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52 Cards in this Set

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Alfred Adler

neo freudian, concentrated on parenting styles, emphasized inferiority. start off weak when born, strive to overcoming them by becoming superior to others. need to get better drives behavior, emotions. possible to develop inferiority complex

Mary ainsworth

emotional attachment types; strange situation experiment. kids reaction are seen whilst playing while caregivers and strangers enter and leave. recreate unfamiliar peolple. effects vary in stressfulness.

Gordon Allport

personality into three levels of traits. cardinal traits (dominate and shape) most people lack central theme. central traits: general characteristic found everywhere like personality. secondary trait: seen only sometimes, likes dislikes

albert bandura

bobo doll study, explained social learning theory. aggression is learned through observation and imitation. sparked experiments of violent media on kids

Aaron Beck

father of cognitive therapy, clinical depression. made cognitive triad of depression. depressed people have negative thoughts about: themselves, future, world.

Alfred Binet

french psych. came up with first intelligence test. hired by french public schools to find kids that needed help. IQ formual MA/Catimes 100=IQ. influenced stanford binet

Paul broca

physician. reported that damage to part of left frontal lobe (brocas area) person couldnt form words but still understand it.

Raymond Catell

16 underlying personality traits. known as 16 personality factor model and 16 PF questionnaire. used factor analysis

Noam Chomsky

father of linguistics. theory of generative grammar says he believed in universal grammar. different from skinner because he thought language was innate.

Herman Ebbignhaus

created forgetting cruve. forget most info after 20 min, hour, day. it is exponential like learning curve

Paul Ekman

facial expressions and how they showed emotions. six basic universal emotions. anger, digust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise.

Albert Ellis

developed approach known as rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). helps patients overcome weird beliefs and unrealistic expectations. eliminate self defeating and focus on beneficial.

Erik Erikson

neo freudian. stages in psychosocial dev. based on freuds. stages include crisis that goes two ways. ex. trust vs. mistrust.

Hans Eysenck

intelligence is inherited, personality summed up by two dimensions (super traits). extroversion/introversion and emotional stability (neuroticism)

Sigimund Freud

known as father of modern psych and psychoanalysis. unconscious does everything. psychosexual stages, three parts of mind, derrams, free association and hypnosis reveal unconscious.

Phineas Gage

railroad worker, iron rod through his left frontal lobe. became extremely angry. lead to know that areas of brain affect personality.

Howard Gardner

theory of multiple intelligence opposed spearman one intelligence. eight smarts: language, logic ,music, spatial, kinesthetic, intra/inter person, nature.

Carol Gilligan

thought kohlbergs theory of moral dev. was male centered believed boys are more liekly to apply moral rules to all contexts where girls consider relationships when making decisions

Francis Galton

made idea of nature vs. nurture. sstudied genetics and effect on individualism. thought nature is most important

Daniel Goleman

emotional intelligence. how well you handle emotions. believed that EQ is more important thatn IQ to predict success.

Harry Harlow

raised monkeys with fake moms. one was food the other was comfort. monkeys would go to food but return to comfort one. humans need contact.

Ernest Hilgard

research on hypnosis. creator of hypnosis theory of hidden observer. person in hypnosis can observe his or her pain without feeling.

Karen Horney

neo-freudian. parental indifference leads to neurosis, key to understand is kids perception. kids can overcome oedipus if loving parents

William James

first important psych textbook. (principles of psych.) functionalism movement. cared about function rather than structure of consciousness

William James and Carl Lange

came up with jame-lange theory of emotion. emotions happen because of physio reactions to events. based on how u react, different emotion

Carl Jung

neo-freudian. believed in personal unconscious but also collective conscious. studied masks we wear in social situations

Garcia and Koelling

taste aversion when studying radiation on rats. rats became nauseous because of radiation that was paired with water. didnt like water

Lawrence Kohlberg

3 moral development stages. Pre-conventional (gains or punishment) Conventional morality (uphold social rules to get approval). post-conventional (abstract reasoning)

Elizabeth Loftus

work in study of false memory formation and misinformation effect. car crash experiment. those who were asked with the smashed wording remember glass breaking. no glass broke

Konrad Lorenz

rediscovered imprinting (phase sensitive learning). included Lorenz acting as mother of ducks. critical period for attachment

Abraham Maslow

founded humanistic psych. focuses on individual and choices . humans are good. developed hieararchy of needs that addresses physio needs, safety, love, esteem

Stanley Milgram

proved people will do things because authority figure prompts them to do so. exp. teaher would punih with electric shock if wrong answer. 60% increased it all the way

Ivan Pavlov

experiment with dog, discovered classical conditioning. found extinction and spontaneous recovery. dog salivated at sound of tone.

Jean Piaget

cognitive dev of kids. four stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete, formal.

Carl Rogers

humanistic psych. use theory of self concept.helped people get to self actualization. developed client-centered therapy. psych talks with client in positive manner.

Hermann Rorschach

made inkblot test designed to reflect unconscious part of personality. shown 10 inkblots asked what they saw in them

David Rosenhan

tested validity of psychiatric diagnosis of insanity, sent fake patients and they were treated. doctors could not tell if real or not

Martin Seligman

found: learned helplessness, dogs who were shocked would not run away with the ability to.

Hans Selye

responsible for general adaptation syndrome, alarm reaction, resistance, exhaustion. third is dangerous and long term effects

Stanley schacter and Jerome Singer

two factor theory of emotion. emotional experience requires conscious interpretation. exp. with college students injected epinephrine to see how they reacted with some happy or mad.

B.F. Skinner

operant conditioning, skinner box (operant conditioning chamber). sought to understand behavior as function of envo history of reinforcing consequences.

Charles Spearman

only one type of intelligence, g factor. tested on standard IQ test

George Sperling

iconic sensory memory. showed people letters quickly remembered most of them. all 9 letters were stored immediatly but quickly forgotten

Robert Sternberg

three intelligence aspects: analytical, creative, practical. more to creativity than what inteligence tests show.

Lewis Terman

revised binets earlier tests, invented Stanford Binet test. thought kids were gifted leaders. felt results showed blacks were less smart

Edward L Thorndike

law of effect principle. rewarded behavior happens and punished doesnt. basis of B.F skinners behavioral tech.

Edward Tolman

studies on behavioral psych. studied latent learning. known for study off learning rats in mazes. rats without reward still learn how to complete it.

John Watson

established behaviorism. recommended to not study unobservable mental processes. Little Albert experiment to prove classical conditioning.

Ernst Weber

notable for work in sensation and difference thresholds. two stumili to be seen as different must vary by a constant proportion not constant amount.

Benjamin Whorf

language and grammer shapes reality. hopi have no past, perception is different

Wilhelm Wundt

first psych lab in germany, where introspection was used. focuse on inner feelings (structuralism).

Philip Zambardo

asseses how role playing affects attitudes. fake prison experiment where guards took their job to seriously and prisoners same. experiment was cut short. changed ethicals standards for experimenation.