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96 Cards in this Set

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3 joint classification
1. Synarthrosis
2. Amphiarthrosis
3. Diarthrosis
What is a Synarthrosis joint?
immovable; may fuse over time
what is an Amphiarthrosis joint?
slightly moveable
what is Diarthrosis joint? aka ____
freely moveable--moves thru free range of motion
aka synovial joint
3 types of aka dynamic motion
1. linear
2. angular
3. rotation
Joint moving in 1 axis are called
joints moving in 2 axis are called?
Joint moving in 3 axis are called?
What motions does Linear make?
gliding; pencil vertical only point moves; left to right & front to back

*think of name Linear means line***
What motion does Angular make?
point stays; only shaft angle to table changes
what movement does Circumduction make?
pencil point anchored , shaft at angle moves in circle
what movement is Rotation
pencil point anchored, shaft spins

pencil is twisting in circle
clavicle and manubrium
&carpals & tarsal bones
are examples of?
Linear motion----gliding
motion based on reference to anatomical position
Flexion & Extension are what ___ do not ____
is movement not what muscles do**
_____ Contraction & relaxation
what all muscles do ***
arm make fist---posterior side of arm is ______ motion is called ____
arm is contracted; motion is called extension
movement itselt; decrease angle between 2 elements
to bend your arm, you ____ bicep brachii . and flexion of the arm occurs. what happens to Tricep brachi (posterior side)

tricep brachi is relaxed
to straighten arm, you _____ biceps brachii and ____ the triceps brachii to cause extension of the arm
relax biceps

contact triceps
straighten leg extend leg---contract quad muscles
flex leg contact hamstring
extension past anatomical position;;movement outward (opposite of flexion)

prone to dislocation
natural position
taking away from midline

**like abducted kidnapped
toward the midline
circular motion but no rotation happening--bone is not rotating
humerous is not twisting around--palm stays down
diaphysis is spinning around
Rotation is in regard to longitudinal axis of body
Medial rotation
Rotates toward axis;
inward rotation
Lateral rotation
outward rotation;
Rotates away from axis
Pronation & Supination are releateve to ______ only.
to forearm
What is Pronation?
Rotates forearm
Radius over ulna

*palm down
What is Supination?
Forearm in Atomical position

forearm is supined in anatomical position

*Palm up hold soup
turning into
twist foot medial
turn outward
twist foot laterally
Inversion, Eversion, Dorsiflexion & Plantar Flexion are in regard to _____
flexion at ankle (Lift toes)

tos towards knee
Plantar Flexion
Extension at ankle (Pointing toes)

*planting self into ground--ballerina
move thumb toward fingers (grasping)

*like opposal thumbs***
moves anteriorly in horizontal plane;;; push forward

slide bottom teeth like underbite
-protrude neck outward
pull back in horizontal plane anter/post

move neck inward like turkey neck
move superior direction

shrug shoulders
move in inferior direction
Lateral Flexion
bend vertebral column side to side
Gliding Joint
joints slide over each other but ligaments prevent movement or limit range of motion

Monoxial plane; henge on door like elbow; Angular motion

ex/ ulna & humerus,
monaxial permit rotation only
**think pivot one foot & spin in circle---rotation only

like c1 & c2 (atlas, axis)
6 types of Synovial Joints
People Everywhere BS Sadly to Gain Hierarchy
1. Pivot
2. Ellipsoid
3. Ball-and-socket
4. Saddle
5. Gliding
6. Hinge
elbow joint, knee, ankle, & interphalangeal are examples of?
Hinge Joint
Atlas/axis & Proximal radio-ulna joint are examples of?
Pivot Joint
Sacroilliac, vertebrocostal joints, intercarpel/intertarsal examples of?
Gliding Joints
Joints with Greater range of motion are ______
Ellipsoid joint? and what type of movement does it have?
oval articular face within depression; movement=biaxial ( motion in 2planes)
***Think eclipse -oval face(shadow) within depression (moon)
ex/ carpals
Saddle Joints
something straddled; biaxial

concave & convex
1st carpometacarpo joint
*think straddle bull back forth 2 directions
ex/ thumb & trapezium
have all combo angular & rotation movement ; Triaxial

ex/ hip, humerus
Henge joint not moving or caused not to move in monoaxial plane?
subluxation; can move out of position easily
Glenohumeral joint
shoulder joint
Joint with the greatest range in the body?
Shoulder joint
elbow joint, knee, ankle, & interphalangeal are examples of what Synovial Joint & what type of movement??
Hinge Joint ;; movement=monaxial
Atlas/axis & Proximal radio-ulna joint examples of what Synovial Joint & what type of movement??
Pivot Joint ;;; movement= monaxial (rotation)
Sacroilliac, vertebrocostal joints, intercarpel/intertarsal examples of what Synovial Joint & what type of movement?
Gliding Joints----movement=slight nonaxial or multiaxial
Joints with Greater range of motion are ______
Ellipsoid joint
oval articular face within depression; motion in 2 planes (biaxial)

ex/ all carpals
Saddle Joints
movement in 2 directions (biaxial);;;;
concave & convex (the cave part) think thumb only place found

FOUND:: thumb & trapezium (first metacarpel joint)
**think of riding bull-move in 2 directions)
have all combo angular & rotation movement ;diarthrosis; Triaxial

ex/ shoulder, hip joint
Henge joint not moving or caused not to move in monoaxial plane?
subluxation; can move out of position easily
Glenohumeral joint
shoulder joint
Joint with the greatest range in the body & least stable?
Shoulder joint

Glenohumeral Joint is supported by skeletal muscles, Tendons & Ligaments
Where is the Shoulder Joint?
Head of Humerus & Glenoid Fossa/Cavity of Scapula
Elbow Joint
stable complex hinge joint

Articulations: Humerus, Radius & ulna
what is ligament?
bone against bone
within the Humero-ulnar joint, what is articulating?
Trochlea of humerus & lunar notch of ulna
what are the 2 articulations(joints) of the elbow?
1.Humero-ulnar joint
2. Humeroradial Joint
Biggest articulation in elbow?
Humero-ulnar joint
what articulates in the humeroradial joint?
Capitulum of Humerus & the head of the Radius
Hip joint aka coxal joint
strong ball & socket diarthrosis

wide range of motion
what are the structures of the Hip Joint
Head of Fumur sits in Acetabulum & is extended by Cartilaginous labrum
More likely to break Hip Joint then have it pop out of socket because ligaments hold it down
Knee Joint
complicated Hinge Joint; transfer weight from femur to tibia
around the bone; separate bones from ligaments
3 Articulations in Knee Joint
TWO in Femur-tibia Articulations:
1) at medial & 2)lateral condyles

3) between patella and patellar surface of femur
weight bearing bone
Medial & Lateral Menisci
Fibrous pads
cushion to stabilize joint
give lateral support
What happens when you lock knee
“Locks” knees by jamming lateral meniscus between tibia and femur
7 Ligaments in the Knee
1) Ant Patellar ligaments
2/3 two popliteal lig
4/5 Ant & post cruciate lig (inside joint capsule)
6) tibial collateral lig
7) Fibular collateral lig
Pain stiffness of skeletal muscle sys
all form of rheumatism that damage articular cartilages of synovial joints

artho= joint :::: inflammation of joint
Rheumatoid Arthritis
caused by infection
involves immune sys
Lots of causes
most common form
inflammation of joint at bone itself
Gouty Arthritis
Occurs when crystals (uric acid or Ca2+ salts) form
within synovial fluid
Inflam. of bursa

Caused by:::: trauma, infection, overuse &misuse
Displac. of bone from a joint ligaments held together

Capsule & tendons are damaged
partial or compl. tear of ligaments & capsule of a joint
tearing of muscles not joint