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44 Cards in this Set

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I) Olfactory –
Smell. Exits out the cribiform plate. (purely sensory)
II) Optic Nerve –
Vision. Exits out the optic canal (purely sensory)
III) Oculomotor –
Moves the eyeball. Constricts the pupil and changes the shape of the lens. Exits through the superior orbital fissure. (Purely motor)
IV) Trochlear –
Moves an eye muscle. Exits out the superior orbital fissure. (Purely motor)
V) Trigeminal
Splits into three: V-1 Optalamic.
V-2: Maxillary. V-3: Mandibular
V – 1: Optalamic.
Sense of feeling for cornea and foreheard. Exits our superior orbital fissure. (sensory)
V – 2: Maxillary.
Sense or touch on maxilla. (sensory)
V – 3: Mandibular
Sense of touch on lower jaw and teeth. Moves chewing muscles (Sensory and motor)
VI) Abducens –
Moves eyeball. Exits out superior orbital fissure. (Motor)
VII) Facial –
Directs facial expressions. Sense of taste. Exits out stylomastoid foramen(sensory and motor)
VIII) Vestibulococholear –
Hearing and balance. (Purely sensory)
IX) Glossopharyngeal –
Gives some sense of taste and directs swallowing. Exits out juglar foramen. (Sensory and motor)
X) Vagus –
Means “wander”. It is the only cranial never to go below the shoulders. Receives sensory from the viscera. Exits out the Jugular Foramen (sensory and motor)
XI) Spinal Accessory –
Moves trapeizious and sternocleidomastoid. Exits our Jugular forman.
XII) Hypolglossal –
Moves tongue. Exits our the hypoglossal canal.
Somatic Motor Neuron:
Only 1 Neuron//Cell Body: In the ventral horn//Originates from: All 31 spinal nerves and ALL CN except I, II, VII, X//Synapses on: Affecter Organ (always a skeletal nerve)//Neurotransmitter of choice: Acetylcholine// Myelinated: Throughout axon
Sympathetic Neuron:
2 Neurons: Short pre-ganglion fiber, long post-ganglion fiber// Cell Body: 1st) Ventral Horn. 2nd) Sympathetic chain ganglia or collateral ganglia// Originates from: Ventral horn of T1-L2// Synapses: 1st) Sympathetic Chain/Collateral ganglia. 2nd)Affecter Organ (gland, cardiac muscle, or smooth muscle)// Neurotransmitter of choice: 1st) Acetylcholine. 2nd) Norepinephrine//Myelinated: Light to none on pre-ganglionic fiber
Parasympathetic Neuron:
2 Neurons: Long pre-ganglion fiber, short post-ganglion fiber// Cell Body: 1st) Sacral nerve. 2nd) Very close to affecter organ/Preveterbral ganglia.// Originates from: Sacral nerve and CN II, III, IX(most), X// Synapses: 1st) Sacral nerve. 2nd) Affecter Organ (gland, cardiac muscle, or smooth muscle)// Neurotransmitter of choice: 1st) Acetylcholine. 2nd) Norepinephrine// Myelinated: -no data-
Sympathetic Chain Ganglia –
A group of ganglia that runs up the side of the spine. Site of sympathetic nerve synapses.
Collateral Ganglia –
Sympathetic ganglia located in the abdomen.
Endoneurium –
“Inside nerve”. Encircles each axon.
Perineurium –
“Around nerve”. Wraps each group of axons into a fascicle.
Epineurium –
“Upon Nerve”. Wraps fascicles into nerves.
Afferent nerves –
Nerves that are carrying just sensory input.
The three target organs not connected to parasympathetic nerves –
Sweat glands, adrenal glands, and blood vessel walls
B2 –
Adrenergic receptors that stimulate the dilation of the bronchi in the lungs
B1 –
Adrenergic receptors that stimulate the cardiac muscle.
Glycolysis –
Breaking down glycogen into glucose.
Digestive System
Parasympathetic effect: Increases smooth muscles mobility and amount of secretion
Sympathetic effects: Decreases activity of digestive system and constricts sphincters
Parasympathetic effect: No effect
Sympathetic effects: Causes glucose to be released into the blood
Parasympathetic effect: Constricts bronchioles
Sympathetic effects: Dilates bronchioles
Urinary bladder
Parasympathetic effect: Relaxes sphincters
Sympathetic effects: Constricts sphincters
Parasympathetic effect: No effect
Sympathetic effects: Decreased urine output
Decreases rate. Slows
Increases rate and force of heartbeat
Blood vessels
No effect on most blood vessels
Increases blood pressure and constricts the unnecessary while dilating the important ones
Stimulates; increase the production of saliva, tears, and gastric juices
Inhibits. Results in dry eyes and mouth
Eyes (Iris)
Stimulates constrictor muscles, constricts pupil
Stimulates dilator muscles, dilates pupils
Eyes (ciliary muscle)
Stimulates to increases bulging of lends for close vision Inhibits.
Decreases bulging of lens, prepares for distant vision
Adrenal Medulla
No effect
Simulates medulla cells to secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine
Sweat glands
No effect
Stimulates to produce perspiration
Arrector Pili muscles
No effect
Stimulates to produce goosebumps
Causes erection/orgasm
Causes ejaculation
Cellular metabolism
No effect
Increase metabolic rate, increases blood sugar levels. Stimulates fat breakdown (polysis)
Adipose tissue
No effect
Stimulates fat breakdown