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47 Cards in this Set

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what was significant about the election of 1800?who won?
it was the first election with political parties and concentrated on the morality of the candidates-jefferson slept with slaves, Adams pimped for the Czar
-jefferson wins
who's view do each of these quotes represent?
1-"the best gov. is one that governed least"
2-"those who own the country, ought to govern it"
What was the knock against Aaron burr?
he wanted power too much
What was the revolution of 1800?
the smooth transition of power from the Federalists to the Democratic-Republicans
What one word best describes the Jefferson administration?
inconsistent- ex. louisiana purchase
What was the Judiciary Act of 1801 and what did it result in?
-the act created 16 new judges
-makes judicial branch equal to the other 2 (this was done by Adams on his last day
who was the most important judge?
John Marshall
what was the result of Marbury vs. Madison?
judicial review, fed. gov. had the final say in whether something was constitutional-this went directly against what jefferson said in the vir. ken. resolutions (said states had this right)
What is Court Justice Samuel Chase associated with?
Balance of Power
what was the result of the Louisiana purchase?
opened the door to westward expansion, removed the last european elements from North America
What was the Embargo of 1807 and why was it a failure?
in an attempt to stay out of European affairs Jefferson passed the embargo that restricted trade with france and brit. however, we felt the effects first and our economy tanked. this failure boosted support for the Federalist party
What was the non-intercourse act (1809)?
reopened trade with all countries except britian and france
what was Macon's Bill # 2?
said america would trade with the first country that would respect US rights (Britain or France)-France bites first-this pushes us closer to war with britain
what are war-hawks?
members in congress that called for war with britain
who was in favor of the war of 1812?who was against it?
-south and west for it, NE against it
what was the result of the war of 1812 nationally, and globally?
nationally we turned our focuse from the east to the west and increased nationalism. Globally Britain turned its attention to India
What did the war of 1812 do for america?
united us nationally
What battle established Andrew jackson as a national hero?
the battle of New Orleans
what did the Rush-Bagot agreement do?
it severely limited naval armaments on the Great Lakes
What effectively ended the war of 1812?
the treaty of Ghent
Who were the federalist sepratists?
New Englanders that wished to separate from the union and make peace with Britain
Who were the Bluelight Federalists?
extremist fed. seps. that supposedly warned British ships about blockade runners
what were the Hartford resolutions? (4 things), who held them?
the resolutions were held by reps from all NE
1-financial assistance to NE from washington to compensate for lost trade
2-amendment that required a 2/3 vote in congress when voting on an embargo, the addmitence of new states, or a declaration of war
3-that a pres. could only serve 1 term and 2 successive presidents from the same state could not be elected
4-abolition of the 3/5 clause
What was the result of the Hartford Resolutions?
it marked the end of the Federalist party
the tariff of 1816 was the first tariff for ___ and not for revenue
protection (from british goods flooding the american market)
who invented the "American System" and what 3 points did it include?
henry clay
1-strong banking system
2-protective tariffs
3-networks of roads and canals
this road linked Maryland to Illinois
the Cumberland road
why was the "era of good feeling" such a good time?
there was only one political party-it was also a bridge between the founding fathers & the growing nationalism
what was the chief cause of the panic of 1819?
over-speculation of lands out west
the panic of 1819 and the lessened support for the national bank set the seeds for this president?
andrew jackson and jacksonian democracy
what did the land act of 1820 encourage?
the buying of western lands. 80 acres at $1.25 an acre... bargoonie eh?
what was the result of the Tallamadge Amendment?
slows down the statehood of Missouri- was a threat to sectional balance
why was the statehood of Missouri such a hot issue?
with population shifting to NE the south was loosing power in the House. the Senate was even at 11 states free and 11 slave, and missouri would tip the balance either way
what did the MIssouri Compromise suggest?
Clay's compromise suggested that missouri be entered as a slave state and Maine (at that time part of Massachusetts) be entered as a free state.Also, that there would be no slavery north of the line 36'30.
what was the court case of McCulloch vs. Maryland about?what was the impact of it?
Maryland attempted to destroy a branch of the national bank by imposing a tax on the bank's notes- Justice Marshall pulls a Duke and shuts down the terapins and the court case increases the power of the fed. gov.-"the power to create implies the power to preserve"
what was the court case Cohen vs. Virginia about?what was the impact of it?
Dylan Cohen was selling lottery tickets in will. north (another state) and this was illegal, or so said Will. East. The district (fed. gov.) agreed and gave dyl cohen a week at dexter. in essence this case showed that the fed. gov. has the power to back state decisions
What was the case Gibbons vs. Ogden about? what was the impact of it?
this case involved an attempt by the state of NY to grant a monopoly to a company in reguards to shipping between NY and NJ- established the fact that only the fed. gov. could regulate interstate commerce
what is interstate commerce?
commerce between 2 or more states
what is intrastate commerce?
commerce within a state
what other court case established that the fed. gov. could only regulate interstate trade?
wabash vs. illinois
What did the case Fletcher vs. Peck involve?what was it's impact?
Georgia legislature granted 35 million acres to private speculators, the next legislature cancled this. Marshall and the supreme court upheld the agreement- this case showed that just because something isnt popular with the masses doesnt mean it cant be done. if its constitutional and has a contract it is ok- the decision protected property rights against popular pressures
What did the case Dartmouth college vs. Woodward involve?what was it's impact?
Dartmouth was given a charter by King George III & new hamshire wanted to change it. Marshall ruled in favor of the college saying a charter was a charter, no matter who gave it.
this position was known as the "stepping stone to the presidency"
Sec.of State
What were the parameters of the Treaty of 1818?(3 things)(hint: oregon & florida)
1-permitted americans to share newfoundland fisheries(access to the grand banks)
2-provided a 10 year joint occupation of Oregon with British.
3-set border between Canada and US
what is Andrew Jackson's first instance of overstepping his legal limitations?what was the result?
going to florida and punishing the Seminole Indians, recapturing runaway slaves, and taking key spanish forts- we get florida!
what were the parameters of the treaty of 1819? (2 things) (hint: florida and texas)
1-spain ceded florida and their claims to oregon
2- we abondon claims to texas
explain the monroe doctrine
europe had finally settled down and turned its head west to the new world. american's feared European involvement, and the British feared they would loose thier colonies in the west. So, the American's and British create the monroe doctrine that declared the western hemisphere closed to colonization