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47 Cards in this Set

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1. Define anatomy and physiology
Anatomy- the study of body parts
Physiology- the study of the functions of the body parts
2. List, define, and describe the levels of structural organization.
*Chemical Level-simplest- contains chemical substances made up of atoms
*Cellular level-basic unit of a&p and life
*Tissue level-groups of similar cells that perform specific function
*Organ level-groups of 2 or more types of tissues working together
*Organ system level-groups of organs that work closely together
*Organismal level-highest level, maintain homeostasis
3. List the four types of tissues and their functions
*Epithelial-protection, secretion, and excretion
*Connective- protection, support, and attaching organs and tissues to each other and to the walls of body cavities(tendons, ligaments)
*Muscle- movement of body parts and organs and substances throughout the body
*Nervous-transmitting electrical or nerve impulses
4. List the organ systems, their components and functions
5. Define homeostasis
Maintain an internal environment that is fairly constant, stable, or balanced
6. List the components that body structures and organs need to function efficiently and maintain homeostasis.
Body Temperature
Atmospheric pressure
7. List and describe the control mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis.
*Receptor-Responds to sensory stimuli
Sent along afferent(take to) pathways to the control center
*Control Center-Brain and spinal cord
Info sent along efferent(take away) pathways to effector
*Effector-Tissues, organs, glands perform motor response
Feedback mechanism
response slows down= NFM (-)
response speeds up=PFM (+)
8. State and define the type of major feedback mechanism involved in homeostasis control mechanisms.
Homeostasis in the human body are mostly Negative feedback mechanisms
9. Define matter, element, atom.
*Matter- Solid, liquid, gases
*Element- substance that cant be broken down or converted into other substances by ordinary chemical reactions
*Atom- Smallest unit or particle having the same chemical and physical properties of an element
10. List the four elements that make up 96% of all living matter
11. List the two parts of an atom and the subatomic particles and their charges in each part
-Protons (+)
-Neutrons (-)
*Orbitals and Energy Levels
-Electron (-)
12. Define atomic number, mass number, isotope, orbital, energy level.
*Atomic Number-the # of protons in the nucleus
*Mass Number-the # of protons plus the numbers of neutrons in the nucleus
*Isotope-Atoms of an element that have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
*Orbital-pathway an electrons follows as it moves around the nucleus (max 2 electrons)
*Energy level-surrounding the nucleus
13. State which energy level has the least and greatest amount of energy.
1st energy level has the least energy
As energy levels are farther from the nucleus the amount of energy increases (3rd outward)
14. List the maximum number of electrons and orbitals found in each energy level.
*1st Level
-Max of 2 Electrons, 1 Orbital
*2nd Level
-Max 8 Electrons, 4 Orbitals
*3rd Level
8+ Electrons
15. Define valence electrons
Electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom
16. List and define the four types of chemical bonds.
-pair of electrons is equally shared between atoms
*Polar Covalent- fairly strong
-electrons are unequally shared between atoms
*Ionic- Fairly strong except in water
-formed when electrons are gained and lost
*Hydrogen- Weakest
-form between polar molecules
17. State which type of bonds are the strongest, weakest, and which are found in most biological molecules.
*Polar Covalent- Fairly Strong
*Ionic- Fairly strong except in water
*Hydrogen- weakest, found in most biological molecules
18. Distinguish which type of bond is represented in a diagram
19. Define ion, anion, cation, chemical reaction, reactants, products
*Ion-gain or lost of electrons that forms charged atoms
*Anion-the atom that gains electrons becomes negatively charged
*Cation-the atoms that loses the electrons becomes positively charged
*Chemical reaction-making, breaking, and rearranging of chemical bonds to form new substances
*Reactants-starting substances (left side equation)
*Products- Ending substances (right side equation)
20. List and define the three types of chemical reactions
*Synthesis- atoms or small simple molecules combine to form larger more complex molecules and energy is stored.
A+B -->AB
*Decomposition- Broken down to small simpler molecules. Energy is released
AB--> A+B
*Exchange or Displacement- 2 or more molecules are broken down and recombine
AB +CD--> AC + BD
21. State the type of metabolism and energy relationships in synthesis and decomposition reactions
Metabolism- Anabolism
Energy- Endergonic
22. Define oxidation and reduction
Oxidation-loss of electrons
Reduction- Gain of electrons
23. State the characteristics of inorganic compounds and give examples
Small simple substances, usually held together with ionic bonds, usually do not contain carbon
Ex. water, acids, bases, buffers, and salts
24. List and describe the properties of water and their importance to life
*Solvent- dissolves many substances
*High specific heat-large amount of energy must be absorbed to raise the temperature
-large amount of heat energy must be lost to lower the temperature of water
*High heat of vaporization- as water vaporizes it evaporates and heat is removed from the surface
*Reactivity-catabolic reactions require water, anabolic reactions release water
*Cushioning- prevents physical trauma to cells, tissues, and organs
25. Define acid, base, salt, electrolyte, buffer
*Acid- dissociates in water to form a Hydrogen bond (H+) and an anion (-)
*Base- dissociates in water to form a hydroxyl ion (OH-) and a cation (+)
*Salt-acid and base combine
*Electrolyte-ions that are electrically charged particles that can conduct an electrical current
*Buffer-substances which keep the pH within a certain range in order to maintain homeostasis
26. Describe pH in reference to hydrogen ion (H+) concentration, of acids, bases, and neutral solutions.
*Neutral pH of 7
H+ and OH- concentrations are equal
*Acid pH below 7
-concentration changes by 10x with each #
(ex pH od 5 is 100 acidic than 7)
27. State the characteristics of organic compounds and give examples
Large complex molecules held together by covalent bonds always contain carbon
Ex: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, DNA
28. Describe the structures of hydrocarbon chains.
Long chains and bonded to the carbon atoms are hydrogen atoms
29. Define functional group and give examples
Bonding of molecules when organic compounds are formed
hydroxyl OH
carboxyl COOH
phosphate PO4
amino NH2
30. What are carbohydrates composed of and what is the ratio and generalized formula for monosaccharaides
Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen
1C: 2H: 1O
31. List the three classes of carbohydrates and give examples of each
*Monosaccharides- "simple sugars"
glucose, fructose
*Disaccharides-"double sugars"
sucrose, maltose, lactose
*Polysaccharides "many sugars"
starch, glycogen
32. Define isomer
Substances which have the same formula but a different arrangement of atoms
33. Define dehydration synthesis or condensation and hydrolysis.
Dehydration synthesis-Removes water
Hydrolysis- split or break down water
34. Describe the structure of starch and glycogen.
*Starch- long coiled, unbranched or branched chain of glucose molecules
*Glycogen-similar to starch but more extensively branched
35. What are lipids composed of and how do they differ in the amount of oxygen compared to carbohydrates
Composed of: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
Have less oxygen in proportion to carbon and hydrogen then found in carbohydrates
36. List the functions of lipids
Insulate organs and tissues
37. List and describe the three groups of lipids
*Neutral fat-composed of glycerol and fatty acids
-3 carbon atoms
*Phospholipids-important component of plasma membrane
-Negatively charged
*Steroids- 4 fused rings pf carbon items
38. What are the functional groups involved in forming neutral fats.
Glycerol OH
Fatty acids COOH
39. Define triglycerides
Glycerol and 3 fatty acids bond together
40. Describe the differences between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
* Saturated fatty acids- animal fats and usually solid at room temp
contain the max # of H atoms bonded to the C atoms *Unsaturated fatty acids- contain 1 or more double covalent bonds
plant oils and usually liquid at room temperature
41. Define hydrophobic and hydrophilic.
Hydrophobic- water fearing
Hydrophilic- water loving
42. What are proteins composed of and what are the structural units?
Composed of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and sometimes Sulfur
Structural units-Amino Acids
43. List the functions of proteins and give examples of each
*Structural support-keratin(hair, skin), collagen and elastin(skin,tendons, ligaments
*Storage- Albumin, (eggs)
*Transport of other substances- hemoglobin
*Coordinatin of bodily activities- Hormones
*Movement-Actin, myosin
*Aid in chemical reactions- enzymes
44. State what amino acids are composed of and how they differ from each other.
Composed of carbon atom covalently bonded to 4 different atoms or groups of atoms
-Only differ in their R group
45. State the type of bond formed between amino acids and the functional groups involved.
peptide bonds
46. List and describe the four levels of protein organization or conformation
*Primary-chain of amino acids in a specific sequence
*Secondary-twists, coils, or folds. held together by hydrogen bonds between the peptide bonds. found in fibrous protein
*Tertiary-form ball shaped mass called a globular protein
*Quaternary- most complex
47. Define enzyme, substrate, energy of activation, induced fit, cofactor, coenzyme