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86 Cards in this Set

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who: hamilton
what: govt responsible for public debt
how: change uncertain certificates of old confederation to uniform-interest- bearing bonds payable at definite dates
funding the debt
who: hamilton
what: govt takes responsibility for public debt
how: take over the debts of states accumulated during revolution
why: encourage state and federal bondholders to look to central govt for eventual payment
signif: want to create permanent national debt where creditors would have permanent stake in govt service surviving
assuming the debt
who: hamilton
what: created ________
why: fill void created by absence of well- developed banking system
how: provided loans and currency to business
depoist for fed. funds
controlled by directors
prov. stable center
signif: madison, jefferson, and randolph were against it
house and senate pass bill
National Bank
Hamilton laid out a scheme to stimulate growth of industry in US and of the advantages of a healthy manufacturing base
signif: vision of what America should become: wealthy ruling class, independent commerical economy, industrial sector
Report on Manufacturers
Hamilton's tax on distillers of alcoholic liquors to raise revenue and protect american manufacturers
excise tax
this party was led by Madison and Jefferson. they wanted a decentralized society dominated by small property owners in agrarian activities. because they feared urban mobs and propertyless workers
republican party
name the two parties of the First Party System
Federalists and Republicans
the two parties reacted very differently to this event.
federalist: in horror of execution of king and queen and attacks on original religion
republicans: applaud the democratic anti-aristocratic spirit of french jacobins
French Revolution
1794. farmers in PA refuse to pay excise tax and terrorize tax collectors. Washington led militia of 15,000 men to pittsburgh= rebellion collapsed
signif: won rebels allegiance through intimidation
Whiskey Rebellion
declared america neutral in war between france and great britain (1789)
neutrality act
he was the 1st diplomatic representative to america.
however he didnt go straight to the president in philly> went to charleston
used american ports to outfit french warships. commission george rogers clark to lead military exped. against spain
signif: washington demands that he be recalled
Citizen Genet
Edmond Genet
he was chief justice of the US supreme court and special commisioner to england
demanded compensation for british assaults on american shipping, withdrawla of brit troops from frontier and a neg. commerical treaty
John Jay
this failed to achieve Jay's goals (1794)
signif: settled conflict w/ britain; prevent war between 2 nations; american= soverieng over all NW
public opposed it. but eventually it was ratified it senate
Jay's Treaty
this asked spain to recognize american right to navigate mississippi river. fix N border of FL along 31st parallel
Pinckney's Treaty
long letter that was published in philly newspaper that denounced the republicans. warned against factions. washington
Washington's Farewell Address
he was a federalist running mate to Adams who was favored by Hamilton and S federalists.
he divided federalists=> adams wins election over jefferson by 3 votes= jefferson VP
Thomas Pickney
advisor to Adams who favored war (sec of state) and detested france
Thomas Pickering
french foreign minister in 1797. 3 of his agents demand loan for france and bribe for officials before treaty negotiations began
> america refuses
Prince Talleyrand
adams denounced french insults to congress and called agents "Mssrs X,Y,Z" created popular outrage> US undeclared war with france for 2 years
XYZ affair
France and US
Adams had congress cut off trade with france, repudiate 1778 treaties, american vessels can capture french
france conciliates with US treaty w/ napoleon bonaparte
Quasi War
put obstacles in way to block foreigners from becoming americans
prosecute those who are libelous or treasonous
discouraged immigration, arrest of republican newspaper editors
Alien and Sedition Acts
theory for state action against alien and sedition acts.
used Locke's ideas to say national govt had made contract with state and had only certain delegated powers. if powers were exceeded- states had the right to nullify appropriate laws
>> no widepspread nullification. brought disputure to national crisis
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
"crusade against ignorance"= enlightened citizens
how: nationwide public schools
why: provide an educated electorate
signif: by 1815 not a single state had good public school sys.
Jeffersonian Vision
their job is to train the new generation.
signif: 1789- mass. required public schools to allow females
Republican Mother
published essay defending women's right to education= said men and women were equal in intellect. should have chance to earn their own living
signif: inspired later women; little support during her lifetime
Judith Seargant Murray
native americas
uncivilized but not innately inferior> try to school indians in white culture
signif: govt did little; missionaries proliferated among tribes
Noble Savages
pioneering philadelphia physician
blamed disease on inadequate sanititaion
advocated bleeding and purging
signif: many patients died
Benjamin Rush
CT schoolmaster and lawyer
said american students should be educated as patriots- wrote American Spelling Book
simplified spelling system
signif: bestselling book besides Bible. speller and dictionaries est. national standard of words and usages
Noah Webster
widely acclaimed for satirical histories of american life
leader of american literacy life in 19th c
Washington Irving
considered god to be withdrawn from direct involvement with human race
written by Thomas Paine
1794& 1796
attacked religious superstitions
Age of Reason
rejected belief in predestination- salvation available to all
rejected trinity- said jesus was great religious teacher- not the son of god
>> permanent schism= james murray founds unitarian church in 1779
universalism and unitarianism
fight spread of rationalism and revitalize church
presbyterians, methodists, baptists= leaders combine
second great awakening
KT - 1801
"camp meeting"- revival lasting several days. 25,000 + people
signif: led to other similar events used to recruit new members
Cane Ridge
brother of a black preacher
va- 1800
devised plan for slave rebellion in richmond
signif: discovered by whites> revivalism continued radical unrest in south
Gabriel Prosser
DE prophet- 1760s
sparked revival in NW w/ messages about christian and indian imagery
called for inidians to defend lands
signif: stimulate indian military efforts of 1763
seneca indian
called for a revival of traditional indian ways
signif: inspired iroquis communities to give up whiskey, gambling, and other white customs
Handsome Lake
didnt accept 2nd great awakening teachings
influence declined- minority
built spinning ill for Moses Brown in RI- 1790
1st modern factory in America
Samuel Slater
flour mill, card-making machine; improved steam engine; published 1st american textbook of mechanical enginneering
Young Mill-Wright's and Miller's Guide
Oliver Evans
invented cotton gin
signif: crop increase 10 fold; slavery expanded
provided N w/ material to develop textile industry

also developed system of making gun parts according to pattern then assembling
Eli Whitney
perfected steamboat
1807- hudson river
paddle-wheels & steam engine
Robert Fulton
this era started in 1792
toll roads run in well populated aread from city to city
short distances
Turnpike Era
who were the candidates and what was the result of the election of 1800
Adams (federalist)
jefferson (republican)
ugliest election in history
Jefferson wins
who: Aaron Burr- rev. war veterans
what: republican political machine
where: NY
signif: carried city and state to rep. vote= jefferson president
(tie between Burr and jefferson> house votes> jefferson elected)
Tammany Society
lame duck congress
what: reduced # of supreme court justices by one and increase federal judges
why: federalist hold on judicial branch
judiciary act of 1801
who: adams
what: appts fed. judges to new positions
stayed till midnight on last day to finish
midnight appointments
french architect who designed DC w/ grand scale of broad ave. radiating from capitol building
Pierre L'Enfant
military academy
jefferson- 1802
West Point
pirates from Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, Tripolii
what: demand protect. $$$ from ships in Mediterranean
>>jefferson decides not to pay> builds up navy > 1805 agreement of $60,000 and ends tribute paying
Barbary Pirates
says that judicial branch has the power to nullify acts of congress
Judicial Review
1803 supreme court case
established judicial review when it declared judiciary acto of 1789 unconstitutional
Marbury v Madison
chief justice of US
gives fed govt unity
judicial branch= coequal w/ exec & leg.
John Marshall
highly partisan Fed. supreme court judge.
congress tried to impeach him
because congress said he obstructed other branches of govt through partisan speeches
signif: impeached but aquitted by senate= impeachment CANT be used for political purposes
Samuel Chase
treaty between France and Spain
France gets Lousiana and New Orleans
signif: Napolean hoped LA would be heart of French Empire in America
Treaty of San Ildefonso of 1860
black leader in Santo Domingo> est. a republic
Toussaint L'Ouverture
american minister to paris
secured ratification of Franco- American settlement of 1800> observed terms before ratified
negotioated terms of LA purchase w/ Monroe
Robert Livingston
Monroe and Livingston
purchase LA territory
april 30, 1803
$15 million
Lousiana Purchase
cross country to Paific Ocean, geather geological fatcs, investigate trade w/ indians
Lewis and Clark
shoshone women
guide lewis and clark across rocky mts. to pacific coast
led expedition to upper mississippi valley and colorado> failed to climb peak
claims its uninhabitable land
Zebulon Pike
extreme federalists in Mass.
want to form a northern confederacy
feared new states joining US
failed b/c/ hamilton didnt support
Essex Junto
system by Napoleon in 1806-1807
barred Brit ships and allies from landing at any Euro port controlled by France
closed euro. continent to brit trade after brits beat french at battle of Trafalgar
Continental System
british blockade the Euro. coast
any goods shipped to napoleonic empire had to be on brit ships
>> america caught inbetween the 2 decrees
Orders in Council
british navy forced soldiers into service
many deserted and joined americans> brit stop ships and brign them back into service
brit & america
american commander James Barron refused to let Brits search ship= brit open fire> barron surrenders
signif: public wants revenge. monroe gets brits to return 2 out of 4 men taken & compensation but britain doesnt renounce impressment
Chesapeake- Leopard Incident
prohibits american ships from leaving US for a foreign port
to protect nation from brink of war
signif: law widely evaded. creates depression especially for NE merchants> 1808 madison wins presidency and ends
Embargo Act 1807
congress opened up trade with all nations except GB and France> expired a year later
Non-Intercourse Act
opens free commerce with GB and France
gives president the right to stop commerce in one country violates neutral shipping after the other stops.
signif: napoleon stops intering with american ships to try to induce embargo against Brit. = britain stops blockade. not soon enough to stop a war
Macon's Bill No. 2
VA born indian veteran fighter
passed Harrison Land law
to enable settlers to aquire famrs on easier terms
William Henry Harrison
indian leader- charismatic religious leader. known as the prophet
spoke of superior virtues of indian civilization and corruption of white world
signif: inspired religious revial and unites tribes
wabash river
sacred place for people of many tribes & prophet's headquarters
"shooting star" chief of shawnees
tried to unite indians of Miss. Valley to stop white expansion
signif: traveled miss river to persuade S tribes to join alliance > Battle of Tippecanoe
Harrison & Tecumseh
nov. 7, 1811
harrison drove off indians and burned town
signif: disillusioned many Tecumseh supporters= confederacy in disarray> some still want combat> 1812 active on frontier raiding settlements
Battle of Tippecanoe
who: representatives eager for war
when : 1810
what: ardent nationalists who want territorial expansion
war hawk
house of representatives- speaker of the house
filled committees with those who want war
Henry Clay
appoited to Committee of Foreign Affairs by Clay
conquest of Canada
signif: madison pressured into decflaring war on June 18, 1812 against Britain
John Calhoun
american leader- military
sept 10, 1813
dispersed Brit fleet at Put-In-Bay
signif: made another invasion through Detroit possible
Oliver Perry
this battle:
oct 5 1813
won victory in upper canada for death of tecumseh
signif: weakened NA and diminished claims to the region
Battle of Thames
TE planter and general of militia
pursued creeks indians
Andrew Jackson
this battle:
march 27, 1814
jackson took revenge on indians
signif: tribe cedes land to US
jackson> major general in US army> seized pensacola, FL nov 7, 1814
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
this battle:
between brit veterans and amer. (jackson)
jan 8 1815
brits advance up mississippi river- but attacked by jackson's men
signif: brits retreat: 1700 brit dead, 1400 wounded, 500 prisoners
amer= 8 killed 13 wounded
treaty had been signed several weeks before= unknown
Battle of New Orleans
congressman of NH (federalist)
led federal opposition to republican war policy
Daniel Webster
delegates from Ne states
dec 15 1814
met to discuss grievencenses and reassert right of nullification; propse 7 new amendments to protect NE from south and west influence
signif: falied b/c/ or resolution of war= end of federalist party
Hartford Convention
American and British diplomats meet on christmas eve 1814
agree to stop the fighting
>> by 1815 impressment had ceased
Treaty of Ghent
commercial treaty giving america free trade with england (1815)
mutual disarmament of Great Lakes (1817)
signif: longest unguarded frontier in world (1872)
rush- Bagot Agreement