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54 Cards in this Set

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Synarthroses –
“Together joint”. Immoveable joint. Such as sutures. Made of fibrous connective tissues
Amphiarthroses –
“Both joint”. Slightly moveable. Joint made of fibrocartilage. Such as pubic symphysis and the intervertebral discs
Synovial –
“Together with egg”. Fluid looks like egg whites. Most joints are synovial.
Origin –
The muscle that doesn’t move when the muscle contracts (RED)
Insertion –
The point on the bone that moves when the muscle contracts (BLUE)
Action –
action is the movement that occurs
Aponeurosis –
Flat tendon structures. Sheet of connective tissues. (head, gluteus maximus)
Peristeum –
Lines the outside of the bone and is continuous with the joint capsule. Contains osteoprogenitor cells
Medial and lateral collateral ligament –
The ligaments that prevent the knee from being pushed in/out.
Sack of Synovial Fluid –
Guards against friction. Is between the ligament and the bone
Synovial membrane and synovial fluid –
Fills the space between the tibia and the femur.
Articular cartilage –
lines the joints in the bone. Made of hyaline cartilage
Anterior and posterior Ligament –
muscles that cross in the middle of synovial space between the femur and the tibia.
Muscle purpose:
Movement, posture, stabilization, and heat generation.
Rheumatoid arthritis –
inflammation of the synovial membrane.
Perimysium –
Connective tissue surrounding/enclosing each fascicle
Epimysium –
Connective tissue surrounding the entire muscle. Continuous with the connective tissue.
Sarcomere –
Contractile unit of tissue. A set of myosin and it’s actin.
Fiber –
A muscle cell
Endomysium –
Thin connective tissue surrounding each muscle cell. Made of areolar tissue.
Sarcolemma –
“husk”. The plasma membrane around each muscle cell
Myofibril –
Long, filamentous organelle found within muscle cells that has a banded appearance. Takes up 80% of the cell.
Myofillament –
Actin- or myosin-containing structures
Tendon –
cordlike extension of connective tissue beyond the muscle, serving to attach it to the bone
Fascicle –
A bundle of muscle cells.
A Band –
Where myosin and actin overlap. The dark part. “It’s myosin and clan, it’s the A Band”.
I Band –
Actin-only. The lighter striation. (“Tall and thin, it’s actin!”)
H zone –
Myosin only
Z discs/line –
The anchors between actin fibers. The borders of the sarcomere.
Motor unit –
A motor neuron and all the skeletal muscles that it stimulates
Synaptic cleft –
The area between the axon terminal and the muscle cell.
Acetylcholine –
The neurotransmitter that is released onto skeletal muscles.
T tubule –
Channels into the cell that allow extracellular fluid to bring the ions of the AP into all the sarcomeres.
Sacroplasmic Reticulum –
Releases calcium when triggered by the AP. Calcium allows the actin to attach to the myosin.
Tropomyosin –
A protein that binds to the actin’s binding spot, preventing it from binding to myosin
Graded Muscle’s Response –
The muscle’s ability to adjust to the demands placed on it.
Summation –
When two APs come close together, the second one is stronger than the first one. Can lead to sustains contractions (tetnus)
Concentric –
Muscles that work by shortening.
Eccentric –
Muscle does work by lengthening.
Isometric contractions –
Muscle length remains the same.
A muscle contains many...
A fascicle contains many...
fibers (cells)
A fiber contains many...
A microfibril contains many...
A sarcomere contains many...
Three joint types:
Synarthroses, Amphiarthroses, and Synovial
to bend around/curve
away from the body
towards the body
To turn medially and laterally
pointing the toes towards the ceiling
pantar flexion
Pointing the toes toward the ground