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185 Cards in this Set

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What deals with structures so small we need a microscope?
Microscopic Anatomy
What deals with body parts large enough to to be seen with the unaided eye?
Macroscopic Anatomy
What would be the study of legs, thorax, etc.?
Regional Anatomy
What would be the study of systems?
Systematic Anatomy
What plane divides the body into cranial and caudal?
Transverse Plane
What plane divides the body into equal left and right planes?
Median Plane
What plane divides the body into dorsal and ventral?
Dorsal Plane
What plane divides the body into unequal left and right halves?
Sagittal Plane
What term means that the left and right halves are of the body are essentially mirror images of each other?
Bilateral Symmetry
What two things does the dorsal body cavity contain?
Brain and spinal cord
What two cavities make up the ventral body cavity?
Thoracic Cavity and Abdominal Cavity
What is the lining of the thoracic cavity?
What's the name of the side that covers the organs? The entire cavity?
Visceral and Parietal
What is the lining of the abdominal cavity?
What is the basic functional unit of animal life?
What 5 life functions must be carried out to survive?
Growth, reproduction, seek out food, respond to positive and negative stimuli, eliminate waste.
When specialized cells group together they form what?
What are the four basic tissues?
Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, Nervous
Give an example of epithelial tissue?
Lining of the mouth
What are the three means of communication in the body?
Nervous, Lymphatic, Circulatory
What is name for epithelium that opens to the outside? Does not open to the outside?
Outside - Mucosal
Inside - Serosal
Which epithelium is delicate, single-layered, and flat-celled? Give an example.
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Ex: Filtration membranes of kidneys
Which epithelium is single-layered and cube shaped? Give an example.
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Ex: Lining of the ducts of the liver
Which epithelium is single-layered and column shaped? Give an example.
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Ex: Excretory ducts
Which epithelium is single-layered columnar that appear to be stratified? Give an example.
Pseudostratified Epithelium
Ex: Nasal Cavity
Which epithelium tissue is composed of multiple layers of flat cells? Give an example.
Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Ex: Lining the mouth
Which epithelial tissue has multiple layers of cube shaped cells? Give an example.
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
Ex: Ducts of mammary glands
Which epithelial tissue has multiple layers of columnar cells? Give an example.
Stratified Columnar Epithelium
Ex: Large ducts of mammary glands
Which epithelial tissue can expand and contrast, and may appear columnar, cuboidal or squamous? Give an example.
Transitional Epithelium
Ex: Urinary bladder
In nervous tissue what is the process (nerve fiber) called if they conduct impulses away from the cell body? Towards the cell body?
Away - Axon
Towards - Dendrite
The _______ consist of a nerve cell body and two or more nerve processes.
Which tissue gives form and strength to organs, and provides protection and leverage?
Connective Tissue
What are the 3 types of muscle tissue?
Skeletal, Smooth, and Cardiac
What are made up of tissues that work together for a common purpose?
What is the name for a group of organs that are involved in a common set of activities?
Which tissue ranges from adipose to bone, and makes up the animals major weight contribution?
Connective Tissue
What is the state of normal anatomy and physiology?
What is the maintenance of a dynamic equilibrium in the body?
The word ________ implies activity, energy, change, and work, and ________ refers to balance.
Dynamic and Equilibrium
Which two systems are primarily responsible for homeostasis?
Endocrine and Nervous
What is the study of prenatal development of an individual beginning with the zygote?
What are the 5 stages of a baby?
Egg, Zygote, Embryo, Fetus, and new born
How many weeks does it take, in dogs, to implant the zygote into the uterus?
2 Weeks
Give 3 examples of endoderm.
Lungs, gut, and liver
Give 3 examples of ectoderm.
Skin, hair, hooves
Give 3 examples of mesoderm.
Kidneys, blood, and cartilage
Epithelia that release chemical substances are called what?
Grandular Epithelium
What are the 6 functions of epithelia?
1. Protects, lines, and covers. 2. Filters biochemical substances. 3. Absorb nutrients 4. Provide sensory output 5. Manufactures secretions 6. Manufactures excretions
Grandular epithelium - Individually are _______ and organized they are called ________.
Individually - Goblet Cells
Organized - Beta Cells
Which surface on an epithelial cell faces the lumen or cavity? Which surface faces the connective tissue?
Lumen - Apical
Tissue - Basal
What are the 3 types of junctions?
Gap junction, Tight junction, and Spot Desmosomes.
Which junction is formed by fusion of the outermost layers of the plasma membrane of adjoining cells and prevents passage through from the apical surface to the basal end?
Tight junction
Which junction connects the plasma membranes of adjacent cells, and is strong?
Spot Desmosomes
Which junction is linked by tubular channel proteins, called connexons.
Gap Junction
Blood Vessels have ___1___ surfaces. Microvilli are found in the __2____. Brush boarder are found in the ____3_____. ___4____ is smooth and has ___5_____ for water proofing.
1. Smooth 2.Intestines 3.Trachea 4. Skin 5.keratin
Which epithelium is delicate and thin, and found lining surfaces involved in passage of gas or liquid?
Simple Squamous Epithelium
What is the name for the simple squamous epithelium found in the pleura, pericardial, and peritoneal?
What is the simple squamous epithelium found in the blood and lymphatic vessels?
What is the simple squamous epithelium found in the brain, eye, and discreet areas?
________ will cause the vessels to dilate, resulting in movement of the cells sliding apart and allowing ________ and protein rich ________ to escape into the tissue.
Which epithelium is a single layer of square cells with a dark staining nuclei, and occurs where secretion and absorption occur? Where is it found?
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium found in the ducts of the liver.
Which epithelium is elongated and closely packed together, and line the gastrointestinal tract?
Simple Coulmnar
Which epithelium consists of various layers, with cuboidal cells forming the base, and occur in regions of the body that are subject to mechanical and chemical stresses?
Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Which epithelium generally occurs as two layers of cuboidal cells, found along large excretory ducts?
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
__________ is vasodilatation and reduce cardio output.
Which epithelial cells appear to be stratified because the nuclei are found at different levels?
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
Which epithlial cells have the ability to stretch?
Transitional Epithelium
Which epithelium cells that have the ability to manufacture and discharge a secretion?
Grandular Epithelium
Cell is intact = ________
A part of the cell is lost = ___________
Entire cells is lost = _________
________ + __________ = Mucus
Epithelial pathologies : What is a solid elevation, influx of inflammatory cells into the dermis?
What is a small circumscribed area within the epidermis filled with pus?
What is a small circumscribed area within or below the epidermis filled with clear fluid?
What is a sharply circumscribed, raised lesion that appears and disappears?
What is a solid elevation that extends into deeper layers of skin?
What is a large mass involving skin or subcutaneous tissue?
Name the study of for the following:
Urinary, Integumentary, Articular, Muscle, Circulatory, Sensory, endocrine, skeletal, (digestive, respiratory,urinary, and reproductive).
Urology, Dermatology, Arthrology, Myology, Cardiology, Esthesiology, Endocrinology, Osteology, (Splanchnology)
What is a accumulation of loose fragments of the horny layer of the skin?
What is a increased epidermal and/or dermal melanin?
What is a dilated hair follicle filled with corneocytes and sebaceous material?
What is a scale of loose keratin flakes or "peeling" keratin arranged in a circle?
Epidermal Collarette
What is a shallow epidermal defect that does not penetrate the basal membrane?
What is a focal loss of epidermis with exposure of underlying dermis?
What is thickening and hardening of the skin?
What 3 components is all connective tissue composed of?
Ground Substance, Cells, Fibers
A mixture of the fibers and ground substance produce the _________.
Extracellular Matrix
What is the medium through with cells exchange nutrients and waste with the bloodstream?
Ground Substance
Name the 3 fibers of connective tissue.
Collagenous, reticular, and elastic
Which is the most commonly found in the body?
In Collagenous fibers the fibers are found in ________ and __________.
Tendons and ligaments
In collagenous fibers the fiber itself is white, and is often called _________.
White fibers
Which fiber is composed of collagen, and is thin, delicate, and branched?
Reticular Fibers
Which fiber is coiled and can stretch and contract like a rubber band?
Elastic Fibers
Because of their color, the elastic fibers are often called ____________.
Yellow Fibers
Those cells that remain in the connective tissue are called ___________ cells.
Fixed Cells
Cells that pass in and out of the connective tissue are called __________ cells.
Fixed cells are involved in the production and maintenance of the ____________.
Transient cells are involved in ___________ and ___________ primarily.
Repair and protection
Fixed cells include ___________, ____________, ____________, __________, and ____________.
Fibroblast, Chondroblast, Osteoblast, Adipocytes, and Reticular cells.
Fat cells group into groups know as _______________.
Adipose Tissue
____________ are large, irregularly shaped that make and secrete both fibers and ground substances.
____________ are flat star shaped cells with long out reaching arms forming net-like connections.
Reticular Cells
Reticular cells are involved in the ____________ response.
What are the 3 types of transient or wandering cells?
Leukocytes, Mast Cells, and Macrophages
_____________ are white blood cells.
Leukocytes can squeeze between the spaces between the ________________ cells of the capillaries to enter the surrounding tissue, this is known as _____________.
Squamous epithelial and Diapedesis
___________ cells have dark-staining granules in the cytoplasm. These granules contain __________, ____________, and ____________.
Mast; Histamine, Heparin, and Serotonin
____________ promotes dilation of the vessels increasing diapedesis.
__________ are large having a primary job of phagocytizing scavenger.
Macrophages have different names depending on the tissue they're in. Name the macrophages for each location/tissue: Liver, Brain, Loose connective tissue, Blood Stream.
Kupffer cells, Microglial, Histiocytes, and Monocyte.
Connective tissue is divided into two broad categories : Connective tissue ___________ and ____________ connective tissue.
Proper and specialized
The two subclasses of connective tissue proper are ___________ connective tissue and _____________ connective tissue.
Loose and Dense
Loose connective tissue includes ____________, ____________, and ___________.
Areolar, Reticular, and Adipose
Dense connective tissue includes __________, ____________, and ___________.
Dense regular, Dense irregular, and Elastic
Which is the most common type of tissue, found everywhere in the body?
Areolar tissue forms the ____________ layer that connects __________ to _____________.
Subcutaneous, skin to muscle
Which tissue is highly vascularized and a thermal insulator?
Name 3 places where adipose tissue is found.
Behind the eyeballs, on the surface of the heart, and surrounding the joints.
Name the 2 types of adipose tissue.
White and Brown
Which type of adipose tissue is found throughout the body? Which is found in newborns and in animals that hibernate?
Throughout body - White
Newborns/hibernate - Brown
Which tissue is 3D network of thin fibers and contains loosely arranged fibers and many fibroblast suspended in a supportive ground substance?
In reticular tissue the cellular and matrix components form a network called a ____________ which constitutes the framework of several organs, such as ___________, ___________, and ___________.
Stroma; Liver, Spleen, and Lymph nodes.
Compaired to loose connective tissue, this tissue has a densly packed arrangement of collagen fibers.
Dense connective tissue
What are the 3 major types of dense fibrous tissue?
Dense Regular, Dense Irregular, and Elastic
Which tissue is tightly packed, parallel collagen fibers, that have tremendous strength but only in one direction?
Dense Regular
Dense regular makes up sheets that cover muscle, called ____________.
Fascial Sheets
This tissue is composed primarily of collagen fibers arranged in thick bundles.
Dense Irregular
Dense irregular is found in the ____________ of the skin and in fibrous coverings at organs such as the __________, ___________, and ____________.
Dermis; Kidneys, Liver, and Spleen
Ligaments can stretch more than tendons because they have a larger number of ___________ fibers.
Elastic Fibers
The horse has a large _________ ____________ in the neck allowing them to be extremely flexible, and lower their head for long periods of time.
Nuchal Ligament
Elastic tissue can be found in the walls of __________, ___________, and ___________.
Arteries, Stomach, and Bladder
This connective tissue is commonly called ___________, its more rigid then dense connective and more flexible than blood.
Gristle aka Cartilage
There are 3 types of cartilage ___________, ____________, and ___________.
Elastic, Hyaline, and Fibrous
This cartilage is the most common, and is found at the ends of long bones.
Which is the most rigid type of cartilage?
This cartilage contains a huge mass of elastic fibers, that appear black microscopically.
Elastic cartilage is found commonly in the ____________, and the ___________.
External Ear and Epiglottis
Which cartilage contains thick bundles of collagen fibers, found in the spaces between vertebrae of the spine.
What is the hardest most rigid type of connective tissue?
The Liquid component of blood is the __________.
Blood cells are: ____________, ______________, and _______________.
Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, and Thrombocytes
Four common types of epithelial membranes are __________, ____________, _______________, and _____________.
Mucous, Serous, Cutaneous, and Synovial.
Mucosae membranes are always found lining the organs with connections to the ____________.
The epithelial layer in mucous membranes is usually composed of either stratified squamous or simple colimnar epithelium, and it covers a layer of loose connective tissue called the __________ ___________.
Lamina Propria
Mucosae can produce large quantities of protective and lubricating ________.
____________ or ________________ are responsible for the production and secretion of mucus that consist primarily of water, electrolytes, and a protein called mucin.
Goblet cells or multicellular glands
Serous membranes line walls and cover the organs that fill ________ body cavities, such as the __________, _________, __________, and ___________.
Closed; Chest, thorax, abdominal, and pelvic.
The interstitial fluid that passes in the serosa layers is ___________, and is thin and watery.
When cells, protein, and other solid material mix with serous fluid, it becomes denser than a transudate and is called an ___________.
When an abnormal large amount of fluid enters a body cavity, the fluid is known as an ___________.
The stomach is connected to the abdominal wall by mesentery called the ___________. The uterus is similarly attached via the _________ _____________.
Broad Ligament
The cutaneous membran is also called _____________, or more simply, _______.
_________ is responsible for the waterproof quality of skin.
Synovial membranes line the cavities of ________.
Unlike other membranes, synovial membranes have no _____________, they are composed exclusively of ______________ ___________.
Connective tissue
Muscle cells/fibers are uniquely designed for ____________. The fibers are composed of specialized proteins called _________ and __________.
Actin and Myosin
Name the 3 types of muscle tissue.
Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth
Skeletal muscle is controlled through conscious efforts, therefore it is __________.
Smooth and Cardiac muscle contractions cannot be consciously controlled, therefore it is ___________.
Name the layers of the digestive tract from inside out.
Mucosa, Submucosa, Muscle, and Serosa.
In cardiac muscle the cells are connected to each other by ____________ ______.
Intercalated Disk
Nervous tissue is designed to receive and transmit __________ and __________ signals.
Electrical and Chemical
Nervous tissue is composed primarily of two general cell types, ________ and __________.
Neurons and Neuroglial cells
What does the central nervous system consist of?
Brain and Spinal Cord
Neurons are composed of 3 primary parts, name them.
Perikaryon (stroma)
Neuroglial cells serve to __________ the neurons.
The bodies initial response to injuries is ____________.
What are the cardinal signs of inflammation?
Heat, Swelling, Redness, Pain, and Loss of function
Inflammation begins with in 5-10mins. with _______________, followed by a sustained period of _____________.
Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation.
_____________ and ____________ molecules are released from the mast cells which stimulate vasodilation and increase permeability of the capillaries.
Histamine and Heparin
Fluid from the plasma, composed of ___________, ____________, and ___________, pour into the affected area, causing swelling of the soft tissue structures.
Enzymes, Antibodies, and Protein.
In wounds that are infected, ___________, and ______________ are responsible for ______________, and disposing of invasive microorganisms.
Neutrophils and macrophages.
A new bright pink tissue called __________ tissue, forms beneath the overlaying blood clot or scab.
In some cases granulation tissue becomes too thick and stands out above the epithelial layer, this is known as __________ __________.
Proud Flesh
Epithelial cells around the wound edges actively divide to lay down a new layer of epithelial tissue over the granulation tissue, this process is called ____________.
Describe first intention wound repair.
First - Skin forms primary union w/o formation of granulation tissue or scar formation.
Describe second intention wound repair.
Second - Edges separated from one another, in which granulation tissue forms to close the gap, with a line of scar.
Describe third intention wound repair.
Third - Larger, more extensive wounds are usually involved, so its slower than second.
What deals with the form and structure of the body?
What deals with the function and how things work?
What is included in the thoracic cavity?
Heart, lungs, esophagus, and many major blood vessels
What is included in the abdomen?
Digestive, urinary, and reproductive organs.
Epithelial tissues main job is to ________ body surfaces.
Muscle tissue ________ the body inside and out.
What is another name for microanatomy?