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26 Cards in this Set

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Amendment Process

Formal- may be proposed by 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress or by a national convention called by congress by request of 2/3 of state legislatures or by legislatures of 3/4 of the state's or by special state conventions in 3/4 of the state's.

Informal- Judicial interpretation


Against the ratification of the constitution. Feared a strong central government. Wanted power to stay with the states.


2 chambers of congress, product of the great compromise.

Bill of Rights

Ten amendments ratified by the states to restrain the national government from limiting civil liberties

Checks and balances

Each branch can check the powers of the other two branches to a certain extent. The president can veto bills passed by Congress, Congress could confirm or deny certain Presidential appointments


What the delegates use to replace the Articles of Confederation that established federalism.

Declaration of Independence

The document is both political and philosophical. It announces and rationalizes a Revolution. It lists 27 specific ways that King George the third had abused The Americans


James Madison feared factions of self-interested individuals banding together to create tyranny.


Political Authority divided between the national government and the various state governments

Federalist Papers

85 articles from late 1787 through 1788. Written by Alexander Hamilton John Jay and James Madison. They provided rare glimpses into the Philadelphia meetings and important elaborations regarding the Constitution.


People who were for the ratification of the Constitution wanted a strong central government

The Great Compromise

Compromise between the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan created a bicameral legislation. One house, the house pf representatives, representing population of state- Virginia plan. And another house giving two members per state in the senate- New Jersey Plan

Judicial review

Enables the court to settle disputes regarding interpretations of the Constitution. Marbury vs. Madison

Natural rights

Rights that are inherent in all human beings apart from any form of government and can be neither taken away or given up.

New Jersey Plan

Insisted on equal representation for each state


Federalist against anti-federalist. Anti-Federalists eventually ratified the Constitution after the addition of the Bill of Rights allowing the states to have more power.


A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch

Separation of powers

Executive legislative and judicial would be given independent Powers so that no one branch could control the others and no Branch could operate with total Independence

Shay's Rebellion

A series of attacks on courthouses to keep judges from foreclosing on farms. Neither the national government or the state of Massachusetts was able to raise a militia to put down the Rebellion. Perceived weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation convinced many that bold Solutions were needed to mend the country's post Revolutionary War problems

Virginia Plan

Called for representation to be based on the state's proportion of the total American population


Unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor


Having a single legislative chamber

Block grants

Given regularly to States and localities with few strings attached in order to support broad programs in areas such as Community Development and social needs

Categorical grants

Grants for specific purposes defined by federal law. to build an airport or a college dormitory in.

Conditions of aid

Based on distributional formulas which provides grants automatically and objectively.

Cooperative federalism

Powers and policy often shared between states and the national government and costs and administration