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73 Cards in this Set

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Alien and Sedition Acts
-Restrictive legislation passed by the Federalists to weaken their opposition, the Republicans.
American System
-A nationalist economic program originated by Henry Clay and favored by the whigs; it called for protective tariffs, a national bank, internal improvements through federal aid, and the sale of public lands to produce revenue
Amnesty Act
-By this law Congress pardoned and restored the political rights of former Confederates
Bacon's Rebellion
-Frontier rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon against the Governor of Virginia, Sir William Berkeley, in protest of grievances against the ruling clique at Jamestown.
Balance of Payments
-The difference in the value of goods and services bought and those sold by a nation. An unfavorable balance represents payments in excess of receipts and ultimately may have to be settled by payments of gold.
Black Codes
-Laws passed by the Southern states immediately after the Civil War to regulate behavior of the former slaves.
-The isolation of an enemy by military force, usually naval patrols, to cut off commerce wit the rest of the world; a "paper blockade" is one not actually in effect in the vicinity of the enemy coast line
-Civil War, North blockades the South
"Blue Laws"
-Legislation to regulate individual conduct and morals, such as compulsory observance of the Sabbath and prohibition of certain kinds of recreation
-Derogatory term applied to Northern politicians, businessmen, and others who migrated to the South during Reconstruction to advance their own fortunes
Chesapeake and Leopard Affair
-The attack of the British warship Leopard upon the American warship Chespeake for the purpose of impressing seamen
Coercive Acts
-Known as Intolerable Acts in the colonies; four Parliamentary acts designed to punish and discipline Massachusetts following the Boston Tea Party
Common Law
-The unwritten law of England based on ancient customs and handed down in court decisions which became precedents for the settlement of similar, subsequent cases
First Continental Congress
-September 1774
-United the colonies in certain measures of defense against the British
Second Continental Congress
-May 1775
-Declares Independence
-Creates central government for during the Revolution
-Northern Democrats, also called Peace Democrats, who opposed the Lincoln administration in its war efforts against the seceded south.
Crittenden Compromise
-Proposals made by Senator Crittenden of Kentucky to bring the seceded states back into the Union by protecting their interests in slavery by "permanent amendments" to the Constitution.
Currency Act
-Law enacted by Parliament that prohibited issues of legal-tender paper money by colonial assemblies
-Resented by colonists, suffering money shortage
Declaratory Act
-After repeal of the Stamp Act, Parliament passed this act to assert the right to legislate for the colonies in all cases
Dred Scott Case
-A decision of the Supreme Court favorable to the South; it legalized slavery in the territories and declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional
Embargo Act
-An extreme measure by Jefferson to secure a recognition of American commercial rights
-Stopped all foreign trade of America
Era of Good Feelings
-Absence of strife between political parties
Exposition and Protest
-South Carolina's protest against protective tariffs which it declared to be unconstitutional
Federalist Papers
-John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison
-Win support for the Constitution during campaign for ratification
-Southern extremists who favored secession in the decade preceding the Civil War.
Freedmen's Bureau
-Controversial federal agency that provided relief for distressed freedmen in the South after the Civil War
-Vetoed for renewal by Johnson
Freeport Doctrine
-The position taken by Douglas in his debate with Lincoln at Freeport, Illinois, that, if the people of a territory wish, they could exclude slavery by failing to enact local regulations for its protection. He said this could be done despite the Dred Scott decision.
Treaty of Paris
-British and America
-British recognizes American independence
-Northern Boundary was fixed on Canadian border, Southern Border on Florida, and Western border the Mississippi River
Articles of Confederation
-Many Weaknesses, including required 9 of 13 states to vote to pass legislation, no tariffs, no single elective executive, different currency for states
-Ultimately fails
Ordinance of 1787/ Northwest Ordinance
-Ohio River area divided into 3 territories
-Could draft a constitution when population of 60,000 then submit it to Congress for admission as a state
Land Ordinance of 1785
-Created a way for the American government to sell lands in territories
-$1.00 an acre
Shay's Rebellion
-Daniel Shay
-Western Massachusetts
-The Regulators, a group of angered farmers, rebel against taxation, struck fear in the leaders of the country.
Annapolis Convention
-Sends resolution to Congress urging a general convention of the states to amend the Articles of Confederation.
Second Bank of the United States
-Large Capacity then the first
-In provisions for branch banks
-Later destroyed under Jackson
Panic of 1819
-People used loans to buy mass farm land, banks wanted payment when the Second Bank of the US demanded specie, people couldn't pay
-Congress lowers price of land to $1.25
Treaty of Ghent
-End of War of 1812
-Ends impressment of sailors
-Recognizes Americas trade rights
-Britain can't interfere in the US Great Lake region
Louisiana Purchase
-Jefferson purchases large mass of land known as the Louisiana Territory
-Napolean sells cheap, because he needs to gain money for European wars.
Tariff of 1816
-Tariff levels increased to favor American Manufacturers
-Opposed by Daniel Webster
Great Migration
-1815 onward
-The movement of eastern settlers to the west
-Caused by less NA, less soil in New England, cheap land, and transportation improvements.
Robert Fulton
-Creates first practical steamboat, the Clermont
Eli whitney
-Invents the Cotton Gin in 1793 to clean cotton at a much faster rate
-Creates the idea of Interchangeable parts, the basic principle of the assembly line.
Erie Canal
-Idea by DeWitt Clinton
-Carry barges from New York to Buffalo
-Sparks increase in travel
Rush-Bagot Agreement
-Naval disarmament of the Great Lakes
-Paves way for abandonment of fortifications on the Canadian border
The Missouri Compromise
-Missouri becomes slave state, Maine a free state
-Territory North of 36' 30 would be free, anything South slave states
Monroe Doctrine
-America recognizes independence of Latin American colonies and told Europe not to interfer
-America no longer open to Colonization
Corrupt Bargain (1824)
-Election of 1824
-Jackson and John Quincy Adams to be decided in House of Representatives
-Henry Clay swings Congress to vote for John Adams and in return becomes Secretary of State
Tariff of Abominations
-Plan back fires on Jackson who tries to get based large tariff increases to get rid of Tariff of 1824, ends up passing
-Resented by the South
Election of 1828
-Dirtiest election in American history
-Candidates told lies to destroy the credibility of each other.
Spoils System
-The process of rewarding loyal party members with Government jobs
-Starts with the Presidency of Jackson
Kitchen Cabinet
-Jackson's friends who advised him on his political decisions, but were not his actual cabinet
Worcester v. Georgia
-Marshall Court
-State government had no jurisdiction over NAs
-Jackson refuses to obey the decision
Tariff of 1832
-Decreases tariff rates, because of decrease in National Debt
-John C. Calhoun
-The belief that a state could nullify laws they saw as unconstitutional
-Leads to nullification crisis in South Carolina.
Nicholas Biddle
-Ran the Second Bank of the United States
-Jackson's rival
-Used corruption in an attempt to keep the bank alive
Pet Banks
-Banks used for federal money during the Bank War to keep the money out of the Bank of the United States
Specie Circular
-Andrew Jackson
-Required the payment of coin for public lands
The Whig Party
-Takes National Republicans, Anti-Masons, and Anti-Jackson Democrats and puts into one party
-Strongest in the North
-Held by the Trinity of Clay, Calhoun and Webster
Panic of 1837
-Caused by Depression in England, Specie Circular, Over expanding Credit, and crop failures
Oregon Treaty
-Gave US the Oregon territory with the boundary at the 49th parallel
-Many wanted 54th Parallel, called "54-40 or Fight!"
Causes of the Mexican War
-Mexican Government had no money to restrain attacks on Americans near the border
-Annexation of Texas
-Border disputes
Slidell Mission
-John Slidell sent by Polk
-Recognition of Rio Grande Border
-5M for New Mexico
-20M for California
-Mexican Government refuses
Zachary Taylor's Army Campaign
-Mexican War
-Captures Monterey in September and wins Battle of Buena Vista
-Stays in Northern Mexico
Stephen W. Kearney's Army Campaign
-Mexican War
-Marches and takes over control of California
Winfield Scott's Army Campaign
-Marches to Mexico City
-Mexico City surrenders in 1847
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
-Mexico cede New Mexico and California to US
-Recognizes Rio Grande Border
-US pays 15M for New Mexico and California
The Mormon Church
-Begins in 1830
-Created by Joseph Smith
-1846 Brigham Young leads Mormons to Salt Lake City, Utah
King Cotton
-The term given to the large cash crop of the south, cotton
-Dominated life and economy of the South
American Colonization Society
-Formed the colony of Libera to transport African Americans so they could obtain their freedom
-Little success
William Lloyd Garrison
-Active Abolitionist
-1831, Abolitionist Journal called the Liberator
Temperance Movement
-Benjamin Rush determines alcohol to be harmful to health
-American Temperance Union
Dorthea Dix
-Lead a crusade for more humane and rational treatment of the insane
Wilmot Proviso
-No territory from Mexico would allow slavery
-Never passed
Popular Sovereignty
-A territory should choose whether or not it became a slave state
Ostend Manifesto
-Attempted to purchase Cuba from the Spanish, would seize if they did not agree
-Pierce turned it down.