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95 Cards in this Set

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What does Os and Osteo refer to?
What bone cells are cells that are mitotic cells that divide to produce daughter cells that differentiate into osteoblast?
Osteoprogentor Cells
What bone cell is responsible for the breakdown of the osteocytes?
Which bone cells is considered to be immature? Mature?
Immature - Osteoblast
Mature - Osteocyte
What are the 5 basic functions of the skeletal system?
Support, Leverage, Protection, Bone cell formation, and Storage.
What is the 1st and 2nd hardest substances in the body?
1st - Enamel on teeth
2nd - Bone
Bone is composed of a few cells embedded in an intracellular substance called what?
What 3 things make up the bone matrix?
Collagen, Gelatin, and Osteoblast
What is the process where calcium and phosphate harden?
What word means small lakes?
Osteocytes communicate with one another through tiny channels called, what?
Which bone type is tightly compacted, heavy, dense, and strong?
Which bone type helps to keep the bone light and helps to absorb shock?
What 2 elements make up bone?
Calcium and Phosphate
Name the 3 different types of cartilage.
Hyaline, Elastic, and Fibrous
Name the 3 places where osteoprogentor cells are found.
Periosteum, Endosteum, and Haversian Canals
Where is the periosteum? Endosteum?
Peri - Outside pf bone
End- Inside of bone
What comes in at right angels to the haversian canals and join the blood, nerves, and lymph in the haversian canals?
Volkmann's Canals
The larger blood vessels, nerves, and lymph vessels enter through the what?
Nutrient Formina
What is the name of the bone formation where the body creates a cartilage "template" that is later replaced by bone?
Which bone formation occurs in places such as the skull, and forms in firbous tissue membranes?
What is the name for bone formation in the visceral skeleton?
What are the two ends of long bone called? The middle?
Ends - Epiphyses
Middle - Diaphysis
Give an example of a long bone.
Which bones are shaped like small cubes and have spongy bone inside covered by a layer of compact bone? Give an example.
Short bones; Carpal Bones
Which bones are thin and flat? Give an example.
Flat bones; Ribs
Give an example of a irregular bone.
What is the largest sesamoid bone?
Osteoblast become trapped in spaces in the ossified matrix called what?
Compact bone is composed of tiny, tightly compacted cylinders of bone, that run lengthwise are called what?
Haversian System
This is the central canal that runs the length of a haversian system, and contains the blood vessels, nerves, and lymph vessels.
Haversian Canal
Which bone marrow is responsible for all RBC's, thrombocytes, and WBC production?
Red bone marrow
Which bone marrow is made of adipose connective tissue?
Yellow bone marrow
Which bone marrow is found mostly in young animals, which is found mostly in old animals?
Young - Red
Old - Yellow
Which bone feature has smooth areas of compact bone where bone comes into contact with each other to form joints?
Articular Surface
Name 4 articular surfaces.
Condyle, Head, Trochlea, and Facet
What is the name for a large, round articular surface, that is cylindrical in shape?
What is the name for a somewhat spherical surface that is on the proximal end of long bones?
What is a flat articular surface?
What is a pulley like articular mass?
If you stretch a tendon it is called a __________.
If you stretch a ligament it is called a __________.
Name the 6 types of processes.
Tuberosity, Tubercle, Spine, Crest, Neck, Line
What is a general term that includes all the lumps, bumps, and other projections? Non-Articular
What is a hole in the bone?
What is a depressed or sunken area on the surface of a bone, occupied by a muscle or tendon?
What is a tunnel through one or more bones?
What is a small depression?
What is it called when a bone pops out of its socket and stays out? What is it called when it pops in and out of socket?
Name the parts of the axial skeleton.
Skull, Hyoid Bone, Spinal Column, ribs, and Sternum
How many bone make up the skull?
The jaw is connected to the rest of the skull by a freely movable joint known as _____________.
Temporal Mandibular Joint
The skull bones are united by jagged, immovable, fibrous joints called _____________.
Name the external bones of the cranium, ear, and face.
Cranium = Frontal, interparietal, occipital, parietal, and temporal Ear = None Face = Incisive, lacrimal, mandible, maxillary, nasal, and zygomatic.
Name the internal bone of the cranium, ear and face.
Cranium = Ethmoid bone, and Sphenoid bone
Ear = Incus, malleus, and stapes
Face = Palatine, pterygoid, turbinate, and vomer
This bone supports the base of the tongue, the pharynx, and larynx, and helps the animal to swallow?
Name the 5 regions of the spinal column.
Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral, and Coccygeal
Bodies of adjacent vertebrae are separated by cartilage, "shock absorbers" called _____________.
Vertebral Disks
Name the processes of the vertebrae.
Spinous process, Transverse Process, and Articular Process.
Write the vertebral formulas for cat, dog, cattle, and horse.
Cat = C7 T13 L7 S3 CY0-23
Dog = C7 T13 L7 S3 CY0-23
Cattle = C7 T13 L6 S6 CY18-20
Horse = C7 T18 L6 S5 CY15-21
What is the name of C1 and C2?
Atlas and Axis
Which vertebrae corresponds with the number of pairs of ribs?
Thoracic Vertebrae
Which vertebrae have large, bulky, bodies and support the weight of the abdominal organs?
Lumbar Vertebrae
Which vertebrae fuse to form a single solid structure?
Sacral Vertebrae
The sacrum forms a join with the pelvis to form what joint?
Sacroiliac Joint
What is the name for the bones in the tail?
The number of pairs of ribs usually equals the number of ________ _______.
Thoracic Vertebrae
The cartilage part of the rib is the _______ ________, and its junction with the bony part is called the _____ _______ _______.
Costal Cartilage
Costo-Chondral Junction
Ribs whose cartilage join the sternum are called _______ ribs.
Sternal Ribs
The ribs that join the adjacent costal cartilage are called _________ ribs.
Asternal Ribs
The nonattached ribs are called ________ ribs.
Floating ribs
The sternum is made up of a series of rod-like bones called ________.
The first rod-like bone on the sternum is the ___________ and the last is the ________.
Xiphoid Process
The front leg is the ________ limb, and the hind leg is the _________ limb.
A piece of cartilage extends caudally from the xiphoid process, what is its name?
Xiphoid Cartilage
The bones of the thoracic limb include what?
Scapula, Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Carpal Bones, Metacarpal Bones, Phalanges.
The bones of the pelvic limb include what?
Pelvis (ilium, ischium, pubis), Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsal Bone, Metatarsal Bones, Phalanges.
Another name for the upper arm is _________, and another name for the lower arm is ___________.
The bones on the top row of the carpus are called (medial to lateral) _________, __________, and __________.
Radial Carpal Bone, Ulna Carpal Bones, and Accessory Carpal Bone.
The large metacarpal bone in the horses is the _______ metacarpal and is often referred to as the ______ bone,.
The two shorter metacarpal bones are the __________ and _________ metacarpal, and are commonly reffered to as _________ bones.
2nd and 4th
In the horse the proximal phalanx is called the ______ __________, the middle is the ________ _________, and the distal is the _______ _________.
Long Pastern, Short Pastern, and Coffin Bone
The distal sesamoid bone in horses is commonly called the ___________ bone.
The scientific name for a nail is _________ ____________.
Ungual Prosess
The pelvic connects to the axial skeleton through the ___________ joint that unites the pelvis with the spinal column.
Sacroiliac Joint
The pelvis is sometimes referred to as the ____ __________.
Os Coxae
What are the 3 bones that make up the pelvis?
Ilium, Ischium, and Pubis
Which is the largest of the 3 bones?
In cattle the ilium projects laterally and is called the _____ bone.
Which is the most caudal? What is the part the sticks out in cattle?
Which is the smallest of the 3 bones?
The obturator foramina serve to ___________ the pelvis.
What is the largest sesamoid bone in the body?
What are the two sesamoid bone located just behind the femoral condyles in cats and dogs?
The two largest proximal tarsal bones are the __________ and the __________. Give both names.
Tibial Tarsal Bone - Talus
Fibular Tarsal Bone - Calcaneous
What is the bone in the heart of cattle and sheep?
What is the bone in the penis of dogs?
What is the bone in the nose of swine?
Os Cordis
Os Penis
Os Rostri