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53 Cards in this Set

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The study of the structures found inside and outside living things
The structures of features large enough to see without magnification
gross anatomy
the study of the structures of individual cells
the study of the structures of individual tissues
three different kinds of anatomical studies
gross anatomy, cytology, histology
the science of how the structures of living things function
anatomy is the ___; physiology is the ____
what; how
study of how diseases affect normal physiology
pathological physiology
study of diseases
what is the unifying theme of anatomy and physiology
maintaining homeostasis
a stable state that is actively monitored and constantly maintained
similar or same
standing still
conditions under which all parts function optimally
temperature levels, acidity levels, nutrient levels, O2/CO2 levels
Maintaing homeostasis in an organism does not mean ____
everything is kept at the same levels everywhere in the organism
Three components needed to maintain homeostasis
A receptor, A control or integration center, an effector
Monitors conditions under homeostasis and detects changes from the optimal or desired setting
receives signals/information from receptor and responds to any detected changes by sending out commands
A control or integration center
receives commands from control/integration center and carries out actions in response to changes detected by the receptor
an effector
the most common way to maintain homeostasis and keeps conditions constant is through ___
negative feedback
when a change in one direction causes a system to alter itself so that it changes in the opposite direction enough to undue the original change
negative feedback
unchanging conditions are always _____ around a preferred value due to this work
fluctuating slightly
Body temperature set point ____
changes in different conditions
Occasionally ____ are used to restore system to homeostasis
positive feedback levels
when a change in one direction causes a system to make another change in the same direction, which causes yet another change in the same direction, continually amplifying the original change
positive feedback
positive feed back by itself ____ bring about homeostasis
cannot; it makes changes worse
situations where positive feedback is used to maintain homeostasis
blood clotting, lactation, uterine contractions during childbirth
every living thing can be ____
broken down into smaller and smaller parts
every living thing is constructed from ____
larger and larger groupings of components
Levels of living things
-Atoms are used to construct molecules
-molecules are used to control cells
-cells are grouped together into tissues
-tissues are organized into an organ
-organs are associated into an organ system
-a collection of organ systems leads to the organism
How many organ systems are there in humans
Names organ systems
1.) Integumentary system
2.) The Skeletal System
3.) The cardiovascular system
4.) The muscular system
5.) the nervous system
6.) the endocrine system
7.) the lymphoid system
8.) the respiratory system
9.) the digestive system
10.) the urinary system
11.) the male reproductive system
12.) the female reproductive system
Major organs and functions of the integumentary system
skin, hair, sweat glands, and nails; protects against environmental hazards, helps regulate body temperature, provides sensory information
Major organs and functions of the skeletal system
bones, cartilages, associated ligaments, and bone marrow; provides support and protection for other tissues, stores calcium and other minerals, forms blood cells
major organs and functions of the muscular system
skeletal muscles and associated tendons; provides movement, provides protection and support for other tissues, generates heat that maintains body temperature
in the organisms, organ systems, aren't ____
independent or isolated from another
most human vital organs are housed ____
in body cavities
hollow, enclosed spaces within in the body in which organs are packed
body cavity
what do body cavities do
allow the organs space to move, provide empty space between the outside and insides of the body, cushioning the insides from bumps and blows to the outside, provide a slick surface for organs to slide against
two main body cavities
dorsal body cavity and ventral body cavity
two cavities of the dorsal body cavity
cranial cavity and vertebral cavity
space inside the skull, housing the brain
cranial cavity
space inside the hollow of the backbone in which spinal cord are located
vertebral cavity
two cavities of the ventral body cavity
thoracic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity
the ventral body cavities are surrounded by ___
fleshy tissues
the dorsal body cavities are surrounded by ____
the ventral body cavity is first subdivided by a sheet of ____
muscle- the diaphragm
the space inside the ventral side of the body above the diaphragm
Thoracic body cavity
the thoracic cavity is subdivided into ____
sheets of tissue known as serous membranes
a thin layer of tissues coated with a watery overlay that surrounds organs
serous membrane
the serous membrane sac that surrounds each lung
the serous membrane sac that surrounds the heart
The organs ___ sitting in the serous cavities
are not