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47 Cards in this Set

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Kenya recorded one of the highest Total Fertility Rates (TFR) ever in the midst of the 1980’s. What was that rate?
Currently Bologna Italy is recording one of the lowest Total Fertility Rates (TFR) ever. What was that rate?
More women in wealthier countries are choosing to do what that rather than reproduce?
More women in wealthier countries are choosing to stay in school and focus on their career. This is delaying the process of marriage and childbirth. Couples are also worried about the financial expenses of raising a child, which discourages them to reproduce.
A handful of governments are administering lower birth rates, such as:
Countries that desire a much larger, younger population are providing major financial incentives, like year-long, paid maternity leaves and state-funded daycare, such as:
The study of population.
Population Density
A measure of total population relative to land size.
Arithmetic Population Density
The population of a country or region expressed as an average per unit area.
Physiological Population Density
The total population of a country or region to the area of arable land it contains.
Population Distributions
Descriptions of locations on the Earth’s surface where individuals or groups live.
What two physical geography barriers create the boundaries of the South Asia population cluster?
The Himalaya Mountains to the north and the desert west of the Indus River Valley in Pakistan.
Term used to designate coalescing super cities that are forming in diverse parts of the world.
If the population of a disadvantaged group is undercounted, what is the result?
It translates into a loss of dollars for the city governments that rely on federal government funding to pay for social services to disadvantaged groups.
What is the name of Paul Ehlrich’s and what is its thesis?
"The Population Bomb" warned others about how the world’s population was increasing too quickly and was outpacing our food production.
Who was Thomas Malthus and what did he do that started a major discussion on the worlds population?
In 1798, British economist, Thomas Malthus, published An Essay on the Principles of Population. In this publication, Malthus warned that the world’s population was increasing faster then than the food supplies needed to sustain it.
What are Neo-Malthusians?
Neo-Malthusians scholars continue to share Malthus’s concerns (even if they don’t agree with every detail of his argument).
How do you calculate RNI?
To calculate the natural increase in a country’s population, simply subtract deaths from births.
Doubling Time
The time required for a population to double in size.
Population Explosion
The rapid growth of the world’s human population during the past century, attended by ever-shorter doubling times and accelerating rates of increase.
What epidemic is currently taking place in Sub-Saharan Africa?
The AIDS epidemic is killing millions, orphaning children, reducing life expectancies, and curtailing growth rates.
Do economically wealthier areas of the world grow slower with a declining rate of RNI rather than a less wealthy country?
In 2004, 3 districts in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, instituted a policy of what?
Exchanging gun licenses for sterilization.
What do you get for sterilizing 5 people in Uttar Pradesh, India?
Revolver License.
What do you get for sterilizing 3 people in Uttar Pradesh, India?
Shotgun License.
Rate of Natural Increase (RNI)
The difference between the number of births and the number of deaths.
Crude Birth Rate (CBR)
The number of live births per year per thousand people in the population.
Crude Death Rate (CDR)
The number of deaths per year per thousand people in the population.
After Industrialization began; the death rates in Great Britain began to what as a result of what?
To fall as a result of better and more stable access to food and improved access to increasingly effective medicines.
Demographic Transitions
Model, based on Western Europe’s experience, of changes in population growth exhibited by countries undergoing industrialization. High birth rates and death rates are followed by plunging death rates, producing a huge net population gain; this is followed by the convergence of birth rates and death rates at a low overall level.
The beginning of the Industrial Revolution ushered in a period of What in Europe?
Accelerating population growth.
Stationary Population Level (SPL)
The level at which a national population ceases to grow.
Population Composition
Structure of a population in terms of age, sex, and other properties such as marital status and education.
Population Pyramids
Visual representations of the age and sex composition of a population whereby the percentage of each age group is represented by a horizontal bar the length of which represents its relationship to the total population.
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
A figure that describes the number of babies that die within the first year of their lives in a given population.
Infectious Diseases
An invasion of parasites and their multiplication in the body. Example: Malaria
Chronic/Degenerative Diseases
The maladies of longevity and old age. Example: Heart Disease
Genetic/Inherited Diseases
Chromosomes and genes that define our inner makeup. Traceable back to ancestry. Example: Sickle-Cell Anemia
A disease that is particular to a locality or region.
Regional outbreak of disease.
An outbreak of disease that spreads worldwide.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
A new non-vectored infectious disease identified in Africa in the early 1980’s.
Over the last two decades, the AIDS pandemic has reached where?
Virtually all parts of the world, but its full dimensions are unknown.
AIDS is doing what to the populations of countries it affecting?
AIDS is reshaping the population structure of the countries hardest hit by the disease.
Expansive Population Policies
Government policies that encourage large families and raise the rate of population growth.
Eugenic Population Policies
Government policies designed to favor one racial sector over others.
Restrictive Population Policies
Government policies designed to reduce the rate of natural increase.
One-Child Policy
A program established by the Chinese government in 1979 to slow population growth in China.