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177 Cards in this Set

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Broadly Speaking the nervous system consists of 2 parts, what are they?
Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System.
What does the central nervous system consists of?
Brain and Spinal Cord
What does the peripheral nervous system consists of?
Cranial Nerves, Spinal Nerves, and Autonomic Nerves (Sympathetic Division and Parasympathetic Division)
The nervous system controls the ______ of the body's ______ system, in close cooperation with the __________ system.
The nervous system has 3 basic functions, what are they?
Sensory (externally)
Integrating (within spinal cord)
Motor (externally)
Neurons can be seen to consists of 3 main sections, ______, ________, and________.
Cell Body (Soma or perikaryon)
The cell body is large and contains the _____ of the cell.
The cell body also contains the majority of the cell organelles that synthesize the materials needed by the ____, particularly _____ (______), and _______, synthesized by the _______ and _______.
Energy (Mitochondria)
Ribosomes and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum.
Some of the areas containing large amounts of __________, and _______ stain darkly and these areas are referred to as _________.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and Ribosomes
Nissl Bodies
_______ give the grey coloration to the areas of the spinal cord that contain the cell bodies of the neurons, the so-called __________.
Nissl Bodies
Grey Matter
_________ are extensions from the soma that receive stimuli, or _______from other neurons and convey this stimulation to the _________.
Cell Body
Dendrites may also be modified into sensory receotors that receive, or "sense" stimuli such as....
Heat, cold, touch, pressure, stretch, or other physical changes.
The ______ is the other type of extension from the soma and conducts the nervous impulse _____ from the cell body,
The axon is a _____ process. Axons are often covered in a fatty substance called ________, which appears ______ under the microscope.
Nervous tissue containing many myelinated axons is often referred to as ____________.
White Matter
In some cases the axon may branch along its length producing _______ that allow the nervous impulse to be transmitted to more than one other cell.
Some axons have closely associated __________ for support, structure, and nutrition.
In the CNS there are ________, ___________, _______ cells, and ______ cells.
Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia cells, and ependymal cells.
In the PNS there are _________ cells and _________ cells.
Satellite and Schwann.
Astrocytes are responsible for the ______-________ barrier. They secrete a substance that maintains the _______ __________ of the endothelial cells lining the CNS.
Blood Brain
Selective Permeability
Astrocytes ____ the neurons in the CNS by ______ the neurons from excessive movement and preventing ______. They are also able to change the composition of the _____ bathing the neurons.
Damage to tissue.
Interstitial Fluid
Oligodendrocytes are located in the _____ and they function like the _____ of the PNS. They line the _________ with a sheath around every ____ of the _____.
Schwann Cells
Axon of the CNS
What 2 things compose the oligodendrocytes?
Protein and phospholipids
Those neuron with myelin sheath are said to be _________ and those without are __________.
If a nerve has no myelin, the lining of the nerve is termed the ____ or _____. If it does have myelin such as schwann cells or oligodendrocytes, the outer lining is then termed _____, and the nerve lining is the ______.
Neuro or Neurolemma
Microglia function to wander through the ____ and with their phagocytic activity, _______ and _______ cellular waste products, debris, and pathogens.
Engulf and Destroy
Ependymal cells line the ventricles of the _____ and ______.
Brain and Spinal Canal
They are responsible for the circulation of _______ that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. They may also aid in its _____ and the _____ of its composition.
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Production and Monitoring
Satellite Cells are located in the ____ with ________ cells. They surround the clusters of cells bodies known as _______, insulating them from their surroundings.
PNS with Schwann
The myelin sheath is actually the cell membrane of specialized glial cells called ______ in the brain and spinal cord, and ______ in the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord.
Schwann Cells
Between adjacent glial cells are small gaps in the myelin sheath called ______ ______. They work together to enhance the ______ of conduction of the nervous impulses along the axon.
Nodes of Ranvier
Neurons can be classified anatomically into one of four different types, name them. The classification relates to the position of the cell body in relation to the axon.
Anaxonic Neurons
In _______ neurons there is no anatomical method differentiating between axons and dendrites. All cell processes appear similar.
______ neurons have 2 processes arising from the cell body in the middle. Ear, eye, and nose.
______ neurons have a continuous dendritic and axonal process with the cell body lying off to one side. Generally have a long axon and in PNS.
_______ neurons have one axon from cell body with several dendrites coming in. Most common CNS.
_____ of the PNS are afferent, they carry impulses from the sensory receptors toward or into the CNS.
______ of the PNS are efferent, they carry impulses from the CNS to peripheral tissues, organs or organ systems.
________ are those situated between sensory and motor neurons and are found only in the CNS.
__________ neurons carry information from the external environment to the CNS.
Somatic Sensory
________ neurons carry information from within the animal (its organs and other systems)
Visceral Sensory
A mixed nerve contains both ______ and ______ fibers, and may innervate several different ________.
Afferent and Efferent
Anatomically each axon is surrounded by a fibrous connective tissue called the _____. That group of these axons are held in bundles by connective tissue known as _____.
These are further held together by an outer fibrous sheath called the _______, which encloses a blood supply and fat deposits.
__________ is the study of the functioning of nervous tissue, i.e. how the neurons and glial cells transmit and process info.
Neurons can transmit nervous impulses along their length, this impulse is in the form of a electrical stimulus causes by changing the _____ of certain ion ____ on the inside and ____ on the outside.
The extracellular fluid had a high concentration of ______ ions and _____ ions.
Sodium (Na+)
Chloride (Cl-)
The intracellular fluid has a high concentration of ____ ions and negatively charged ______.
Potassium (K+)
This difference in ionic concentrations exists due to the ____ of the cell membrane that will not allow the ions to move across to ____. their distribution.
Some ions can pass through more easily than others. Proteins carrying a ___ charge inside the cell can't move to the outside.
Whereas ___ can move out of the cell through ___-____ _____ channels more easily than ____ can enter through its _____-____ _____ channels.
Voltage-gated potassium
Voltage-gated sodium channels
When there is a overall excess of negative charge on the inner surface of the membrane when compared to the outer surface, this difference in electrical charge is called the _______ or ________ of the cell membrane
Transmembrane potential or Resting potential
The difference in electrical charge is measured in _______. For a resting neuron, the transmembrane potential is ______ or _____.
Millivolts (mV)
0.07V or -70mV
The transport of K+ or Na+ therefore does not require any input of _____ and can be described as _________.
Passive Transport
For every ____ K+ ions to the outside of the nerve, there are ___ Na+ ions to the inside during the depolarization process.
When both the chemical and electrical gradients are considered together, we call this the ___________.
Electrochemical Gradient
To maintain homeostasis the cell must be able to retrieve some of the lost K+ from the ___ the cell and get rid of excess Na+ from the ___ of the cell, to do this energy is used to activate a mechanism known as the ___.
Sodium/potassium pump
This pump permits the exchange of intracelllular ___ for extracellular ___, using a carrier protein molecule located in the cell membrane, called the _____.
Sodium/potassium ATPase pump
This mechanism uses energy derived from the conversion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to ______ to move the ions _____ their electrochemical gradients, a process known as __________.
adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
Active Transport
When the cell is in resting potential the cell membrane can be said to be _______.
__________ is the process where the inside of the cell becomes positively charged and the outside negatively charged, for a short period of time.
The significant change in electrical charge from negative to positive is also referred to as an _________.
Action Potential
Action potential lasts approximately _______ and the resting potential is very quickly restored.
1 millisecond
Lists the steps of Action Potential
1. Membrane at rest 2. Depolarizing electronic potentials 3. K+ moving out rapidly 4. No net charge movement 5. Na+ moving in rapidly 6. Na+ & K+ channels recovering with the aid of ATPase
There is a certain level of depolarization that is required before an action potential can be triggered, this is called the ________.
Once the stimulus has caused the neuron to become depolarized above the threshold level, then an __________ is triggered.
Action Potential
What are responsible for the blood-brain barrier?
What line the axolemma with a sheath around every exon of the CNS?
What wonders through the CNS and with phagocytic activity engulf and destroy cellular waste products, debris and pathogens?
What lines the ventricles of the brain and spinal cord?
Ependymal Cells
What surrounds the cluster of cell bodies known as ganglia, in the PNS, insulating them from their surroundings?
Satellite Cells
Sensory is _______, it carries impulses ____ the CNS
Motor is _______, it carries impulses _______ from the CNS.
If a second stimulus acts upon a neuron in which a action potential is ongoing, then a second action potential will not be produced. The neuron at this stage is unresponsive and said to be in a ____ stage.
The time it takes for the neuron to be able to generate a second action potential from the start of the first is called the ______ period.
Absolute Refractory period
The period between the end of the absolute refractory period and a return to the resting potential is known as the _____________.
Relative Refractory period
This is the period during which a second __________ can be triggered, although this requires the stimulus to _______ the threshold depolarization.
Action Potential
The point at which the nervous impulse transmission occurs is called the ______ (between one neuron and another) or ______ (between a neuron and muscle fiber).
Neuromuscular Junction
At the synapse, the action potential from the from the axon of first nerve cell (____ neuron), is carried across the interstitial space, known as the _____, to the dendrites of the next nerve cell (_____ neuron)
Presynaptic neuron
Synaptic Cleft
Postsynaptic neuron
__________ occurs when the 2 cells are very close together, as the synaptic gap is small.
Electrical Transmission
In cells that are very close together, the action potential is automatically ______ into the adjacent cell by causing a membrane _______, just as the action potential is ______ along the axon itself.
__________ is when the synaptic gap is large, an impulse in the presynaptic neuron causes the release of a chemical into the gap.
Chemical Transmission
This chemical is known as _______, which diffuses across the synaptic gap to the _____ neuron and triggers a change in the membrane potential of the ______ neuron.
This depolarizes the ______ neuron generating an ______ in the _____ cell.
Action Potential
What is the most common chemical means of transportation? Neurons that release acetlycholine are classified as ________. What are the 2 receptors of acetlycholine?
Nicotinic and Muscarinic
Neurotransmitter classification:
1. Amino Acids
2. Monamines
3. Polypeptides
Nor-epinephrine (_________) sympathetic.
What are its 4 receptors?
Alpha 1,2 and Beta 1,2
What does GABA stand for? It is an inhibitory neurotransmitter of _____. Binding GABA to its receptor produces _______ or _______.
Gama-aminobutyric acid
Hyperpolarization or Inhibition
What is the excitatory neurotransmitter of CNS. Receptors for this are involved with memory and learning.
What is the clear, colorless, slightly alkaline fluid. It is similar in comparison to plasma but only contains a small amount of protein.
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Its function is to protect the ____ and _____ by forming a fluid cushion between the delicate nerve tissues and the bones of the _____ and ______.
Brain and Spinal Cord
Skull and Vertebral Column
It enables the _______ within the skull to remain constant and also carries _______ and ________ away from the tissue to the interstitial fluid of the CNS.
waste and toxic substances
The CSF circulates through the 4 ____ of the brain. It also passes into the _______ space, a space between the the inner and middle of the 3 layers of connective tissue which surround the brain, known as the _______.
Name the 3 layers.
Pia mater
Arachnoid mater
Dura mater
Which is the outer layer and is a thick membrane composed of tough fibrous tissue that lines the inside of the skull forming the periosteum? Which lies on the surface of the spinal cord?
Dura Mater
Pia Mater
Which is separated from the pia mater by the subarachnoid space via CSF?
Arachnoid Mater
Samples collected for analysis from an enlargement of the ___________ space at the base of the skull called the ____________.
Subarachnoid Space
Cisterna Magna
The hindbrain consists of 3 areas. The most rostral is the _____ that lies between the midbrain and an area of the hindbrain known as the ______. The 3rd is the ______ which controls the motor coordination.
Medulla Oblongata
The pons and the medulla lie at the level at which most ________ enter the brain. Both are also responsible for the basic control of _______ and __________, known as the ________ reflexes.
Cranial Nerves
Heart Rate and Respiration
The _________ is continuous with the medulla of the brain. It runs within the protective vertebral column from the cisterna magna, terminating at the _________.
Spinal Cord
Cauda Equina
____ pairs of of spinal nerves leave the spinal cord, passing through the _________, each passing to a different part of the body. Each is also surrounded by a layer of __________ and has a dorsal and ventral root.
Intervertebral Foramina
Meningeal Dura
The dorsal root is comprised of ___ ___ fibers with their cell bodies located in a cluster or ganglion in the ____. The ventral root is comprised of ____ ____ fibers with the cell bodies located in the ____ of the grey matter.
Sensory Afferent
Intervertebral Foramen
Motor Efferent
Ventral horn
So sensory impulses enter the spinal cord via the _____ root, and motor impulses leave via the _____ root of the spinal nerve.
The PNS includes all the nerves that pass out from the spinal cord to _______ and ________, as well as those that carry impulses back into the CNS.
Muscles and Organs
Efferent nerves can be divided into 2 broad categories:
1. Those which are part of the PNS-______, supply ______.
2. Those PNS - supplying _______, _________, and ________ from the _________ system.
Somatic Nerves
Skeletal Muscle
Smooth and cardiac muscle
Glands from Autonomic System
Nerves of the PNS-Somatic Nerves can be further subdivided into _____ and ______, depending upon the part of the body that they innervate.
Cranial and Spinal Nerves
Cranial Nerves - There are ____ pairs. They can be broken down into 3 categories: Those that carry impulses to the brain like the sense of smell, called _____.
Cranial Sensory
Those that carry impulses from the brain to effector organ like the muscles of the eye, called ______. Those that carry impulses from the brain to the effector organ and back to the brain, called __________.
Cranial Motor
Cranial Mixed
Name the 12 cranial nerves (using roman numerals)
I. Olfactory II. Optic III. Oculomotor IV. Trochlear V. Trigeminal VI. Abducent VII. Facial VIII. Vestibulocochlear IX. Glossopharyngeal X. Vagus XI. Accessory XII. Hypoglossal
What is the mnemonic to remember the cranial nerves.
On old olympus towering top, a fine, vocal German viewed some hops.
What is the first mixed nerve of the 12 cranial nerves?
Write sensory, motor, or both for each cranial nerve for the type of nerve.
I. Sensory II. Sensory III. Motor IV. Motor V. Both VI. Motor VII. Both VIII. Sensory IX. Both X. Both XI. Motor XII. Motor
In certain areas of the body the nerves interweave to produce a complex network of fibers known as a ________.
In the dog the ______ _______ is a network of nerve fibers that gives rise to the radial, ulnar, and medial nerves supplying the forelimb. It runs over the ________.
Brachial Plexus
The ______ ______ is a network of nerve fibers that gives rise to the sciatic, obturator, perineal, pudendal, and others. It runs over the _______.
Pelvic Plexus
The ______ ______ is a group of nerves that run together in the region of the 7th lumbar vertebrae and the sacral region resembling a mare's tail.
Cauda Equina
Give the name of the nerve that corresponds with the set of muscles: 1. Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus 2. All pectorals including xiphihumeralis 3. Subscapularis 4. Biceps brachii and brachialis 5. Teres minor and deltoids
1. Suprascapular 2. Pectorals 3. Subscapular 4. Musculocutaneous 5. Axillary
6. Triceps brachii, anconeus, and extensors distal to the elbow 7. Flexors distal to the elbow. 8. Flexors distal to the elbow not covered #7 9. Latissimus dorsi 10. Cutaneous trunci
6. Radial 7. Ulnar 8. Median 9. Thoracodorsal 10. Lateral thoracic
Give the name of the nerve that corresponds with the set of muscles: 1. Middle and deep gluteal and tensor fasciae latae 2. Superfcial gluteal, semitendinosus, biceps femoris 3. Sartorius, quadriceps femoris
1. Cranial Gluteal (Middle)
2. Caudal Gluteal (Superficial)
3. Femoral
4. Adductors, gracilis, pectineus, obturator externus 5. Semimembranosus, biceps femoris, obturator internus, gemelli, quadratus femoris 6. Tibialis cranialis, long digital extensor, peroneus
4. Obturator
5. Sciatic
6. Peroneal
7. Gastrocnemius, superficial digital flexor, tibialis caudalis, popliteus.
7. Tibial
A reflex reaction is an inborn, _________ response towards an external stimulus that is mediated by the _______ system.
When Pavlov would associate the bell ringing with food and before long dogs would salivate when they heard the bell only, this type of response is called a ________ ______ response.
Conditioned Reflex
What is the difference between vital signs and a reflex?
Vital signs you do not touch the animal
Reflex you put your hand on the animal
If the heart rate of an animal goes up then the respiration goes ______. If the heart rate of an animal goes down the the respiration goes _______.
In stage 3 anesthetic the pupal is at its _________.
Anesthetic depth can be indicated by the utilization of basic reflexes. Name the 8 that we check for.
1. Palpebral (blink reflex) 2. Pedal 3. Ear Flick 4. Corneal 5. Size of pupil 6. Pupillary light 7. Heart and Respiratory 8. Response to surgical stimuli
There are 2 forms of the afferent system of the PNS, what are they?
1. Somatic sensory neurons
2. Visceral sensory neurons
Somatic sensory neurons provide info about the ___________ environment of the animal, and Visceral sensory neurons monitor the _________ environment and organs.
Most sensory neurons have specialized terminals or cells known as __________, which can be classified in a number of ways, depending on their structure and function.
1. Where they receive their stimulus: a.________ – are stimulated by information from the external environment such as touch, sight, smell, hearing, taste, pressure and temperature.
b. __________ – monitor movements and position of the skeletal muscles and joints. Like if you are upright or falling.
c._________ – monitor the internal environment such as the respiratory, digestive, urinary, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. They are also stimulated by deep pressure and pain.
2. Structure of the receptors: a. _______ ____ nerve endings, are involved in detecting touch & painful stimuli are located in the skin, muscles, & viscera. In the cornea are stimulated by touch pressure & temp.
Unspecialized Free
b. _______ or _______ nerve endings, are located in the dermis of the skin and respond to touch and pressure.
c. _______ ____-________ receptor cells which are located in the ear and eye , as well as the taste buds.
Specialized or encapsulated
Specialized non-neuroneal
3. Type of stimulus to which the receptor responds: a. _______ – detect chemical changes in the local area around the receptor. Ex: these in the brain detect changes in oxygen & carbon dioxide in blood
b. ________ – responds to touch and pressure and are predominantly located in the skin. There are also receptors that detect the degree of stretch of muscles in the stomach, lungs and blood vessels.
4. __________ are stimulated by changes in temp and are located in the skin.
5. ______ receptors or ___________, which are usually triggered by any stimulus that may cause tissue damage or injury. Release of chemicals in an area of inflammation may also trigger these receptors.
Pain or Nociceptors
6. __________ receptors are stimulated by light and are found in the retina of the eye.
When the stimulus first occurs the receptor responds fully, however, if the situation persists the level of response declines until the receptor is no longer stimulated, this in known as ________.
The _________ __________ system controls those parts of the body that are part of an animal's unconscious actions. The processes are usually essential to life.
Autonomic Nervous
The ANS is divided into 2 parts: _________ (_______) and _____________ (___________).
Sympathetic (adrenergic)
Parasympathetic (cholinergic)
The sympathetic part is often referred to as the system that prepares the body for ______ __ _______. Its preganglionic neurons are in the _______ and _______ regions of the spinal cord.
Fight or Flight
Thoracic and Lumbar
The postganglionic neurons with which they synapse are located in 3 different locations: 1. __________
2. __________
1. Sympathetic chain ganglia or lateral ganglia
2. Collateral Ganglia
3. Adrenal Medulla
__________ ganglia is located on either side of the vertebral column and their neurons affect the head, body wall, limbs, and inside the thorax.
Sympathetic Chain
What are some of the stimulation causes of sympathetic chain ganglia?
Constriction of blood vessels in the skin, increase blood to skeletal muscles and brain, release of lipid from fat stores, dilation of pupils, acceleration of heart rate and strength of cardiac contraction, and bronchodilation.
These are located anterior to the bodies of the vertebrae and their neurons affect the tissue and organs of the abdomen and pelvis.
Collateral Ganglia
What are some if the stimulation causes of collateral ganglia?
Reduced blood flow to visceral organs, decreased activity of digestive system, release of glucose from glycogen reserves in the liver, reduction in the rate of formation of urine, and stimulation of release of lipids from fat stores.
The _______ _________ is found in the center of each adrenal gland, & is a modified ganglion. It has postganglionic neurons with very short axons, release their neurotransmitters into the blood stream into circul
Adrenal Medulla
Pharmaceuticals that produce sympathetic responses are referred to as being _________.
Neurotransmitters of sympathetic system, on stimulation of the preganglionic neurons, ________ is released at the synapse between the preganglionic and postganglionic neurons. These are called _______ synapses.
The effect of the acetylcholine on the postganglionic neurons is always _________.
The postgang. neurons, carry the impulse to the _____, & at the junction between the neuron & the _____ another neurotransmitter is released. This is usually ______, in which case we call the synaptic terminals _________.
A small number of neuro-effector junctions release acetylcholine (those of the body wall, skin and skeletal muscle); these are called ___________.
nor-epinephrine effects ______, epinephrine effects ______ and _____
Alpha and Beta
Alpha receptors can be classified as one of 2 types:
1. Alpha 1
2. Alpha 2
Alpha 1 receptors are the more common and they generally have an _________ effect.
Alpha 2 receptors generally have an ________ effect.
Beta receptors can also be classified as one of two types:
1. Beta 1
2. Beta 2
Beta 1 receptors cause an increase in __________ of cells. I.e increase in heart rate
Beta 2 receptors tend to have ________ effects ie. Causing relaxation of smooth muscles in the bronchioles
Identify the four drugs that compose the catecolamines.
L-Dopa and Dopaminagenic
Identify the two receptors involved with acetylcholine drug innervations.
Nicotinic and Muscarinic
Identify the two muscles innervated by the Suprascapular nerve.
Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus
Identify the following nerves as sensory, motor, or mixed. a olfactory b. trigeminal c. vagus
a. Sensory
b. Mixed
c. Mixed
This is the time that it takes for the neuron to be able to generate a second action potential from the start of the first.
1 millisecond
Action Potential
The parasympathetic division had its preganglionic neurons located in the ________ and the ______ _______.
Spinal Cord (Sacral Region)
The major nerve that carries info from most of the parasympathetic division is called the ________ ________ and supplies all the organs and structures within the __________ and __________.
Vagus Nerve
Thorax and Abdomen
In the parasympathetic system only one neurotransmitter functions here, ____________.
There are 2 different types of receptors for the parasympathetic system:
Name the 3 places where nicotinic is found.
1. Sympathetic System
2. Parasympathetic System
3. At the junction between nerves and muscles in the somatic nervous system.
Name the 2 places where muscarinic can be found.
1. In the parasympathetic system at the neuro-effector junction
2. At the neuro-effector junctions of the sympathetic system.
In the heart if the sympathetic increases then the parasympathetic will ____________.
In digestive system if the sympathetic decreases then the parasympathetic will ____________.
Not all organs are dual innervated, for example, the spleen and the adrenal medullae have only ____________ innervation, while the ciliary muscles of the eye are only innervated by the _________ system.
The parasympathetic system exerts a basal tone on the activity of the heart via the __________ ___________.
Vagus Nerve
More complex processes require the use of higher levels in the brain and are coordinated within the __________ ___________.
Medulla Oblongata
The medulla and pons contain both the cardiac and respiratory centers, as well as those areas involved with _______, _______ _______, ______________, and _________ __________.
Digestive Secretion
Movement of the intestines
Urinary Function
The medulla and pons are regulated by the ______________.