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46 Cards in this Set

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G.W. cabinet
john adams was vice president
a. hamilton: secretary of treasury
t.jefferson: secretary of state
e.randolph: attorney general
h.knox: secreatary of way
first inaugeration and protocol
ny city: capital
stressed ceremony and receptions
Mr. Pres
used veto power only twice
spurned third term
HIs presidency
strong federalist leanings and helped to create a strong executive branch
Hamilton's Financial Plan
funding national debt: rewarding rich ppl
Assumption of debts: all countries pay equal debts, despite if their debts were already paid (virginia, maryland, NC, and georgia already paid)
Formation of National Bank: partially govn't and partially private, holds gov funds, circulates $, lend $ to gov. wants nat'l debt
Protective Tariffs: didn't work, gets whiskey tax instead
Reasons for financial plan
owe france money for way
owe britain
some states have bigger wr debts than others
bonds were worthless
regional conflicts
federalists: repressing manufacturing interests and northern elits, british ties trade with US, rich
whiskey rebellion
W. Penn farmers rise in defiance of excise tax on whickey that cut into gran profits, farmers only saw their taxes went to support the northern interests
Hamilton to GW on rebellion
"you must crush them"
superior national govt
turned west republican
Foreign policy goals upon entering into office
*dont make errors with respected to Great Britain, who still held forts
*Don't incite Indian wars or with other nations
Two biggest foriegn issues under GW
*French revolution of 1789
*War between Britain and Spain; then France
French Revolution
wants our support, issues Proclamation of Neutrality
TJ: supports France
Hamilton: supports Britain
Wars in Europe
*British stirrs stuff up with Indians
* Battle of Fallen Timbers 1794 ends some hostilities
***Neutrality isnt workin
Jay's Treaty
With the British, it eased:
*British and US
*France Hates US
*gave a lot to britan
Pinckeys Treaty
Treaty with Spain, gave us all we wanted in fear of British:
navigation of the Mississippi, Northern border of Florida set, agreed to control the Native groups in Spanish territory
Farewell Address
written by hamilton, approved commercial but not political ties abroad, permanent alliances, deployed the spirit of the party, AVOID FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS!!
election of 1796
two ballots each,
john adams:pres
TJ: vice pres
XYZ Affair
*France upset about Jay's treaty
*US didn't honor alliance pact
*Adams sent 3 negotiators to Paris
*3 foreign ministers, XYZ, demand bribes and apologies
*Press finds out, and Congress, and portrays France as $ hungry
*leads us to bring of war and is the Quasi War
Quasi War
*france siezes our ships
*Adams comissions naval ships
*George Logan wants treat- Logan Act, which said that no individual citzen could negotiate w/ a foreign country
*Adams sends a peace mission to France realizing the Napoleonic wars are heating up, and France needs our trade now that they had few ships
Convention of 1800
ends alliance of 1778 and we agree to trade, not to pursue claims for losses and support neutrality in the continental hostilities
what led to Alien and Sedition Acts
*rivalry between Adams (federalist) and Jefferson (republican)
*Fed: dominated COngress adopted highly repressive measures:alien and sedition acts of 1798
Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798
*alien laws: repressive regulation of noncitizen residents
*seditoon law forbade false, scandolous, and malicious publications against gove, Congress and Pres
*15 prosecutions of criminal charges, several against Jefersonian newspapers
*expired in 1801: jefferson pardoned all convicted under laws
Virginia and Kentucky Resolution
republicans turned to state legislatures to oppose the alien and sedition acts:
*Madison and Jefferson authored resolution affirming that the states had entered into a compact with the union
*States could nullify unconstitutional federal acts
political parties
federalists and republicans, until adams the pesident didnt regard himself as a party leader but as the bipartisan spokesman for public interest
*strong central gov
*looses interpretation of constitution
*encouraged manufacturing
*encouraged commerce
*strong support in NE
*favored ties with britain
*emphasized order and stability
*states' rights
*strict interpretation of constitution
*encouraged agriculture
*promoted rural concerns
*strong support in South and west
*supported France and neutrality
*emphasized civil liberty and trust
renaissance man
slave holder, against slavery
Sally Hemmings
John Marshall
outfederalize federalist??
yes ex: buying land, elections, embargo acts
Election of 1800
Jefferson and Burr tied
Hamilton lobbies for TJ
***First peaceful transfer of power in a new country
Inaugeration speach
"we are all republicans; we are all federalists"
*dramatically decrese the sieze of central gove
*decreases navy
*dereases debt
Jefferson cabinet
J.Madison: secretary of state
A.Gallatin: Secretary of treasury
**believed his cabinet should reflect the policies of party, doesn't dismantle Hamilton's programs
the federal city
washington DC, constructed part of white house... L'Efant: architect who helped design city
*Reverse nat'l debt
*gets rid of most taxation (whiskey excise)
*drastically cuts spending,cuts debt in 1/2 by end of reign
For money jefferson depends on
sale of western lands, duties, tariffs,
Judicial problems
*hates john marshall, fights against fed. judges
*marshall expanding federal power= TJ :(
*impeach S. Chase for political reasons (fed): doesn't work
International Relations
*cuts militray spending, cut jobs in military, against foreign entanglements, stay neutral
The Barbary States
N. Africa: pay tributes
Meanwhile Napoleon...
war with britain, tries to seize India and fails, continental wars
Treaty of San Ildefonso
French regain title to Lousiana and the Mississippi Valley and New Orleans
Lousiana purchase
1803: cost 2x nat'l budget (15 mil)
*double size of US
*Tj has constitutional problems, uses treaty powers as excuse
*all land under control of fed gov
Lewis and Clark
"corp of discovery"
looking for NW passage, doesn't exsist
The Burr Conspiracy
Burr kills Hamilton
*Burr leads extreme fed group, flees murder
*plots to separate the w. US
*faces treason charge, acquitted
Conflicts in West with Indians
angry with Jefferson about native american policies: noble savages
William Henry Harris
govenor of Indian affairs, assimilate or go west, Britsh try to rally Indians
Tecumsech and Prophet
secular and religious leader of Indians... unite tribes and gov't
Battle of Tippecanoe
alliance is defeated. leads to bloodshed in pockets along western frontier... leads to war of 1812
embargo act of 1807
closed US ports and made exports illegal: destroyed economy