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8 Cards in this Set

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~make a temporary opening in the trachea inferior to the larynx and insert a tube to allow airflow
~prevents asphyxiation, but air is not humidified this way
~Over time, mucous membranes of the rsp. tract become dried out and encrusted
Causes of Dyspnea
asthma, emphysema, heart failure, etc
Difficulty in Breathing
People with dyspnea make increased use of accessory muscles to aid in breathing
Often lean on chair back or a table to breathe more deeply; this fixes the scapulae and calvicles so that accessory muscles (pectoralis major and serratus anterior) move instead of pectoral girdle
Ondine's Curse
Automatic resp. functions are disabled.
Usually a result from branstem damage from poliomyelitis or accident of neurosurgery.
Victims must remember to take each breath and cannot go to sleep without aid of a mechanical ventilator
The Kidney and Life on Dry Land
~Animals that must conserve water have more and longer nephron loops
~Fish and amphibians lack nephron loops and produce urine that isotonic to their blood plasma
~Aquatic animals (beavers) short nephron loops and only slightly hypertonic urine
~Desert animals have extremely long nephrone loops and produce urine that is 10-14 times as concentrated as their blood plasma. can live on water that is produced by aerobic resp
Kidney stones
*renal Calculus * hard granule of calcium, phosphate, uric acid, protein *if very large, can block the renal pelvis or ureter, leading to destruction of NEPHRONS due to building up of pressure in kidneys *Causes: hypercalcemia, dehydration, pH imbalance, frequent UTI, enlarged prostate gland causing urinary retention *Lithotripsy is a nonsurgical technique that uses ultrasound to pulverize the calculi into fine granules easily passed in the urine
Infection of the urinary bladder is called cystitis: If untreated can cause pyelitis (infection of renal pelvis); if it reaches the renal cortex and nephrons, its called pyelonephritis; kidney infections can also r esult from invasion by blood borne bacteria
Urination and Spinal Cord Injuries
spinal shock: lack control over urination
Bladder control returns as spinal cord recovers, but is limited to involuntary micturition reflex
Bladder is often not emptied completely, and there is consequently an increased risk of cystitis