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68 Cards in this Set

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Plessy v. Ferguson
Advanced "Separate But Equal"
opposite of Brown v. Board
Brown v. board
(desegregation) made it unconstitutional for there to be separate public schools for black and white kids
Roe v. Wade
Struck down anti-abortion laws in the 1st trimester because it violated a woman's constitutional right to privacy between her and her doctor
Roe Roe Roe your baby...
Gideon v. Wainwright
Court will appoint a defense attorney (lawyer) for free if you can't afford one
Miranda v. Arizona
(plead the 5th) police must inform suspects of their right not to answer any question (self-incrimination)
Mapp v. Ohio
Exclusionary Rule---evidence obtained by a police search in violation of the 4th amendment
Roth v. United States
Sexual Obscenity is not constitutionally protected speech
New York Times v. Sullivan
Libel and slander are NOT protected if statements are knowingly false or purposely malicious
Scheneck v. U.S.
Clear And Present Danger (not protected speech)
Nix v. Williams
Inevitable Discovery
Incorporation Theory
The idea that the entire bill of rights should apply to the States
Selective Incorporation is the reality
Selective Incorporation
The reality that the Supreme Court has yet to incorporate all of the bill of rights protections for the states
Gibbons v. Ogden
power to regulate INTERSTATE COMMERCE granted to Congress encompassed the power to regulate navigation
Marbury v. Madison
Judicial Review
What to do?.....
McColloch v. Maryland
National Supremacy
Process of Court Rulings
Oral Arguments
The Conference
Writing Opinions
Amicus Curiae
..parties NOT INVOLVED WITH THE CASE can also file a brief in support of one of the partiers to the case..
Senatorial Courtesy
An unwritten tradition that the Senate will not confirm nominations for lower court positions that are opposed by a senator of the president's own party from the state with the nominee will serve
This causes the Senate to have more power than the president when appointing lower court judges
Writ of Certiorari
The Supreme Court orders a lower court to send up their records for review of the case
Pleading guilty for a lesser crime; serve less time
9th Amendment
Implied Right: Rights not listed are not NECESSARILY DENIED to the American people simply because they aren't listed in the bill of rights
10th Amendment
Reserved Powers: " power not delegated to the United States or denied to the States shall therefore be reserved for the states..."
14th Amendment
Bill of rights also applies to STATE GOVTS.
-states can't infringe upon civil liberties
-states can't deny due process of law
-laws must protect everyone equally
Gitlow v. New York

The Supreme Court ruled that First Amendment protections of free speech must also apply to the States
connected to 14th amendment
Writs of Habeas Corpus
Call for a prisoner to be brought before a judge to explain why they cannot be released
"Sorry bro, you ain't goin nowhere.."
No Ex Post Facto Laws
You can't be charged with a crime if a law has passed making your actions illegal after the fact
Affirmative Action
action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination especially in relation to employment or education; positive discrimination
Engel v. Vitale
It's unconstitutional for public schools to start the day with a non-denomination prayer because it in fringes upon the Establishment Clause
laws that are actually passed by the US Congress, etc.
opposite of Case/Common Law
Case/Common Law
The accumulation of court cases that contribute to what acts are lawful and unlawful in America [SETS THE PRECEDENT]
Solicitor General
represents the U.S. whenever the U.S. govt. is a party to a case before the Supreme Court
Right to Speedy and Public Trial
No Bills of Attainer
You can't have a legislative act that punishes people without first having a trial in court
Prior Restraint
judicial suppression of material that would be published or broadcast, on the grounds that it is libelous or harmful. In U.S. law, the first amendment severely limits govts. ability to do this (UNCONSTITUTIONAL)
Lemon v. Kurtzman
aid to religiously affiliated schools
-must be used for a SECULAR PURPOSE
-must avoid "excessive govt. entanglement with religion"
California v. Miller
Defines sexual obscenity:
-average person finds it distasteful
Adversarial System
Two advocates represent their parties positions before a judge or jury, as they attempt to determine the truth of a case
Appellate Jurisdiction
power of a court to review decisions and change outcomes of decisions of lower courts
Civil Law
concerned with private relations between members of a family rather than criminal, military, or religious cases
Concurring Opinion
a written opinion by one or more judges of a court which agrees with the decision made by the majority of the court...
The litigant who is ACCUSED in a court of law
Due Process
Fair treatment through the normal judicial system, especially as a citizen's entitlement
Judicial Activism
Judicial branch ENFORCING their policies,

-judicial rulings based on personal or political considerations rather than on existing law
(they take it upon themselves)
a formal accusation of wrong-doing
Federal District Courts
trial courts of the federal court sysyem.

-have jurisdiction to hear nearly all categories of federal cases, including both civil and criminal matters
Judicial Restraint
theory of judicial interpretation that incourages judges to LIMIT THE EXERCISE OF THEIR OWN POWER
a person involved in a lawsuit
(plaintiff and defendant)
Loose Interpretation
(The Framer's INTENT)

"The constitution permits everything that it doesn't forbid"
--Alexander Hamilton

-Following the 'essence' of the Constitution, rather than what's explicitly written
a person who brings a case against another in a court of law
Dignified and efficient aspects of presidency
Dignified- "shaking hands and kissing babies"

efficient- actually working
an official pardon for people who have been convicted of crimes
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
(sorry..Unit 2)
authorized President Johnson to take ANY MEASURES HE BELIEVED WE'RE NECESSARY to retaliate to "promote the maintenance of international peace and security" in Southeast Asia
Rule of Four
How a supreme court decides their cases (besides Writ of Certiorari) where a 4/9 vote for a case wins
Stare Decisis
The legal principle of determining points of litigation ACCORDING TO THE PRECEDENT
Strict Interpretation
legal philosophy of judicial interpretation that limits or restricts judicial interpretation
The Patriot Act:
why was it unconstitutional?
imposed on our 4th amendment to privacy.

People were SUPER PARANOID after 9/11 and wanted to prevent terrorist attacks
(allowed people to search your house without a warrant, tap into phone calls and private documents, etc)
7th Amendment
(seriously. that's the answer. I got it wrong last time)
6th Amendment
rights of the accused

-speedy and public trial
-trial by jury
-informed of charges
8th Amendment
No cruel or unusual punishment
Burning the American flag as a form or protest is...
CONSTITUTIONAL -- Symbolic speech
Establishment Clause
The US Govt. can't ESTABLISH an official religion
prior restraint
censorship before material is broadcasted or published
Commercial Speech
communication in the form of ADVERTISING can be restricted more than many other types of speech

"Say what you want...unless it's advertisment"
What can presidents do WITHOUT consent from congress?
Executive orders
If a president is meeting with the Joint Chief of Staffs, what role is he in?
Commander in chief

(joint chief of staff are in charge of military)
If a president is discussing foreign policy with the Prime Minister, what role is he in?
Chief Diplomat= FOREIGN anything
Passing the Affordable Care Act demonstrates the president as...
Chief Legislator