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167 Cards in this Set

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another name for World War I
aug. 1914
Austro-Hungary invaded Serbia.
Us enters in 1917
most savage conflict in history
the Great War
civilian population/ societies against one another
1917- europe on brink of collapse
ends 1918- germ. loss 2 million; russia 1.7 million; france 1.4 million; GB 900,000; 112,000 americans
total war
alliance of Britain France Russia
Triple Entente/ allied Powers
alliance of Germany, Austro-Hungary, Italy(switches)
Triple Alliance/ Central Powers
heir to austro0hungarian empire
assassinated @ sarajevo, Bosnia by sebian
june 28 1914
alliances declare war
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
wilson delcares neutrality but not in reality= sympathize w/ britain
Wilson's Neutrality
germ. sub sank brit. passenger ship
kills 1,198 pl- 128 americans
germans use unrestricted sub warfare and fire on merchant ships w/o warning
america tells them to stop german withdraw to avoid causing america to enter war
germans start again in Jan.
feb 25. Brits give wilson this
intercepted from German foreign minister to MX
said in event of war w/ germany and US; MX enter on german side and would reieve "lost provinces" after war
inflamed american public opinion
Zimmerman telegram
march 1917
rev. against czarist regime; replace w/ rep. govt
US wont have to side with despotic monarchy
war declared april 6 1917
Bolshevik Revolution
led govt of Russia
withdrew Russia from war- 1918
>>> allows more German troops to fight on western font
US standing army= small. 120,000 in army
80,000 national guard
roosevelt advocates voluntary recruitment
wilson believes national draft would provide men
American Expeditionary Force
3 million men in army 2 million in other branches
voluntarily= AEF
women permitted= auxiliary roles in hospitals
selective service act
american psychological association
measure intelligenceof soldiers
less effective in measuring intelligence- measure education
reflects white mid-class
IQ tests
led americans in Pancho Villa, TX, & MX
retained command strucutre seperate from other Allies- joined allied forces in 1918
General Pershing
british battleship
used turbine propulsion, hydraulic gun controls, electric light, wireless telegraphy
war led to achieve democratic postwar settlement that rests on international relations
8 recommendations for postwar boundaries reflect self-determintaion; 5 principles governing int. conduct; freedom of seas, open covenants, decrease in armaments, free trade, imp, mediation of colonial claims, league of nations
14 points
Name the Big Four
Lloyd George- GB
Clemenceau- France
Vittorio Orlando- Italy
international organization that wilson endorsed to oversee world affairs and prevent future wars
League of Nations
ended WWI
reperations, mandate system, germans lost colonial possessions. victors gain colonial possessions
tax germany Heavily
league of nations
Treaty of Paris
chairman of Foreign Relations Committee
tried to obstruct and Delay treaty
Henry Cabot Lodge
western isolationist senators
oppose treaty of paris
major drive to solicit loans from american people
produce $23 billion
new taxes(inheritance & income)
liberty bonds
wilson 1916
members of cabinet and civilan advisory commission= set up local defense councils in every state and localiity
proved unworkable propse to divide it functionality not geographically
Council of National Defense
young engineer and business exec. elevated to prominence by "war board" handling food
Herbert Hoover
july 1917
coordinate govt purchases of military supplies
bad until put under control of wall street financier BERNARD BAUCH>> then has power
War Industries Board
business men in WIB
took paid leave from corp jobs to work for govt token salary
dollar-a-year men
april 1918
resolve labor disputes, pressure industry ofr: 8 hour workday, min liviing standards, equal pay for women, right of unions, and workers will forgo all strikes
union membership increase to 1.5 million and from 19 17 to 1919
National War Labor Board
western federation of miners
bloodiest strike to improve conditions in the mines
ludlow, CO 1914
walk out of rockefeller's coal mines> state militia called in, 39 people died
precursor to continued conflict that war did little to discourage
Ludlow Massacre
100,000 African Americans move from rural south to northern industrial cities
move from poverty and racism in south. possible jobs in north
Great Migration
a leader of fight for women's suffrage
effort to keep US out of war
Carrie Chapman Catt
single largets women org
supported war as patriotic org.
National American Woman Suffrage Association
propaganfa campaign to achieve social unity

portrays germans as savage
Committe on Public Information
created penalties for spying, sabotage, or obstruction of war
post office can ban "seditious" material from mail
Espionage Act 1917
expand espionage act to make illegal any proclamation of opposition to war= allows officials to persecute anyone who criticizes pres. or govt
Sedition and Sabotage Acts of 1918
largest citizens' group to root out disloyalty
enlist 250,000 to pry into activities of neighbors
open mail, tap phone...
American Protective League
targets repression mainly irish americans and jews, German-Americans
>>german language, books, music banned
100% Americanism
strike in response to layoffs and wage cuts demand recog. of union
boston erupts in violence and looting
Boston Police Strike
mass. governor
called in nat. guard to restore order
dismissed entire police force of Boston and hired new one b/c f strike
Governor Calvin Coolidge
greatest strike in american history. sept 1919
steelowrkers in east and midwest cities walkoff job
employers hire armed guards
riot in IN
strike collapses in Jan.- labor didnt recover for a decade
Steelworkers Strike
black teenager stoned by whites while swimming in chicago> black crowd retaliates> white crowd attacks back= war in chicago for a week
Red Summer 1919
Chicago Race Riots
black jamaican
attract wide following from poor urban blacks w/ ideaology of black nationalism
encourage af.american to take pride in own achievements and heritage
urge return to Africa
Marcus Garvey
russian rev. of 1917 made clear that communism was no longer just a theory but an important regime and created this
Red Scare
soviet govt- communist international
export revolultion around the world
series of raids on alleged radical centers throughout country> arrest 6000 people
intended to uncover weapons and explosive= didnt
Palmer Raids
italian immigrants charged with murders of paymaster in massachusettes
evidence against both was weak, both were anarchists= public convinced of guilt

may 20 1990
Sacco and Vanzetti
women gain right to vote
19th amendment
republican- won presidency 1920. landslide.
Return to ______
Return to Normalcy
seen as an era of affluence, conservatism, and cultural frivolity

reality: dramatic social, econ, and political changes
roaring twenties
age when america becomes a modern nation
new era
created modern admin. system- 1920s. w/ divisional org.
easier for GM to control subsidaries & expand further
Alfred Sloan
employers adopt paternalistic techniques- 1920s
welfare capitalism
term for women's low paying service occupations
sec. sales clerk. telephone operators.
pink collar jobs
led and founded Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
represents virtually all black work force
gained increase in wages
A. Philip Randolph
term for japanese immigrants
term for american- born children of japanese immigrants
raw urban lg. MX communities w/o basic plumbing and sewage
LA, San Antonis, Denver
no worker could be made to join a union
"American Plan"
endorsed by National Association of Manufacturers
open shops
formula for setting adequate price for farm goods to ensure farmer earn back production costs
high tariffs against foreign agr. goods
govt buys surplus of domestic crops
1924 &1928.
required parity for grain, cotton, tobbacco, and rice
coolidge vetoed both times
McNary-Haugen Bill
daughtery, fall, and others of ohio gang
harding transferred control of reserves from Navy Dept to Interior Dept. influence by Fall> leased to businessmen= convicted of bribery
Teapot Dome Scandal
sec. of treasury- 1920s
worked for a decrease in taxes on corp. profits, incomes, and inheritances
congress cuts by 1/2
Andrew Mellon
commerce secretary
said public institutions had a duty to play active role in creating cooperative order
Herbert Hoover
creation of national org. of businessmen in particular industries
stabilize industries and promote efficiency
growth in use of this expanded geographic horizons- escape rural isolation
move to suburbs
advertising exec.
The Man Nobody Knows- portrays christ as a salesman- forged 12 people into 1 org.
Bruce Barton
mass- mag- appeal to rural small town familiy- traditionalism
Saturday Evening Post
dewill and wallace 1921condensed stories to make expanding knowledge avialiable to more
Reader's Digest
by Luce and Hadden 1923
condense news for busy people who dont have time to read newspapers
1st feature length "talkie" 1927created national excitement
the Jazz Singer
studio owners, Will Hays (heads)
trade assoc. review filters and bans anything that offens viewrs
Motion Picture Association
1st national radio network 1927
National Broadcasting Co.
spokesman for liberal protestantism
basis for christianity not unexamined faith, but developed personality
Harry Emerson Fodick
led "behaviorist" psychology
challenge asumptions that women have instinctive capacity for motherhood
mothers should rely on advice of professionals
John Watson
midclass wife shared more in husband's social life
dont let children get in the w/ marital relatioship
"compassionate" marriage
birth control advocate
promoted diaphragm and other
Maragaret Sanger
liberated dress, hairstyle, speech and behavior
low mid class and wk class single women
women org. 1920
response to gaining suffrage
League of Women's Voters
fed funds to states to establish prenatal and child healthcare programs
produces controversey- alice paul and supporters oppose b/c classifies all women as mothers
Sheppard-Towner Act
1st aviator to make solo flight across atlantic ocean.
national hero
self-made man
Charles Lindbergh
named by Gertrude Stein
view of war being a fraud- nothing changed
Lost Generation
A Farewell to Arms
shwos contempt of modern society - 1929
Ernest Hemingway
savage crtiquies of modern society
baltimore journalist
Smart Set
American Mercury
ridiculed mid class religion, politics, art, democracy
H.L. Mencken
1st american to win nobelprize in literature
Main Strett, Babbitt, Arrowsmith
lashed out at smalltown, city, med proffessionals, and religion
Sinclair Lewis
Great Gatsby- ridiculed american obsession w/ material success
F. Scott Fitzgerald
influential historians stressed economic factors in development of modern society
Charles and Mary Beard
new generation of black artists and intellectuals
popular culture
jazz musician- DUKE ELLINGTON
theaters, center of lit,poetry
african roots
Harlem Renaissance
poet of Harlem Renaissance
captured spirit in "I am a Negro- and beautiful"
`Langston Hughes
small circle of poets at Vanderbilt University
Warren, Ransom, Tate and others
evoked strong rural traditions of south
published collection of essays I'll Take My Stand- critique of industrialization
#of immigrants of any nationality cant be more than 3%of # of nationality in US in 1916

cut immig from 800,000 to 300,000
Immigration restriction act 1921
banned all imigration from east asia
angers japanese
would be based on 1892 census
National Origins Act 1924
white southerners near atlanta-1915
after WWI expand attention to catholics jews and foeginers
largely rural men and women
fight to maintain centrality of religion
literal bible interpreatation. oppose darwin
Addams, Thomas, Keller
offered free counsel to TE educato willing to defy law against teachign evolutionic
American Civil Liberties Union
bio teacher stands about against ban on teaching evolution> found guilty in court fined $100
makes prosecutor - Bryan- look foolish and amde him admit that religious dogma could have more than on interpretation
Scopes Monkey Trial
irish catholic tammanyite
dem nominee 1928
supported urban democ.
can't unite party- doesnt carry entire south
lost to Hoover
Al Smith
good stock market- people are buying- long sustained growth
bull market
oct 29 1929

all efforts to save stock market fail> deeply depressed for 4 years takes decade to recover
Black Tuesday
urges leaders of business, labor and agriculture to adopt voluntary cooperation for recovery
Hoover's volunteerism
april 1929- hoover
1st major govt prog to help farmers maintain prices
Agriculture Marketing Act
would make loans to national marketing cooperatives or est. corp. to buy surpluses and raise prices
Farm Board
1930- hoover
increased protection on 75 farm products
increase on agric. tariff
didnt help farmers significantly
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
american people blamed hoover for crisis
called shanytowns of unemployed this
jan 1932
govt agency to provide federal loans to troubled banks, RR, and other businesses
made funds available to local govts for public works projects
operated on lg. scale= $1.5 billion budget on public works
failed to deal directly with real problems
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
summer 1932
des moines, iowa
endorsed withholding of farm products from market
spread to a few neighboring areas> dissolved in failure
Farmers' Holiday Association
20,000 veterans of WWI march on washington D.C. want $1,000 bonus early

hoover sends in army> vets flee> bad public image for Hoover
Bonus Army
period between election and inauguration
>economic crisis increased between hoover and FDR
texas to dakotas experience a decrease in rainfall and increase in heat- black blizzards
farm prices drop> sell land= okies travel to CA and other states
Dust Bowl
adjust furrows to shape of land to break wind's velocity and discourage water erosion
contour plowing
forest service
plant 200 million trees to slow dusty winds of dust bowl
shelter belts
"no jobs for niggas until every white man has a job"
1932> 1/2 black w/o employment
black shirts
9 black teenagers- march 1931
taken off freight train from AL and arrested for disorder. 2 white women on train accused them of rape
evidence says they werent raped but jury still convicts them- supreme ct overturns death sentence
Scottsboro Case
NAACP supporters
help break down racial barriers in unions
1/2 million blacks join labor movement by not working as strike breakers
Congress if Industrial Organizations
mexican americans
occupy lower ranks of unskilled labor force
some forced to leave country when Great Depression causes whites to want their jobs
jap-american businessmen 1930
encourage nisei themselves to assimilate
Japanese American Citizens League
dale carnegie- 1936
self help manual preaching individual initiative
ways to get ahead
How to Win Friends and Influence People
protestant theologian
preached virtues of positive thinking and individual initiative- radio addresses
Harry Emerson Fodick
produce memorable studies of farm families and surroundings
reveal savage impact of hostile environment on its victims
Dorthea Lange
Erskine Caldwell- 1932
expose of poverty in rural south
Tobacco Road
portrayed trial of workers and migrants in CA
John Steinbeck
comedies Amos 'n' Andy; Adventure of Superman, Dick Tracy, Lone Ranger
Escapist programming
tv programs geared towards women
comp. stories of romance w/o social/ political messages
soap operas
actor/director- 1938
created panic when fict news story of aliens landing in NJ first aired and ppl believed it to be real
Orson Welles
he censored movies by not allowing any sensational or controversial messages
Will Hays
provided muted social message in:
Mr.Deeds goes to town
Mr.Smith goes to Washington
Meet John Doe
celebrates virtues of small town and deceny of common people
Frank Capra
walt disney -1928
Mickey Mouse- cartoon short
steamboat willie
walt disney- 1937
1st feature length film
snow white
Gone With the Wind- 1936
romantic saga set in earlier era
Margaret Mitchell
new popular photographic journal-1936
largest readership of any publication in US
stunning photos of sporting and theater events, landscapes, and public projects
writer for USA trilogy
attacked "materilistic madness" of american culture
John Dos Passos
"anti fascist" groups coalition on left- American communist party (most important)
praised New Deal
popular front
powerful anti-comm. leader
John L. Lewis
3000 young american men who traveled to spain to join in fight against fascists
Abraham Lincoln Brigade
For Whom the Bell Toll--1940
spanish civil was provided americans who fought a sense of brotherhood
Ernest Hemingway
H.L. Mitchell-socialist
biracial coalition of sharecroppers tenant farmers to deman econ. reform
no real progress @ est. socialism as major force in AMer. politics
Southern Tenant Farmers Union
by john steinbeck
tells of migrants from dust bowl to CA
harsh portait of exploaitive feature of agrarian life in west
Grapes of Wrath
Roosevelt- 1930s
construct foundations of fed. welfare system. extend nat. regulation in economy. govt major force in agrarian economy. produced new liberal ideaology
New Deal
roosevelt used the radio to explain his programs and plans to people, build public confidence
fireside chats
march 6
closed american banks for 4 days
give congress time to consider bank-reform legislation
Bank Holiday
march 9
protect lg banks from being dragged down by weaker wons. treasury dept inspects all banks before reopening. fed assist to troubled institution
>>3/4 banmks reopen and $1billion flowed back into banks
Emergency Banking Act
legalized manufacture and sale of beer
repealed prohibition
21st amendment
min wage 30-40 cent per hour, max wk week of 35-40 hour ;abolition of child labor
blanket code
part of NRA promised wks right to form unions

no enforcement mechanism
Section 7a
this case declared the NRA unconstitutional b/c it gave the pres. legislative powers
Schneter Case
director of NY state relief agency
administer of FERA
Harry Hopkins
provided mortgage relief to farm and homewoners
refinance 1/5 of all farm mortgages
Farm Credit Administration
allowed farmers to regain land even after foreclosure
25% of all america farm owners still lost famrs
Frazier-Lemke Bankruptcy Act
insure mortgages for new consturction and home repairs
Federal Housing Administration
led by Dupoint family-roosevelt oppnonents
arouse oublic opposition to new deal policies
not able to expand beyond northern industrialists
American Liberty League
elderly CA physician
led 5 million + members with a plan for federal pension for elderly

Roosevelt adopts similar but less radical policiy in Social Security
Dr. Francis Townsend
catholic priest who gave weekly sermons over national radio
sympathy to fascism
advocate for changing banking and currency system
Father Charles Coughlin
strident attacks on banks, oil co. and utlilities
prog. accomplishment as gov. built roads, schools, hospitals.
SHARE OUR WEALTH- redistribute using taz syst.
Senator Huey P Long
introduce National Labor Realtions Act
Robert Wagner
leader of the united mine workers created CIO=> AFL rejects
expanded labor movement. more receptive to blacks and women
John Lewis
auto workers sut down in plants and refuse to work until demands are met
sit-down strikes
stiking workers or Republic Steel march peacfully towards steel plant
police open fire= 10 killed, 90 wounded

public outcry
Memorial Day Massacre
sec of labor
lobby for fed. sponsored social insurance for elderly> Social Security Act
Frances Perkins
roosevelt- feb 1937
wants to add 6 new justices to supreme ct.
congrerss defeats proposal
court packing scheme
this occured in 1937
admin reduces spending
Roosevelt Recession
est. national min. wage, 40 hr wk week. limits on child labor
Fair Labor Standard Act
black singer
refused permission to sing in auditorium owned by Daughter's of American Revolution
E. roosevelt= got her to sing @ Lincoln Memorial
Marian Anderson
Weaver, Hastie, McLeod
informal network of office holders who consult frquently with one another- help black
black cabinet
commissioner of indian affairs
promote cultural relativism= idea that every culture should be respected and accepted on its own terms
John Collier
restored tribes to right to own land collectively. increase tribal land by 4 million acres
Indian Reorganization Act-1934
1st women ever elected to a full term in US senate (AK 1934)
Hattie Caraway