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52 Cards in this Set

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Active Solar Energy systems

Solar energy systems that collect energy through the use of mechanical deviced such as photoltaic cells or flat-plate collectors.

Adolescent Fertility Rate

The number of births per 1,000 women ages 15-19

Biomass Fuel

Fuel that derives from plant material and animal waste

Breeder reactor

A nuclear power plant that creates its own fuel from plutonium


The quantity of something that consumers are willing and want to buy.

Developed Country

A country that has progressed relatively far along a countinuum of development

Developing Country

A country that is at a relatively early stage in the process of economic development.


A process of improvment in the material conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology.

Fair Trade

An alternative to international trade that emphasizes small businesses and worker-owned and democratically run cooperatives and requires employers to pay for workers fair wages, permit union organization, and comply with minimum enviornmental and saftey standards.

Female Labor Force Participation Rate

The percentage of women holding full time jobs outside the home


The splitting of an atomic nucleus to release energy

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Invest made by a foreign company in the economy of another country.

Fossil Fuel

An enerfy source formed from the residue of plants and animals buried millions of years ago.

Fracking (hydraulic fracturing)

The pumping of water at high pressure to break apart rocks in release natural gas


Creation of energy by joining the nuclei of two hydrogen atoms to form helium.

Gender Inquality index (GII)

A measure of th extent of each country's gender inequality

Geothermal Energy

Energy from steam or hot water produced from hot or molten underground rocks

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

The value of the total output of goods and services produced in a country in a given time period (normally one year)

Gross National Income (GNI)

The value of the output of goods and services produced in a country in a year, including money that leaves and enters the country.

Housing Bubble

A rapid increase in the value of houses followed by a sharp decline in their value.

Human Development Index (HDI)

An indicator of the level of development for each country, constructed by th United Nations, that is based on income, literacy, educations, and life expectancy

Hydroelectric power

Power generated from moving water

Inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI)

Modification of the HDI to account for inequality within a country.

Literacy rate

The percentage of a country's people who can read and write.

Maternal Mortality Ratio

The number of women who die giving birth per 100,000 births.


Provision of small loans and other financial services to individuals and small businesses in developing countries.

Millennium Development Goals

Eight international development goals that all members of the United Nations have agreed to achieve by 2015

Nonrenewable Energy

A source of energy that has a finite supply cappable of being exhausted.

Passive Solar Energy Systems

Solar energy systems that collect energy without the use of mechanical devices

Photovolatic Cell

A solar energy cell, usually made from silicon, that collects solar rays to generate electricity

Potential Reserve

The amount of resource not indentified but thought to exist

Primary Sector

The portion of the economy concerned with the direct extraction of materials from Earth's surface, generally through agriculture, although sometimes by mining, fishing, and forestry.


The value of a particular product compared to the amount of labor needed to make it

Proven Reserve

The amount of a resource remaining in discovered deposits

Purchasing Party Parity (PPP)

The amount of money needed in one country to purchase the same goods and services in another country; PPP adjusts income figures to account for differences among countries in the cost of goods.

Radioactive Waste

Materials from a nuclear reaction that emit radiation; contact with such particles may be harmful or lethal to people; therefore, the materials must be safely stored for thousands of years.

Renewable Energy

A resource that has a theoretically unlimited suppply and is not depleted when used by humans.

Secondary Sector

The portion of the economy concerned with manufacturing useful products through processing, transforming, and assembling raw materials.

Structural Adjustment Program

Economic policies imposed on less developed countries by international agencies to create conditions ecouraging international trade, such as raising taxes, reducing government spending, controlling inflation, selling publicly owned utilities to private corporations, and charging citizens more for services.


The quantity of something that producers have available for sale.

Tertiary Sector

The portion of the economy concerned with transportation, communications, and utilities, sometimes extended to the provision of all foods and services to people, in exchange for payment.

Uneven Development

Development of core regions at the expense of those on the periphery

Value Added

The gross value of a product minus the costs of raw materials and energy.

Rostow’s Model of development

One of the major historical models of economic growth. It was published by American economist Walt Whitman Rostow in 1960. The model postulates that economic growth occurs in five basic stages, of varying length

Wallerstein’s World Systems

The world systems theory, developed by sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein, is an approach to world history and social change that suggests there is a world economic system in which some countries benefit while others are exploited.


dominant capitalist countries that exploit peripheral countries for labor and raw materials in World Systems theory


countries that provide the labor and raw materials to the core


countries that are industrializing, mostly capitalist countries which are positioned between periphery and core countries.

Sustainable development

economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources


tourism directed toward exotic, often threatened, natural environments, especially to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife.

Quaternary Sector

Service sector industries concerned with the collection, processing, and manipulation of information and capital. Examples include finance, administration, insurance, and legal services.

Quianary sector

Service sector industries that require a high level of specialized knowledge skill (scientific research, high-level management).