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130 Cards in this Set

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Economic philosophy or practice in which England established the colonies to provide raw materials to the moth country; the colonies receive conference of WWII
Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam
the three most important allied conference of WWII
Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions
issued by Jerffferson and Madison in response to President Adam's passage of the Alien & Sedition Acts, the ___ & ___ ___ advocated states rights to nullify laws the considered to be un-constitutional.
Logrolling (Pork Barrel Politics)
Mutual assistance in the passage of legislation so that one member of Congress votes for a colleague's bill in return for his/her support on their bill.
Big Stick Policy
nickname of Teddy roosevelt's bold foreign plicy (gun boat diplomacy) in Latin America
Horace Mann-
during the age of reform 1825-1859 he was an ouspoken reformer who focused on education.
paper money issued during the civil war to help finance the war effor and stabilize the economy.
Committee of Public Information
The US Propaganda office in WWI
doctrine of Separate Spheres
19th Century belief that men were superior in worldy pursuits and women were superior in thier moral influences
Alfred thayer Mahan
Naval historian who influenced American Imperialism and a world wide naval arms race with his support of large capital ships (battleships) and large naviews to protect overseas colonial holdings & trade.
Souther christian Leadership Conference was the Civil Right organization founded by M.L. King Jr. in 1956. Civil rights = Ensuring peoples' physical integrity and safety
Natural justice (procedural fairness) in law (such as the rights of the accused, including the right to a fair trial; due process; the right to seek redress or a legal remedy)
Protection from discrimination (based on gender, religion, race, sexual orientation, etc.)
Individual political freedom, including rights of individuals (freedom of thought and conscience, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of movement) and the right to participate in civil society and politics (freedom of association, right to assemble, right to petition, right to vote)
Hartford Convention
Meeting of New ENgland Federalist who were opposed to the war of 1812 and wanted to seek a separate peace with Britain even if it meant seceding from the Union.
U.S. soldier sent to fight in France during WWI
War Hawks
Henry Clay and John C Calhoun were __ __ for their support of the war of 1812 ( Now a common term used for pro-war sentiment)
Soviet controlled Eastern European Nations during the Cold War 1945-1989
Bloodiest single day of fighting during the Civil War resulted in a draw and prompted Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.
Emancipation Proclamation
Issued by Lincoln, the __ ___ freed slaves only in the states under rebellion.
American battleship that blew up in Havana, Cuba, and ultimately started the Spanish-American War of 1898 "To hell with Spain! Remember the Maine!"
Midnight Judges
John Adams' appointment of Federalist party members to federal courts before Thomas Jefferson took office in 1800.
Corrupt Bargain
the alleged deal between John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay in the Election of 1824 that stole the election from Adrew Jackson.
Iroquois Confederation
The league of Indian trives in the Northeast that fought with the English in the French- Indian War and supported the Loyalist in the American Revolution.
Iran-Contra Scandal
the ___ ___ involved a secret arms-for-hostages-deal between the US. (Reagan Administration) and Iran to fund money for Contra Rebels (anti-communists) in Central America
Rugged Individualism
the principle of strong self reliance in Frederick Jackson Turner's Frontier thesis and use as a theme to the Harding election campaign of 1920.
Pentagon Papers
Daniel elsberg released top secret documents revealing US dealings in Southewast Asian and the Vietnam War that reinvigorated the warning anti-war movement.
Old Nation Road- (Cumberland Road)
first of the internal improvements provided by congress in 1806 to help the colization of the west. A toll bill linked to the road was vetoed by Monroe.
2nd New Deal
Legislative program focusing on REFORM begun by FDR in 1935 when the first attempt to end the Depression failed.
Great Compromise
Also knwon as the Connectitcut compromise, the __ __ established a bicameral legislature with proportional representation in the lower house (House Rep) and equal representation in the upper house [2 senators each state].
Fair Deal
Truman's domestic program to head off a post war depression and address important social issues facing the nation
The alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan during WWII.
Taft-Hartly Act 1947
Republican sponsored anti-uion legislation that prohibibited "closed shops" and allowed states to pass "right to work" laws.
Open Door Policty
Sec. of State John Hay's plan in 1899 to give all countries equal trading rights with china and respect Chinese sovereignty. Derived from his "Open Door Notes"
Wounded Knee
The battle of __ __ was the last major battle between the Native-Americans and the US army in 1890. US army reacted to the ghost dance religion of the Sioux tribe.
McGuffy Readers
1836-1870 these were used by schools to expose children to a common curriculum that preached honesty, industry (hard work) and patriotism.
Cotton Whigs and Conscience Whigs
Southern Whigs who supported slavery and Northern Whigs who opposed slavery.
18th century concept which held that God created the world according to rational laws and that he was like a clockmaker who would not interfere in the natural order of things.
A supporter of the Republican Party during the Gilded Age who supported the Spols System, Protective Tariffs, and Hard Money; he opposed reform.
King Cotton
Term used to describe the dominance of the South's cash crop (cotton) on politics, agriculture, and society prior to the Civil War in the Ante-Bellum South.
Illegal, yet popular, bars that sold liquor during Prohibition in the 1920's.
Wilson-Gorman Tariff 1894
Protective tariff that was passed to ease the Panic of 1893--It had an amendment on it that created a graduated income tax.
Proclamation of 1763
A line drawn by the British governemtn that forbade colonists from settling the western lands won after teh French and Indian War.
Enola Gay
the name of the airplane that dropped the first A bomb on Japan in WWII
Forgettable Presidents
Term applied to the US presidents between Grant and Roosevelt. (Hayes, cleveland, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison, McKinnley) Because business men dominated the National Scene.
Social Darwinism
19th century of belief that evolutionary ideas theorized by Charles Dawrwin could be applied to society.
anti-war sentiment
Triangle Shirtwaist fire
1911 death of 141-145 people (mostly young immigrant girls) burned to death or crushed to death by leaping out of windows, etc. Resulted in stronger building codes.
Frederick Douglas
escaped slave who became a leading figure in the anti slavery movement.
Bay of Pigs
unsuccessful attempt by Cuban refugees back by the US (Kennedy) to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba.
Wade Davis bill
Radical reconstruction plan with the far reaching punitive measures against the southern states and their eventual readmission into the nation.
Teapot Dome Scandal
The unlawful leasing of public oil fields to private business during the harding administration.
Huey Long
Gov. of Lousiana during the Great Depression. He criticized FDR for nto going far enough. His "share the wealth" program demanded all incomes over $1 million be confiscated.
Andrew Johnson
Vice President who succeeded Lincoln after the assassination and was the first president to be impeached.
Onieda Community
socio religious group of "perfectionists" Began in 1848 its members shared property, complex marriage, and raising of the children in communal form to reach a utopian society.
Free soil Party 1847/48
political movement that opposed the expansion of slavery into the western territories.
Truman Doctrine
the doctrine, enunciated by Haryy Truman in 1947 that the USA would provide economic aid to countries that said they were threatened by communist expansion.
Dollar Diplomacy
A type of economic imperialism in which the Taft administration's use of monetary power to create dependency among Latin American Countries to the US
Sussex Pledge
The Wilson Administration's demand on Germany to stop the use of unrestricted submarine warfare during WWI or risk war with the US.
Townshend Acts
named after the British political leader who wrongly believed that this external "Tax" or "duty" would be accepted by the colonies.
Fugitive Slave Law
The most controversial portion of the compromise of 1850. It allowed Southern slave holders to retrieve escaped slaves in the north.
National Bank
Alexander Hamilton's ___ was established to improve the national economy, but it alos created a constitutional crisis on interpretation of the US constitution.
Shay's Rebellion
debt-ridden farmers mounted a protest to foreclosures led by revolutionary war veterans; that demonstrated the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
late 1940's early 1950's Red scare investigation called the House of un-american Activites Committee.
Northern democrats who opposed the civil war and were alos referred to as peace democrats.
Sphere of Influence
A term used by imperial powers in which they claimed to have special authority over parts of China and far East.
Anaconda Plan
the union (Northern) plan devised by General winfield Scott to blockade the south and restrict its trade to win the war.
Black codes
passed by southern "Johnson" governments to force Freedmen back on the plantations.
Roosevelt Corollary (to the Monroe Doctrine)
US promised to intervene in Latin AMerican affairs if its "police powers" needed to be used.
Military Industrial Complex
A phrase used by Eisenhower to refer to the relationship between the military and business in the US.
GI Bill
passed by congress during WWII the ____ ____ provided monies (money) for veterans to adjust to post war life.
Compromise of 1877
The _____ ____ _____ resolved the disputed election of 1876 between Sam Tilden and Rutherford B. Hayes.
Stephen A Douglas (the little giant)
Senator and presidential canidate from Illinois who authored the Kansas-Nebraska Act to benefit his political career.
Pet Banks
Andrew Jackson (Old Hickory) opposition to National Bank (Henry Clay) prompted him to remove Federal deposits and place them in Stat Banks or __ ___.
Implied Powers
Powers suggested but not specifically listed in the Constitution.
Gospel of Wealth
Belief that thsoe blessed with great wealth earned it through Darwinist competition were obligaed to improve society and mankind through philanthropy.
Henry David Threau
transcendentalist who wrote the essay "Civil Disobedience" which outlined his protest to the Mexican AMerican war. This essay later influenced non-violent protests by Ghandi and M.L. King JR.
A southern supporter of northern "Carpet Bag" governments during Reconstruction in the South.
John Dewey
Progressive educator who believed in Child Centered Learning or learning by doing to indoctrinate children to progressivism. Wrote the book Democracy in Education.
Voluntary rationing of food stuffs during WWI named after Herbert Hoover the head of the Food Administration.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Stephen Douglas' attempt to allow popular sovereignty to decide the slavery issue in the territories in exchange for the Trans-Continental Rail Road linking California and Illinois.
New Immigrant
Term applies to southern and eastern European immigrants that came to American cities in the 1890's.
Nat Turner
Slave who led a bloody revolt in 1831 and who believed he was divinely inspired to kill his master and other slave owners. 60 men women and children were killed by his band. Southern states wrote more restrictive slave laws limiting the movement of slaves.
Island Hopping
Chester Nimmitz' Us navy campaign in the Pacific during WWII.
John Locke
Enlightenment philosopher whose ideas influenced T. Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and Madison's work on the Bill of Rights; specifically his ideas on Life, Liberty, and Property.
Fourteen Points
In 1919 President Woodrow Wilson proposed this plan to the Allied Powers to avoid future wars in terms of seeking peace.
Robert Fulton
Creator the american steamboat who started the era of commerical steam navigation.
Volstead Act
The act that was passed to define what "Hard Liquor" was and set up the law enforcement apparatus to police prohibition.
Stamp Act
Prior to the American Revolution, The British instituted the __ __ which taxed all transactions involving paper without colonial consent. No other act outraged all 13 colonies than this one.
Peculiar Institution
The historical term used to identify slavery prior to the civil War.
The unofficial Us foreign policy adopted after WWI and lasted until Us was drawn into WWII.
Tweed Ring
During the Gilded Age it was the notorious Tammany Hall politicial machine led by "Boss" William Marcy Tweed. In two years it defrauded the City of $200,000,000 (1868-71.)
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Signed into law by President Wilson the ___ ___ ___ was considered to be the "Magna Carta of Labor". It outlawed restraining orders (Injunctions). Its primary purpose was to outlaw price discrimination and interlocking directorates.
Samuel Slater
Induced by American textile industries, he left England with the memorized knowledge on how to build a textile factory.
Yellow Journalism
Sensational newspaper reporting by William Randolf Hearst and Jay Pulitzer's news journals that helped instigate a war with Spain.
Halfway Covenant
Used by Puritan Churches to bolster attendance but also keep political leadership under the control respectable families. Conversion need but not "regenration" to be a member of the congregation.
Wilmost Proviso (1846)
This bill was presented during the Mexican-American War. It stipulated that none of the territory acquired should be opened to slavery.
A southern supporter of northern "Carpet Bag" governments during Reconstruction in the South.
John Dewey
Progressive educator who believed in Child Centered Learning or learning by doing to indoctrinate children to progressivism. Wrote the book Democracy in Education.
Voluntary rationing of food stuffs during WWI named after Herbert Hoover the head of the Food Administration.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Stephen Douglas' attempt to allow popular sovereignty to decide the slavery issue in the territories in exchange for the Trans-Continental Rail Road linking California and Illinois.
New Immigrant
Term applies to southern and eastern European immigrants that came to American cities in the 1890's.
Nat Turner
Slave who led a bloody revolt in 1831 and who believed he was divinely inspired to kill his master and other slave owners. 60 men women and children were killed by his band. Southern states wrote more restrictive slave laws limiting the movement of slaves.
Island Hopping
Chester Nimmitz' Us navy campaign in the Pacific during WWII.
John Locke
Enlightenment philosopher whose ideas influenced T. Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and Madison's work on the Bill of Rights; specifically his ideas on Life, Liberty, and Property.
Fourteen Points
In 1919 President Woodrow Wilson proposed this plan to the Allied Powers to avoid future wars in terms of seeking peace.
Robert Fulton
Creator the american steamboat who started the era of commerical steam navigation.
Fireside Chats
President F.D. roosevelt's weekly radio addresses to the nation during the Great Depression.
Know Nothing Party
Secretive Nativist political party that opposed Immigrationduring the 1840's and early 1850's. Officially called the American Party.
De lome Letter
Spanish Ambassador's letter that was illegally removed from the U.S. Mail and published by American newspapers. It criticized President McKinley in insulting terms. Used by war hawks as a pretext for war in 1898.
Iranian Hostage Crisis
This occurred when an Islamic fundamentalist revolution broke out in the late 1970's in Iran, and the U.S. embassy was captured in Tehran. IT helped destroy the chances for Carter's reelection.
Domino Theory
The cold War belief that if one nation comes under communist control its neighboring nations would also fall into communism.
Underground Railroad
A network of safe houses that were used to aid the escape of Southern Slaves into the North.
Pinckney's Treaty
1795 Treaty with Spain fearful of Jay Treaty with GB might threaten Spanish holdings in the West. Spain permitted US navigation rights on the Mississippi and conceded US right to lands east of the Mississippi.
Bleeding Kansas
Conflict over the expansion of slavery into the Kansas Territory during its transition to statehood. Free-staters battled slavery supporters with violence.
Marcus Garvey
Founder on UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association) and the Motherland Africa movement in the 1920's. He was jailed for fraud.
The period following the Civil War in which the devastated Southern States were slowly restored economically, politically and socially.
Part of the Nixon doctrine and begun the Johnson Administration. It was the policy of turning the war in Vietnam to the ARVN (army of the Republic of [South] Vietnam).
First artificial satellite launched into space by the USSR in 1957. Began the space race between the US and Russia plus a great deal of hysteria and fear of nuclear war.
War industries Board
The W I B was headed by Bernard Baruch. It used the power of the Federal Gov't to fix prices, determining production and develop new industry.
Olive Branch Petition
The 2nd Continental Congress sent this to King George III in hopes of reconciliation.
Republican Motherhood
After the election of 1800 Jeffersonians promoted this as the ideal for women to raise their children with the idealism of the American nation.
Sherman Silver Purchase Act 1890
Passed to appease pro-silver interests in the Midwest (Farmers), the act created inflation and lowered Gold Reserves thus causing the panic of 1893.
Jim Crow Laws
Laws enforcing segregation or control of Blacks in such a manner as to make them unequal after reconstruction.
Plessy vs Ferguson 1896
Supreme court Case that upheld Jim Crow segregation laws as legal so as they were "equal".
"Detective" agency or private police hired by the Federal Governement to guard the President prior to 1865 and used by business owners to intimidate Unions with strong arm tactics.
Nullification Crisis
1832-33 was over the tariff plicy of the Federal government, during Jackson's presidency which prompted South Carolina to threaten the use of NULLIFICATION,possible secession and Andrew Jackson's determination to end with military force.
the breaking by Nixon staff members into the DNC Head quarters housed in the hotel. It resulted in cover-ups, obstruction and the eventual resignation of Nixon.
Manhattan Project
The most expensive and important US research project during WWII, it developed the A-bomb.
Marbury vs Madison
Landmark supreme court case that established the principle of judicial review.
Knights of Labor
early american labor union that failed to achieve economic and social acceptance because its members weere unskilled, expendable, and "un-American". the union was prone to violence, linked to communism, and anarchism.
Panics of 1819, 1837, 1857, 1873, 1883, 1893
Economic Depression brought about by over speculation in land or rail roads on a cycle of 20 to 10 years.
Credibility Gap
The ___ ___ was part of the complexity of the vietnam war when General Westmoreland's assessment of the war turned out to be wrong. The media believed he was deliberately misleading them.