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78 Cards in this Set

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Amicus curiae brief

"Friend of the court" . Brief filed by an interest group to influence a Supreme Court decision.

Appellate Jurisdiction

Authority of a court to hear an appeal from a lower court

Balancing the ticket

Occurs when a president nominee chooses a vice presidential running mate who has different qualities in order to attract more votes for the ticket

Bill of attainder

Legislative act inflicting punishment, including deprivation of poverty, without trial, on named individuals or members of a group.

Blanket primary

Election to choose candidates that is open to independents and that allows voters to choose candidates from all the parties

Block grant

Money granted by the federal government to the states for a broad purpose (e.g. transportation) rather than for a narrow purpose (e.g. school lunch program)


When congressional staff help a constituent solve a problem.

Categorical grant

Money granted by the federal government to the states for a narrow purpose (e.g. school lunch programs) rather than for a broad purpose (e.g. transportation)


Face-to-face meetings of party members at the local or state level to determine their party's candidate for office

Checks and balances

System in which each branch of government can limit the power of the other two branches (e.g. presidential veto of a congressional law)

Civil liberties

Basic rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights/Constitution

Civil Rights

Basic right to be free from unequal treatment based on certain protected characteristics (race, gender, disability)

Clear and present Danger Doctrine

Judicial interpretation of the First Amendment that govt may not ban speech unless such speech poses and imminent threat to society

Closed Primary

Party election to choose candidates that is closed to independents. Voter may not cross party lines.


Senate motion to end a filibuster that requires a 3/5 vote.

Commerce Clause

Gives Congress the power to regulate commerce among the states, with foreign nations, and among Indian tribes (article 1, sec 8)

Conference committee

Works out a compromise between differing House-Senate versions of a bill.

Cooperative federalism

System in which both federal govt and state govts cooperate in solving problems.


When voters no longer identify with one of the two major parties and become independent voters.


A process by which the national govt gives more power and authority to the states.

Direct Election

Election of an official directly by the people rather than by an intermediary group such as the Electoral College

Direct Primary

Election in which the people choose candidates for the office

Divided Government

Government in which one party controls the presidency while another party controls Congress


Special spending projects that are set aside on behalf of individual members of Congress for their constituents

Elastic Clause

Stares that Congress can exercise those powers that are "necessary and proper" for carrying out the enumerated Powers (ex. Establishment of the first bank of the US)

Elite Theory

Theory that upper class elites exercise great influence over public policy


Federal benefit payments to which recipients have a legal right (ex. Social security)

Establishment Clause

Provision of the first Amendment that prohibits Congress from establishing an official state religion. Separation of church and state.

Exclusionary Rule

Supreme Court guidelines that excludes the use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal trial.

Executive Agreement

An agreement between the president and another head of state that, unlike a treaty, does not require Senate consent.

Executive Order

Presidential rule or regulation that has the force of law

Executive Privilege

The president can withhold confidential information from Congress or the courts (Nixon vs US)


Terms used by Madison to denote what we now call interest groups


Constitutional sharing of power between a central government and state governments

Federalist papers

Group of 85 essays written by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay for the purpose of persuading the people of NY to adopt the constitution.


Nonstop Senate debate that prevents a bill from coming to a vote.

Franking privilege

Allows members of Congress to send mail postage free. Helps incumbents during elections.

Gender gap

Difference in voting patterns for men and women, particularly in the greater tendency of the latter to vote for Democratic presidential candidates.

General election

Election in which the office holders are chosen. Congrats with a primary election, in which only the candidates are chosen.


Redrawing district lines to favor one party at the expense of the other.

Horse race coverage

The tendency of the media to report on an election campaign as if it were a horse race


House action that formally charges an official with wrongdoing. Requires 2/3 vote from the Senate.

Implied Powers

Powers that are necessary to carry out an expressed power in the Constitution, like the power of Congress to establish a bank or establish national healthcare


Refusal of a President to spend money that has been appropriated by Congress


Applying the Bill of Rights to the states


An officeholders who is seeking reelection

Independent Leaners

Voters not registered with a political party but tend to vote for candidates of one particular party

Inherent Powers

Powers that are naturally derived from the duties of a specific govt position

Iron Triangle

An informal association of federal agency, congressional committee, and interest group that is said to have heavy influence over policy making

Judicial Activism

Philosophy that the courts should take an active role in solving problems

Judicial Restraint

Philosophy that the courts should defer to elected lawmakers in setting policy and should instead focus on interpreting law rather than making laws

Judicial Review

Power of courts to review the constitutionality of laws or government actions (Marbury)

Legislative Veto

Process in which Congress overturned rules and regulations proposed by executive branch agencies. Stuck down 1983.

Line item Veto

Power of most governors (and Pres Clinton for only a few years) to delete or reduce funding in a bill on a line by line basis


Attempting to influence policy makers


When members of Congress trade votes for favors in order to get the bill they support passed


Requirements imposed by the national government upon the states. Some are unfunded

Miranda warnings

Warnings that must be read to suspects prior to questioning if responses are to be used one criminal trial. Suspects must be advised that they have the rights of silence and counsel.

Necessary and Proper clause

Aka "elastic clause". A major power of Congress that gives the ability to interpret lawmaking in a broad manner(Article 1 section 8)

Open primary

Election to choose candidates that is open to independents, and which voters may choose candidates from any one party

Original Jurisdiction

Authority of a court to first hear a case


Congressional committee hearings held to determine how well an agency is doing its job

Party Identification

A sense of affiliation that a person has with a particular political party


Theory that policy making is the result of interest group competition

Plurality Elections

Such as those for Congress are won by the person with the most votes, regardless if he/she has a majority.


More votes than anyone else, but less than half

Political Action Committee (PAC)

An interest group that raises funds and donated to election campaigns

Political Culture

The widely shared beliefs, values, and norms that citizens share about their government.

Political efficacy

An individuals belief that his/her political participation can make a difference

Political socialization

Process in which one acquires his/her political beliefs

Pork barrel spending

A provision on a bill that benefits a specific congressional Constituency. Frequently used to "buy a vote".

Prior Restraint

When a court stops expression before it is made. Presumed to be unconstitutional.

Pure independents

Voters who have no consistent pattern of party voting.

Realigning (critical) election

An election in which there is a long term change in party alignment.


Redrawing of congressional district boundaries by the party in power of the state legislature.

Reserved powers

Powers held by the state through the 10th Amendment. Any power not granted to the US government is "reserved" for the states.

Rule of Four

The Supreme Court will hear a case if four Justices agree to do so.

Rules Committee

The "traffic cop" of the House that sets the legislative calendar and issues rules for debate one bill.