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99 Cards in this Set

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union chief of staff - march 1864
shared lincoln's view of making enemy armies and resources target instead of territory
Ulysses Grant
investigative committee of 2 houses of Congress
dec 1861
chaired by Senator Benjamin Wade
complained of insufficient ruthless N. Generals
intervened w/ conduct of the war
Committee on the Conduct of WAr
confederate president
trained soldiers but failed to create effective command system
Jefferson Davis
confederate principal military advisor
ended up commanding in Richmond while Davis strategized alone
named general in chief - feb 1865
Robert E. Lee
successful officer in civil war
saw beyond acad. training and used new warfare of destroying resources
William Tecumseh sherman
battleships with ironsides
monitor -union
merrimac- confed,
confed. sec of state
clever and intelligent; lacked strong convictions and did mainly routine admin. tasks
Judah Benjamin
union sec of state
had assist. from Charles Adams- minister to London
prmoted union support in London
William Seward
southern leaders promote this
access to S. cotton vital to eng and french textile
hoped this would combat eng. antislavery forces
failed b/c english had surplus of raw and finished goods
king cotton diplomacy
2 confed. diplomats- Mason and Slidell
slipped through blockade to Cuba> board Trent> union ship stopped w/o authorization
union neg. and release dip. to avoid upsetting breits
Trent Affair
ohio native; capt of confed. army
org. guerilla fighters>> terrorize Kansas- missouri border
killed 150 civilians in lawrence KS killed by union troops
William Quantrill
developed the repeating pistol 1835
Samuel Cott
developed the repeating pistol- 1860
Oliver Winchester
developed the revolving machine gun 1862
Richard Gatling
commander of union ironclads and wooden vessels
captured city of New Orleans
april 25, 1862
pushed through confed. forts @ mouth of mississippi river
1st major union victory= turning pt
David Farragut
commander of the ARMY of POTOMAC
most controversial gen. of war- union
relcutcant to commit troops to battles
peninsular campaign- complex stratefy to attck Richmond by water
defeated by stonewall jackson's troops @ washington
George McClellan
union sympathisizers- org bands
moved across missouri exacting reprisals for Quantrill's actions
permitted any citizen to claim 160 acres of oublic land after living on it for 5 years
Homestead Act
transferred public acreage to state govts to sell to finance public educ.
many new satte colleges "Land grant institutions"
Morrill Land Grant Act
built RR westward from Omaha
Union Pacific RR
buit transcontinental RR east from CA
central pacific RR
created new national banking system
banks could join if they had enough capital and invest 1/3 in govt securities
eliminates chaos> create unifrom sys. of bank notes
National Bank Acts of 1863-1864
paper currency
backed NOT by gold and silver but by CREDIT of govt.
peace democrats- opposed war
feared agric. and NW were losing influence to east and Rep. nationalism was eroding states' rights
most prominent copperhead; member of congress (OH)
exiled to CSA after making speech that goal of war was to free blacks and enslave whites
Clement Vallandigham
supreme ct. Justice Taney tells Lincoln to release MD secessionist leader> Lincoln ignores
Ex parte Merryman
supreme ct. ruled military trials in areas where civil courts existed were unconstitutional
ex parte milligan
coalition of group that supported war (rep & war dem)
nominate lincoln for 1864 election against McClellan
lincoln wins
union party
war democrat- union party VP
Andrew Johnson
radical reps in congress
want to use war to abolish slavery immediately
** 3 people**
Thaddeus Stevens-PA
Sumner - Mass.
Wade- OH
all slaves used for insurrectionary considered free
subsequent laws abolish slavery in DCand in west territories- compensate owners
slaves free of ppl aiding insurrection; pres. can employ af. amer.
confiscation acts
lincoln issued this jan 1 1863
declared slaves free in CSA except those in TE, WV, and s. LA b/c border states not subject to pres's war powers
little immediate effect but clearly est. war as also being fought to abolish slavery
Emancipation Proclamation
amendment that abolished slavery
13th amendment
black soldiers- commanded by Robert Shaw(white)
54th Massachusettes infantry
led by Dorthea Dix- civilian volunteers- women nurses
mobilized nurses to field hospitals
>> women become dominate force in nursing
>> attribute nursing to domestic ideals to overcome male opposition
>>spread ideas about sanitation
US Sanitary Commission
collected and distributed medical supplies in war and founded American Red Cross- 1888
Clara Barton
all white males 18-35 required military service for 3 years
could get out of it if provided a substitute- repealed 1863
Conscription Act
Ga- CSA vice president
6 year term. initally against secession
Alexander Stevens
southeners romaniticized the __ ___; look back nostalgically @ pre war south
Lee Jackson and Davis treated as heroes
Lost Cause
created by congress march 1865
directed by General Oliver Howard
agency of army rhat distributes food to millions of former slaves; est schools; tried to settle blacks on own lands
not a perm. soln.
too small to deal effectively w/ problems
Freedman's Bureau
insisted south accept abolition of slavery; but few other conditions
Conservative Republicans
led by Thaddeus Stevens & Sumner
punish civl and military leaders of confed.
s. whites be disenfranchised, legal rights of blacks be protected, wealthy w. southerners' prop. be confisctaed
Radical Republican
rejected punitive goals of radicals, but support extracting some concessions from s. on black rights
moderate republicans
by lincoln- 1863
general amnesty to white southerners except high officials. who pledge loyalty to govt and accept NO slavery
10% of voters in 1860 took oath in any state= could form state govt
Lincoln's 10% Plan
by rad. republicans- 1864
authorized president to appt. provisional gov for each conquered state> when majority pledged allegiance to union and IRONCLAD OATH- that they never drew arms against union= const. convention- abolish slavery, repudiate debts

lincoln pocket vetoed
Wade- Davis Bill
assasinated lincoln at ford's theater
april 14,1865
John Wilkes Booth
lincoln's successor
hostile to freed slaves
democrat until he became lincoln's VP
Andrew Johnson
johnson- summer 1865
amnesty to southerners who pledged allegiance
high ranking s. must apply to johnson for indiv. pardons
appt. provisional gov. to gain readmission state had = revoke secession, abolish slvery, ratify 13th, repudiate confed & state debts
johnson's plan
only cont. till congress reconvened in dec 1865
presidential reconstruction
refused to seat reps of new state
create Joint Committee on Reconstruction to form reconstruction policy of its own
Congressional/ Radical Reconstruction
southern leg form laws to give white control over former slaves
black codes
declared blacks to be citizens of the US
fed govt had the power to intervene in state affairs to protect citizen rights
johnson vetoed but congress overode him
Civil Rights Act of 1866
this amendment provided the 1st defintion for a citizen:
everyone born or naturalized in US
14th amendment
combine 10 southern states into 5 military disticts
military commander registers all black males and all white males who werent involved in rebellion to vote
make state const w/ provisions of black suffrage
elect state govrs - had to be approved by congress
3 reconstruction bills
this amendment forbade states and fed govt to deny suffrage to any citizen based on race, colr, or prev. condition of servitude
15th amendment
forbade pres to remove civil officials w/o senate's consent
to protect sec of war Stanton
Tenure of Office Act
prohibit pres to issue military orders except through commanding gen of army
Command of Army Act
southern white repub.
former whigs once wealthy planters intersted in econ. development; farmers w/ little contact w/ slavery want to end econ. isolation

think rep. will serve econ intersts better than dems
recently freed blacks
most numerous s. repub; little political experience> create places to learn
"colored conventions" chart future course
southerners claimed blacks dominated politics during reconstruction= FALSE
no black ever gov. of s. states; didnt control state legis.
"Negro Rule"
anitslavery white
persuaded 1000s of freedmen to deposit in bank> invest unsucessfully> failiure
Freedmen's Bank- 1865
tenants of white landowners= work plots of land ; either pay rent or share of crop
farmers give merchants a claim on crops as collateral for loans
>>> farmers get caught in a cycle of debt
crop-lien system
grant's sec of state
only member of cabinet well equipped for job
rely on party leaders and spoils system
Hamilton Fish
oppose Grantism
> nominate Hoorace Greely- 1872
dems nomaine greely too
grant wins
Liberal Republicans
french owend consturction company that helped build union pacific RR
heads steered lg. fradulent contratcs to co= fed govt looses millions of $$
Credit- Mobilier
ben bristow (treasury sec) found officials and distillers cheating govt of taxes w/ false reports
whiskey ring
william belknap- sec of war
accepted bribes to retain indian post trader in office
Indian Ring
failure of jaycooke and co (bank firm) invested to heavily in RR
>>worst depression yet- lasted 4 years
debtors want to redeem war bonds w/ greenbacks= repub. want" sound" currency
Panic of 1873
greenbacks replaced with certificates pegged to price of gold
specie resumption act
greenbackers- inflationists
acitve in 3 elections, no widespread support
national greenback party
seward-sec of state
buys alaska for $7.2 million from Russia & annexation of HI
Seward's Folly
fish forged a treaty of washington= int. arbitration where Brit expressed regret for escape of AL
settled dispiutes over neutrality of eng by providing AL ship to confed.
Alabama Claims
democrats who took back govt in south
in all except SC LA FL
secret society that used terrorism to frighten blacks from voting or using citizenships
led by General Nathan Bedfort
"midnight rides"- men clad in white masks w/ horses
Ku Klux Klan
prohibit state from discriminating against voters on basis of race
1st time fed govt claims to prosecute crimes by indiv. under fed law
president can use military force
Enforcement (KKK) Acts
theory that indiv. who failed did so b/c of own weaknesses
view unemployed northerners as misfits same for poor blacks
Social Darwinism
dispute over elections of Hayes & Tilden
rep. agree to appt 1 southerner to caniet, cocntrol dem. federal patronage in area, internal improvements, federal aid for TX and pacific RR withdrawl of fed troops.
Compromise of 1877
later renewal of drive for freedom and equality to all americans based on 14th and 15th amend
Second Reconstruction
white powerful conservative oligarchy
(merchants, industrialists, RR developers, finianciers)
want decrease in taxes and spending and state services
Bourbon Rule
group against bourbons cut in services and paying prewar debts in full with interests
demand revisement of debt payment
Henry Grady
didnt challenge whtie supremacy
promoted virtues of thrift industry and progress
still romanticized "lost cause"
helped s. industry expand- textiels
New South
led American Tobacco CO.
held mononpoly over processing raw tobacoo into marketable materials
James Duke
southern states leased gangs of criminals to private interests as cheap labor
>convicts do brutak and deadly work.. not paid
"convict- lease" system
required farmers to fence in animals
decreased self-sufficient farming
fence laws
black woman- 1903
1st black female bank president- founded St. Luke Penny Saving Bank
Maggie Lena
founder and pres. of Tuskegee Institute- AL
urged blacks to pursue educ. to improve themselves- indust. educ
Booker T. Washington
by BT Washington
blacks should try for econ gains to gain rights and priv. of citizenship
Atlanta Compromise
supreme ct- 1896
seperate but equal
plessy v. ferguson
laws for segregated school valid even if not equal
Cumming v. County Board of Education
pay tax to vote
poll tax
voters must demonstrate ability to read and interpret constitution
literacy test
men allowed to vote if ancestors voted before recocnstruction
barred slaves and allowed poor whites
grandfather clause
sup. ct case that validated literacy test
williams v. mississippi
instutionalized system of segregation reaching into all areas of s. life
stripped blacks of any social, econ, or political gains
Jim Crow Laws
popular entertainment . used to romnticize antebellum south
white performers paint faces black
ministrel shows
blacks accused of crimes by white mob
black journalist
anti-lyniching movement through articles
gathered strength. some white support. hope to get anyti- lynching law
Ida B. Wells- 1892
ruled that states cant discriminate but private organizations can
civil rights cases 1883