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58 Cards in this Set

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What are the three main parts of the axial skeleton

skull, vertebral column, and thoracic cage

Which parts of --axial or appendicular--is important in protecting internal organs

the axial skeleton

Name the cranial bones

frontal, parietal, temporal, sphenoid, and thmoid

What bone forms the crista galli

the ethmoid bone

Which skull bones house the external ear

the temporal bones

What bones abut one another at the sagittal suture? At the lamboidal suture?

Sagittal Suture: parietal bones

Lamboidal Suture: occipital bone abuts the parietal bones

Women with prominent (high) cheekbones are often considered beautiful by the modeling industry. What bones are the cheekbones?


Johnny was vigorously exercising the only joints in the skull that are freely moveable. What would you guess he was doing?

talking/eating/chewing gum...moving the mandible

What bones are the keystone bones of the facial skeleton

the maxillae

What bones contain the paranasal sinuses

the sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal and maxillary bones

The perpendicular plates of the palatine bones and the superior and middle conchae of the ethmoid bone form a substantial part of the nasal cavity walls. Which bone forms the roof of that cavity

the cribiform plates of the ethmoid bone

What bone forms the bulk of the orbit floor and what sense organ is found in the orbit of a living person

the maxillae

the eye

What are the 5 major regions of the vertebral column

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccygeal regions

In which 2 of these regions is the vertebral column concave posteriorly

cervical and lumbar

Besides the spinal curvatures, which skeletal elements help to make the vertebral column flexible

fibrocratilage discs.

What is the normal number of cervical vertebrae? Of thoracic vertebrae?

Cervical: 7

Thoracic: 12

How would a complete fracture of the dens affect the mobility of the vertebral column

the dens is the axis on which the atlas rotates; if it is broken then movement of the atlas would be less controlled

How can you distinguish a lumbar vertebra from a thoracic vertebra

Lumbar: heavier and its massive body is kidney shaped; spinous proceses are short and project directly back

Thoracic: body is generally heart shaped, the spinous process is long, sharp, and points downward, and its transverse processes have facets for articulating with the ribs

How does a true rib differ from a false rib

a true rib connects to the sternum with its own costal cartilage; a false rib connects to the sternum via costal cartilages of other ribs or not at all

What is the sternal angle and what is its clinical importance

the sternal angle is a ridge across the front of the sternum where the manubrium joins the sternal body. It acts as a hinge allowing the sternum to swing anteriorly when we inhale. It is also a handy tool for counting the ribs

Besides the ribs and sternum, there is a third group of bones making up the thoracic cage; what is it

the thoracic vertebrae also contribute the thoracic cage

What two bones also construct the pectoral girdle

scapula and clavicle

Where is the single point of attachment of the pectoral girdle to the axial skeleton

the medial ends of the clavicle connects it to the sternal manubrium

What is the major shortcoming of the flexibility allowed by the shoulder joint

the shortcoming is that it is easily dislocated

Which bones play the major role in forming the elbow joint

ulna and humerus

Which bones of the upper limb have a styloid process

ulna and radius have a styloid process distally

Where are carpals found and what type of bone are they

proximal region of the hand; short bones

The ilium and pubis help to form that os coxae. What other bone is involved in forming the os coxae


The pelvic girdle is a heavy, strong girdle. How does its structure reflect its function

it receives the weight of the upper body and distributes it to the lower body

Which of the following terms or phrases refer to the female pelvis

wider, shorter sacrum; cavity narrow and deep; narrow heart shaped inlet; more movable coccyx; long ischial spines

wider shorter sacrum; more movable coccyx

What lower limb bone is the second largest bone in the body


Where is the medial malleolus located

distalmost medial aspect of the tibia

Which of the following sites is not a site of muscle attachment

greater trochanter; lesser trochanter; gluteal tuberosity; lateral condyle

lateral condyles (they are articular surfaes)

Besides supporting our weight, what is a major function of the arches of the foot

because of their springiness they save energy during locomotion

What are the two largest tarsal bones in each foot, and which one forms the heel of the foot

talus and calcaneus

calcaneus forms the heel

connected by the coronal suture

frontal and parietal bones

keystone bone of the cranium


keystone bone of the face


forms the hard palate

maxillary and palatine

allows the spinal cord to pass


forms the chin


contains paranasal sinuses

ethmoid, frontal, maxillary, and sphenoid

contains mastoid sinuses


bone of the axial skeleton to which the pectoral girdle attaches

markings include glenoid cavity and acromion


features include the ala, crest and greater sciatic notch


doubly curved; acts as a shoulder strut


hip bone that articulates with the axial skeleton


the "sit down" bone


anteriormost bone of the pelvic girdle


part of the vertebral column


articulates with the acetabulum and the tibia


forms the lateral aspect of the ankle


bone that "carries" the hand


the wrist bones


end shaped like a monkey wrench

articulates with the capitulum of the humerus


largest bone of this "group" is the calcaneous
