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36 Cards in this Set

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Ideological Interest group
Political organizations that attract members by appealing to their political convictions or principles
Political Action Committee (PAC)
a private group that raises and distributes funds for use in election campaigns.
revolving door
Employment cycle in which individuals who work for government agencies regulating interests eventually end up working for interest groups or business with the same policy concern.
Procedure for submitting to popular vote the removal of officials from office before the end of their term.
Political system in which power is distributed among multiple groups.

A term used by the founders of this country to refer to political parties and special interests or interest groups.
A way of organizing a nation so that two or more levels of government have formal authority over the same area and people
Articles of Confederation
a written agreement ratified in 1781 by the thirteen original states, it provided a legal symbol of their union by gave the central government no coercive power over the states or their citizens
McCulloch v. Maryland
(1819) the Supreme Court ruled that Congress has certain implied powers and that national policies take precedence over state policies.
judicial review
Marble Cake Federalism
American federalism is portrayed as a system with mingled responsibilities and blurred distinctions between the levels of government.
Laboratory of Democracy
The idea that Federalism helps to decentralize our policies and this helps to allow states to find different policies to solve the same problem. This was the premise behind pushing for the new ObamaCare act
Unfunded Mandate
A mandate issued by the national government in which federal funds are not provided. This was seen with the Americans with Disabilities Act
Single-issue Groups
Groups that have a narrow interest, tend to dislike compromise, and often draw membership from people new to politics.
Shay's Rebellion
A series of attacks on courthouses by a small band of farmers led by Revolutionary War Captain Daniel Shays to block foreclosure proceedings.
Checks and Balances
Features of the Constitution that limit government's power by requiring that power be balanced among the different governmental institutions. These institutions continually constrain one another's activities.
Full Faith and Credit Clause
A clause in Article IV, Section 1, of the Constitution requiring each state to recognize the official documents and civil judgments rendered by the courts of other states.
Military-Industrial Complex
An alleged alliance between military leaders and corporate leaders.

non-governmental organization (NGO)
private group that pursues self-defined goals outside of government; common activities are publicizing issues, lobbying, making demands on government, and providing direct services
gender gap
Differences between the political views of men and women.
men vote more liberal
women vote more conservative
An adherent of a political ideology that is conservative on economic matters and liberal on social issues. The ideology advocates a small, weak government.
want NO government
political ideology
A coherent and consistent set of beliefs about who ought to rule, what principles rulers ought to obey, and what policies rulers ought to pursue

The Federalist Papers (author)
James Madison
Direct democracy
Citizens meet and make decisions abt public policy issues
A belief that government can and should achieve justice and equality of opportunity.
Bringing charges of wrongdoing against a govt official by the House of Representatives
A person whose views favor more govt involvemnt in business, social welfare, minority rights, &increased govt spending
Social Conservative
One who believes that traditional moral teachings should be supported and furthered by the government
1 same sex marriage state
reinforcing cleavages
Divisions within society that reinforce one another, making groups more homogeneous or similar.
Election by at least one vote more than any other candidate in the race.
Socioeconomic status (SES)
is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family's economic and social position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation.
American exceptionalism
is the theory that the United States is qualitatively different from other nations.
the believe that America is the best
cruel and oppressive government or rule.
: cruel and unfair treatment by people with power over others
is when people go to court in order to get a positive ruling for their cause. If there is a law that hurts a certain group of people, they can go to court and say that it is unlawful, and that it impinges on their rights.
statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it.
evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture.