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29 Cards in this Set

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What term is a synonym for "joint"


What functional joint class contains the least-mobile joints


Of sutures, symphyses, and synchondroses, which are cartilaginous joints

symphyses and synchondroses

How are joint mobility and stability related

the more stable a joint is the less mobile it is

What are 2 layers of the articular capsule

fibrous layer and synovial membrane

How do bursae and tendon sheaths improve joint function

they make up the wall of the articular capsule

Generally speaking, what factor is most important in stabilizing synovial joints

muscle tendons that cross the joint

What is the importance of weeping lubrication

helps keep the joint cartilages nourished and "lubricates" the joint surfaces

John bent over to pick up a dime. What movement was occurring at his hip joint, at his knees, and between his index finger and thumb

Hip: flexed

Knees: extended

Thumb: opposition

On the basis of movement allowed, which of the following joints are uniaxial

hinge, condylar, saddle, pivot

hinge and pivot

Of the five joints studied in more detail-- hip, shoulder, elbow, knee, and temporomandibilar-- which two have menisci? Which act mainly as a uniaxial hinge? Which depend on mainly on muscles and their tendons for stability?

Have menesci: knee and temporomandibular

Uniaxial hinge: elbow and knee

Muscle/Tendon stability: shoulder

What does the term "arthritis" mean

inflammation of the joint

How would you determine by looking at someone suffering from arthritis if he/she has OA or RA

OA: pain, particularly on arinsing, which is relieved with light exercise, and enlarged bone ends -- due to spurs-- in affected joints

RA: pain, swelling, joint deformations that tend to be bilateral and crippling

What is the cause of lyme disease

spirochete bacteria and transmitted by a tick bite

exhibit a joint cavity

synovial joints

types are sutures and syndesmoses

fibrous joints

bones connected by collagen fibers

fibrous joints

types include synchondroses and symphyses

cartilaginous joints

all are diarthrotic

synovial joints

many are amphiarthrotic

cartilaginous joints

bones connected by a disc of hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage

cartilaginous joints

nearly all are synarthrotic

fibrous joints

shoulder, hip, jaw, and elbow joints

synovial joints

Freely movable joints are


Anatomical characteristics shared by all synovial joints include all except

articular cartilage; a joint cavity; an articular capsule; presence of fibrocartilage

presence of fibrocartilage

Factors that influence the stability of a synovial joint are

shape of articular surfaces; presence of strong reinforcing ligaments; tone of surrounding muscle

The description "Articular surfaces deep and secure; capsule heavily reinforced by ligaments and muscle tendons; extremely stable joint" best describes

hip joint

Ankylosis means

immobility of a joint due to fusion of its articular surfaces

An autoimmune disorder in which joints are affected bilaterally and which involves pannus formation and gradual joint immobilization

rheumatoid arthritis