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27 Cards in this Set

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repetitiive act that a particular individual performs
a repetitive act of a group performed to the extent that it becomes a charactertistic of the group
-a habit that a group of people have widely adopted
folk culture
traditionally practiced primarily by small, homogenous groups living in isolated rural areas
popular (pop) culture
found in large, heterogeneous societies that share certain habits despite differences in other personal characteristics
Characteristics of folk culture
-originates in anonymous hearths
-transmitted from one location to another more slowly and on a smaller scale, primarily diffused through migration than technology
Characteristics of pop culture
-usually originates and are products of the economically more developed countries
-diffuses rapidly and extensively through modern communications and transportation from major hearths (i.e. Hollywood)
Differences in between pop and folk cultures
restriction on behavior imposed by social custom
-established in concern for the natural environment
Folk Housing characteristics
-product of both natural and cultural conditions
-reflection of heritage, current fashion, functional needs, and the impact of environment
Popular music styles
-Music Hall (UK)
-Vaudeville (US)
Tin Pan Alley
A street in New York where a main music industry developed in the 1900's by selling sheet music everywhere
5 reasons for taboo
-concern for health
-concern for natural environment
-use in agriculture
-concern for religious reasons
Name 2 of the 3 special Lao customs for sleeping
-beds are perpendicular to the center ridgepole of the house
-beds are arranged to the feet of their neighbors to show respect
-Kids who have their house right next to their parents' house sleep with their heads at their parents' feet to show respect
Name 3 types of US folk house forms
-New England
-Middle Atlantic "I"
-Lower Chesapeake
Name the 4 types of New England home
-two chimney
-Cape Cod
-Front Gable and Wing
Name the Popular Housing styles since the 1940's
-Modern House (1956-1960)
-Neo-eclectic (Since 1960)
Name the 5 types of Modern Houses
-minimal traditional (one story w/ front gable and few decorative details)
-ranch (one story w/ long side parallel to the street)
-split-level (contained garage and family room)
-contemporary (flat roof)
-shed (high-pitched roof)
Name the 4 types of Neo-eclectic houses
Name 4 different clothes that diffused through the world
-poncho (South America)
-dashiki (Nigeria)
-parka (Aleut)
-jeans (USA)
Two reasons for consumption of snack foods and alcohol
-high income
-national advertising
Roles of TV in society
1) most popular leisure activity for MDCs
2)most important mechanism by which knowledge of pop culture is rapidly diffused (like sports)
Categories of TV
1. Every household owns a TV
2. Ownership of a TV is common, but is not universal
3. TV has not been widely diffused yet because of costs of receivers
4. TVs are scarce and may not have operating TV stations
Why are satellites being prohibited in many areas of the world?
They make TV into a driving force for political change rather than keeping stability
Threats to Folk Culture
-Loss of traditional values
(i.e. clothes and the roles of women)
-Threat of Foreign Media Imperialism (i.e. control of the products or control of the news media)
black combination head and veil covering for Muslim women
Name the 5 big stories they covered in one day
Brazil: traffic jam in Rio de Janiero
India: the birhtday of Indira Gandhi
Japan: sumo wrestling results
Kuwait: day's activities of the ruling sheik
Thailand: the increasing cost of eggs
Three ways the environment is affected by the impact of pop culture
-modifying nature (i.e. diffusion of golf)
-Uniform landscapes, the same look around the world (i.e. fast food)
-Negative environmental impact (i.e. demand for resources or pollution)