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12 Cards in this Set

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affirmative action (ch. 6)
programs designed to increase minority participation in some institution (businesses, schools, labor unions, or government agencies) by taking positive steps to appoint more minority-group members
civil disobedience (ch. 6)
opposing a law one consiters unjust by peacefully disobeying it and accepting the resultant punishment
civil rights (ch. 6)
the rights of people to be treated without unreasonable or unconstitutional differences
de facto segregation (ch. 6)
racial segregation that occurs in schools, not as a result of the law, but as a result of patterns of residential settlement
de jure segregation (ch. 6)
racial segregation that is required by law
equality of opportunity (ch. 6)
giving people an equal chance to succeed
equality of result (ch. 6)
making certain that people achieve the same result
reverse discrimination (ch. 6)
using race or sex to give preferential treatment to some people
separate-but-equal doctrine (ch. 6)
the doctrine established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that African Americans could constitutionally be kept in separate but equal facilites
strict scrutiny (ch. 6)
a Supreme Court test to see if a law denies equal protection because it does not serve a compelling state interest and is now narrowly tailored to achieve that goal
suspect classifications (ch. 6)
classifications of people on the basis of their race or ethnicity
police powers
state power to effect laws promoting health, safety, and morals