
Battle of New Orleans
Battle of New Orleans did what.
stuck the country like a clap of thunder
Pushed for peace beginning in 1812
Alexander I of Russia
Treaty that ended war. signed when.
Treaty of Ghent, Christmas eve 1814
War ended in
"not one inch of Territory ceded or lost"
The rallying cry was
On to Canada
Federalists who wanted succession
blue light federalist
Brought together at.
Hartford Convention
Two results
financial assitance for lost trade, amendments requiring two thirds vote for embargo, new states, and war. limit one term, eliminate 3/5 clause
most presidents part of
Virginia Dynasty
first 7 Presidents.
Washington, John Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, John Quincy, Jackson
"father of Erie Canal"
Dewitt Clinton
Limited armament of lakes.
Rush Bagot agreement
Two first important writers
Washington Irving and James Cooper
First magazine.
North American Review
"Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong!"
Stephen Decatur
First tariff for protection
Tariff of 1816
Developed the american system.
Henry Clay 1824
One of main aspects.
New England
"the enemy's country"
Monroe announced the
"era of good feelings"
Speculative ___ western banks
Panic of 1819 led to outlaw of
imprisoning debters
First steamboat in
Road from Maryland to Illinois
Cumberland Road
Act that authorized purchase of west land
land act of 1820
Amendment that outlawed new slaves in Missouri
Southern settlers called
"coon dog and dutcher knife tribe"
north saw south as
South embrace what two religions
revivalist Baptist and Methodist denominations
Connected Hudson river to great lakes
erie canal
Person who led Missouri Compromise?
Henry clay
Since Missouri was admited as slave state, what state balanced?
Compromise said to be
dirty bargain
"slavery will burst on us as a tornado"
How many votes did Monroe get?
all but 1
Denied states right to tax federal bank.
McCulloch v Maryland
"That the power to tax involves the power to destroy" "that a power to create implies a power to preserve"
John Marshall, McCulloch v maryland
Powers of federal government decided by supreme court. lottery tickets
Cohens v Virginia
Congress had sole control of commerce.
Gibbons v Ogden or "steam boat case" 1824
Constitution forbade impairing of contracts. Supreme court has right to invalidate state laws.
Fletcher v Peck 1810
Constitution protected contracts against state encroachments
Darthmouth College v Woodward 1819
"it is sir as I had said a small college. And yet there are those who love it.
Daniel Webster "Godlike Daniel"
"One country, one constitution, and one destiny"
Daniel Webster
Pact to share Newfoundland and Canadian cousins, joint occupation of Oregan
Anglo American Convention 1818
On what pretext did Jackson invade Florida
Seminole Indians and slaves were using Florida as refuge
"Old Hickory"
Andrew Jackson
Florida Purchase Treaty "Adams-Ois Treaty"
ceded florida, gave spanish texas
PM who approached Monroe.
"like a tiny American cockboat sailing in the wake of the Briths man of war"
Secretary of Monroe
Quincy Adams
Year of Monroe Doctrine
Two feature
noncolonization and nonintervention
Restricted Russia
Russo-American treaty of 1824