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88 Cards in this Set

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Pertaining to or having the properties of a base or alkali; basic
An instrument used to measure the acuity of hearing
Color receptors in the retina of the eye
Sensory receptors in tendons close to muscle attachments that are involved in reflexes that help maintain posture
Golgi Tendon Organ
Colored muscular portion of the eye that surrounds the pupil and regulates it's size
An inherited inability to distinguish certain colors
Color Blindness
Loss of transparency of the lens of the eye
The system of connecting tubes within the inner ear including the cochlea, vestibule and semicircular canals
Tear secreting gland
Lacrimal Gland
Bone tissue
Osseous Tissue
A retinal neuron whose fibers pass laterally between other retinal cells
Amacrine Cell
A bone of the middle ear
Auditory Ossicle
Maintenance of balance when the head and body are suddenly moved or rotated
Dynamic Equilibrium
Abnormal formation of spongy bone within the ear that may interfere with the transmission of sound vibrations to hearing receptors
Tiny, nipplelike projection
The tube that connects the middle ear cavity to the pharynx; eustachian tube
Auditory Tube
A bending of light as it passes from one medium into another medium with a different density
A group of organic substances that are usually bitter in taste and have toxic effects
An earlike structure; the protion of the heart that forms the wall of an atrium
Adjustment of the lens for close vision
Sensory receptor in the blood vessel wall stimulated by changes in pressure (pressoreceptor)
The vascular pigmented middle layer of the wall of the eye
Choroid Coat
Inner layer of the eye wall that contains the visual receptors
Light sensitive biochemical in the rods of the retina; visual purple
Nerve endings deep in the dermis providing perception of pressure
Pacinian Corpuscle
Fluid contained in the space between the membranous and osseous labyrinths of the inner ear
A type of light receptor that provides colorless vision
A membrane covered opening between the inner ear and the middle ear
Round Window
A group of hair cells and supporting cells associated with an organ of static equiibrium
White fibrous outer layer of the eyeball
Tubular structure within the inner ear that contains the receptors providing the sense of dynamic equilibrium
Semicircular Canal
A saclike cavity that makes up part of the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
The phenomenon of a sensation becoming less noticeable once it has been recognized by constant repeated stimulation
Sensory Adaptation
A nerve ending that detects changes in tension of a muscle or tendon
Procedure in which needles are inserted into various tissues to control pain sensations
Opening in the iris through which light enters the eye
Sense that involves receptors associated with specialized sensory organs, such as the eyes and ears
Special Sense
Sensory organ located within a semicircular canal that functions in the sense of dynamic equilibrium
Crista Ampullaris
Sensory receptor close to the surface of the skin that is sensitive to light touch
Meissner's Corpuscle
The maintenance of balance when the head and body are motionless
Static Equilibrium
Lack of visual coordination; crossed eyes
A feeling resulting from the brain's interpretation of sensory nerve imulses
Muscle contraction in response to stretching the muscle
Stretch Reflex
A thin membrane that covers the auditory canal and separates the external ear from the middle ear; the eardrum
Tympanic Membrane
An enlarged portion of the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
The collagenous fibers and flud that occupy the posterior cavity of the eye
Vitreous Body
The hairlike processes of the hair cells within the organ of corti
Waxlike substance produced by cells that line the external ear canal
Watery fluid that fills the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye
Aqueous Humor
Portion of the inner ear that contains the receptors of hearing
Pertaining to the ear or the sense of hearing
Fluid contained within the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
A sensory receptor that is sensitive to mechanical stimulation such as changes in pressure or tension
Organ containing receptors associated with the sense of taste
Taste Bud
Objects perceived as three dimensional; depth perception
Stereoscopic Vision
Sensory nerve ending that responds to tension
Stretch Receptor
A sensory receptor that is sensitive to changes in temperature; a heat receptor
A space at the opening to a canal
A light sensitive pigment within the cones of the retina
Process by which the brain causes a sensation to seem to come from the region of the body being stimulated
Muscles whose fibers are arranged in circular patterns, usually around an opening or in the wall of a tube; sphincter muscles
Circular Muscles
The substance that occupies the space between the lens and the retina of the eye
Vitreous Humor
Mechanorecptor in the inner ear that lies between the basilar membrane and the tectorial membrane and triggers action potentials in fibers of the auditory nerve
Hair Cell
A delicate fiber within the eye that extends from the ciliary process to the lens capsule
Zonular Fiber
Pertaining to the palate
Modified skeletal muscle fiber that can respond to changes in muscle length
Muscle Spindle
Region in the retina of the eye where nerve fibers leave to become part of the optic nerve
Optic Disk
An expansion at the end of each semicircular canal that contains a crista ampullaris
Pain that feels as if it is originating from a part other than the site being stimulated
Referred Pain
A form of vitamin A; retinene
A receptor that is stimulated by the binding of certain chemicals
Loss of the eye's ability to accommodate due to declining elasticity in the lens; farsightedness of age
Sensory nerve ending associated with the feeling of pain
Pain Receptor
Chemical precursor of rhodopsin
Loss of hearing that accompanies old age
Visual defect due to errors in refraction caused by abnomal curvatures in the surface of the cornea or lens
A yellowish depression in the retina of the eye that is associated with acute vision
Macula Lutea
A small particle of calcium carbonate associated with the receptors of euilibrium
Movement turning a body part on its longitudinal axis
Transparent anterior portion of the outer layer of the eye wall
Mental awareness of sensory stimulation
Membranous covering on the anterior surface of the eye
Receptor on effector cell membrane that combines with epinephrine or norepinephrine
Alpha Receptor
An organ in the cochlear duct that contains the receptors for hearing, it consists of hair cells and supporting cells
Organ of corti
Opening between the stapes and the inner ear
Oval Window
A nerve ending that is sensitive to light energy
Structure associated with the choroid layer of the eye that secretes aqueous humor and contains the ciliary muscle
Ciliary Body