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59 Cards in this Set

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In Skeletal muscle Ca<sup>++</sup> is released and then binds to troponin. What does Ca bind to in smooth muscle?
Skeletal muscle makes up what % of total body weight?
Smooth muscle makes up what % of total body weight?
T or F. The skeletal muscle fiber is spherical in shape?
It is cylindrical in shape.
The muscle cell membrane and the outer collagen layer are what make up the:
This outer layer of the muscle fiber fuses the muscle fibers with the the tendons.
Collagen layer
What electrically insulates each individual muscle fiber from each other?
The Sarcolema
There are hundreds to many thousands of these in each muscle fiber.
Myofibrils are organelles specialized to do what?
They are specialized for contraction or shortening of the muscle cell.
Myofibrils are made up of 2 different interdigitating filaments named.
Actin and Myosin
Which myofibril is your favorite myofibril?
Mine too.
What part of the myosin filament interacts with the active sites of the actin filament.
The cross-bridges
The I band has which myofilament only.
T or F. The A band has overlapping myosin and actin filaments
Which myofilament, actin or myosin, attaches to the Z disk?
The Sarcomere is defined as
the fundamental contractile subunit of the myofibrils, and is the region between the Z disks.
In skeletal muscle, the resting length is approximately 2.0 microns. Why do we care?
Because at the length of 2 microns, it is at the length that allows for the greatest number of interactions between actin and myosin to occur during muscle contraction.
Skeletal muscle is what size range in diameter?
10-80 microns
Smooth muscle is what size range in diameter?
1-5 microns
Skeletal muscle fibers are electrically insulated from each other. Which type of smooth muscle is as well?
Multiunit smooth muscle.
Can each multiunit smooth muscle fiber contract independently from each other?
Yes because like skeletal muscle, they too are electrically isolated from each other.
What are the two types of principal smooth muscles
1. Multiunit
2. Visceral (unitary)
Dense bodies are analogous to what in skeletal muscle?
Z disks
A skeletal muscle fiber is innervated by how many motor neurons?
Smooth muscles do not have a striated appearance because they do not have what?
Cytoplasm is what in muscle cells?
Endoplasmic reticulum is called what in the muscle cell?
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
The sarcoplasmic reticulum is very extensive in slow contracting or rapid contracting muscle cells?
Rapidly contracting
The Sliding filament model of actin myofilaments depicts the contraction as a passive process, but is it?
No. The actin are pulled inward, they don't just slide inward.
The actin myofilament is made up of 2 primary protein components that wrap around each other and contain active sites. What are the components?
Tropomyosin covers the active sites while the muscle is in what state?
The myosin head groups have what kind of activity?
ATPase activity
Is the ATP needed to make the myosin head group interact with the actin active sites, or to pull the head into the ready position?
For pulling the head group into the ready position.
ATPase enzymes need what intracellular cation to be active?
Blah Blah Blah. Ba Blah Blah Blah.
6 Blahs and a Ba.
Contracting against a load that is too great, maximum tension is generated, but the the muscle as a whole does not shorten, is what type of contraction?
What type of contraction happens when muscle shortens and moves a load while maintaining a constant tension.
T or F. Inertia is involved in an isotonic contraction
About how many secretory vesicles are there in the terminal axon?
In each secretory vesicle, there are about how many molecules of acetylcholine?
Describe the whole process of the release of acetylcholine starting with an action potential arriving and ending with acetylcholine being hydrolyzed.
1. An action potential travels down the axon.
2. Voltage gated Ca<sup>++</sup> channels are stimulated to open allowing it into the cell (terminal axon).
3. Ca<sup>++</sup> stimulates a certain number of the secretory vesicles to release (exocytocytosis) acetylcholine.
4. Acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft (20-30microns away), and binds to the acetylcholine receptors (dual function protein = ligand gated non-selective ion channel)in the motor end plate.
5.Na<sup>+</sup> moves into the cell and causes the muscle it to depolarize = an end plate potential.
On skeletal muscle, acetylcholine receptors are what kind of receptor (just the name)?
How wide is the synaptic cleft?
20-30 microns
What happens to acetylcholine after it is used?
Acetylcholinesterase floating in the synaptic cleft hydrolyze it.
The physical length of smooth muscle is short at about what length?
20 to 500 microns = .5mm
Skeletal muscle is a lot longer the skeletal muscle cell can run the length of
the muscle.
Give examples of where multiunit smooth muscles are found in the body.
In the pupil (ciliary muscle), or piloerector muscles
Multiunit muscles are controlled by the ________ nervous system.
Gap Junctions are found in which type of smooth muscle?
A collection of visceral smooth cells can depolarize and contract as a unit because a wave of depolarization can pass from one cell to the next due to Gap Junctions. This collection is called a..
..functional syncytium
How much time is the onset of smooth contraction? (Spike Potential duration)
50-100 miliseconds
How long is the duration of a smooth muscle contraction?
1-3 seconds
Resting membrane potential of smooth muscle is..
-50mV to -60mV
The resting membrane potential is less negative because these cells are more...
permeable to Na<sup>+</sup>
Skeletal action potentials last .5-1 milisecond. About how long is a smooth muscle spike action potential?
50 miliseconds
In smooth muscle, what kind of action potential would provide for a prolonged muscle contraction?
The autonomic nerve endings in smooth muscle are called..
axon varicosities VS. motor end plates in skeletal muscle.
Neurotransmitter binding to the smooth visceral muscle cell causes a ___________ potential.
VS end plate potentials like in skeletal muscle.
Threshold of smooth visceral muscle is