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60 Cards in this Set

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Study of population characteristics
Arable Land
land suitable for agriculture
Physiological density
number of people supported by a unit of arable land
Agricultural density
ratio of number of farmers to amount of arable land
Crude Birth Rate (CBR)
number of live births per year per 1000 people alive
Crude Death Rate (CDR)
number of deaths per year per 1000 people alive
National Increase Rate (NIR)
percentage a population grows in a year (can be noted as CBR-CDR)
Doubling time
number of years needed to double a population
Total Fertility Rate
average number of kids a woman well have in her child bearing years (15-49 years old)
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
annual number of deaths of infants under 1 year old
Life Expectancy
average number of years someone will be expected to live
Demographic transition
rate of change in a society's population, represented in stages referring to the CBR and CDR
Agricultural Revolution
time when humans domesticated plants and animals and no longer relied entirely on hunting and gathering
Industrial Revolution
major improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods and delivering them to market
Sex Ratio
number of males per 100 females
Population Pyramid
bar graph representing the distribution of population by age and sex
Dependency ratio
number of people aged 0-14 and 65+ years old (or can't work) compared to the number of people in their productive years
portion of Earth's surface occupied by permanent human settlement
permanent move to or from a new location
migration FROM a location
migration TO a new location
short term or repeated movement on a regular basis
(ex. going to school every day)
people who have been forced out can not return to their home country out of fear of persecution due to race, nationality, membership, or political standing
area subject to flooding according to a certain pattern of years
medical revolution
medical technology invented in Europe and North America that is diffused to the poorer countries of Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Improved medical practices have eliminated many traditional causes of death in poorer countries
Zero population growth (ZPG)
when the CBR = CDR and the national increase rate (NIR) is almost 0
Seasonal mobility
moving from a location temporarily according to a season
movement from one place to another
in geography, a maximum limit of the number of immigrants to a country
brain drain
large scale emigration by talented people
chain migration
migrations of people due to relatives or members of the same nationality migrating to a certain country
internal migration
permanent movement within the same country
interregional migration
permanent movement from one region to another
intraregional migration
permanent movement within the same region
voluntary migration
migration that is by choice
forced migration
migration that is compelled due to cultural reasons
migration transition
changes in a society comparable to demographic transition
international migration
permanent movement from one country to another
push factor
induces people to move out of their present location
pull factor
induces people to move to a new place
arithmetic density/population density
total number of people divided by the total land area
number of people in an area exceeds the capacity of the environment to support life at a decent standard of living
population geography
focuses on the number, composition, and distribution of human beings on earth's surface
arrangement of locations on Earth's surface where people live
dot maps
a way to draw populations, where each dot represents a certain number of people
carrying capacity
number of people an area can support on a sustained basis
population explosion
trend of rapid population increases in places
epidemiological transition
distinctive causes of death in each stage of the demographic transition
distance decay
decline of an activity or function with increasing distance from its point of origin
step migration
long distance migration done in stages
intervening opportunity
good opportunities that occur along the path of migration
gravity model
measure of the interaction of places
critical distance
distance beyond which cost, effort, and means strongly influence willingness to travel
intervening obstacles
physical or environemntal features that halt or sloe migration from one place to another
more people emigrate from a country than immigrate to it
more people immigrate to a country than emigrate from it
people forced from their home due to ethnic strife, war, or disasters
migration seletivity
tendency for certain types of people to move
activity space
area in which an individual moves about as he or she pursures regular day-to-day activities
space-time prism
sets limits for activities on an everyday basis