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48 Cards in this Set

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VOCAB: A valuable tool for understanding demographic changes. The Constitution requires that the government conduct an "actual enumeration" of the population every 10 years.
VOCAB: The science of population changes.
VOCAB: Public opinion surveys used by major media pollsters to predict electoral winners with speed and precision.
VOCAB: A term that refers to the regular pattern by which women are more likely to support Democratic candidates. Women tend to be significantly less conservative than men and are more likely to support spending on social services and to oppose higher levels of military spending.
VOCAB:The mixing of cultures, ideas, and peoples that has chnged the American nation. The United States, with its history of immigration, has often been called a _______.
VOCAB:The emergence on a non Caucasian majority, as compared with a white, generally Anglo-Saxon majority. It is predicted that by abou 2060, Hispanic Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans combined will outnumber White Americans.
VOCAB: A technique used by pollsters to place telephone calls randomly to both listed and nonlisted numbers when conducting a survey.
VOCAB: An overall set of values widely shared within a society.
VOCAB: A coherent set of beliefs about politics, public policy, and public purpose. It helps give meaning to political event, personalities, and policies.
VOCAB: All the activities used by citizens to influence the selection of political leaders on the policies they pursue. The most common but not the only means of _______ in a democracy is voting. Other means include protest and civil disobedience.
VOCAB: Richard Dawson "The process through which an individual acquires his or her particular political orientations - his or her knowledge, feelings, and evaluations regarding his or her political world."
VOCAB: A frm of political participation designed to achieve policy change thourgh dramatic or unconventional tactics.
VOCAB: The distribution of the populations beliefs about politics and policy issues
VOCAB: The key technique employed by sophisticated survey researchers, which operates on the principal that everyone should have an equal probability of being selected for a sample.
VOCAB: The process of reallocating seats in the House of Representatives every 10 years based on the results of the Census.
VOCAB: A relatively small proportion of people who are chosen ao as to be a representative of the whole.
VOCAB: The level of confidence in the findings of a public opinion poll. The more people interviewed, the more confident one can be of the results.
What are political parties?
-Linkage institutions, intermediaries
-A group of people with broad common interests, who organize tow in elections, control gov. and therefore control gov. policy.
Were political parties mentioned in the Constitution?
No. (in federalist 10)
What did the Founding Fathers say about political parties?
-they will create and exploit conflicts
-small, narrow interests will RULE
What are 4 main purposes of political parties?
1. To win elections
2. campaigning
3. Form Platforms
4. link populace to the Government
(also to vent)
What happened after 9/11?
Public unanimity at the polls
Why are public opinion polls taken?
To find out the level of disagreement in a country and which side the majority favors.
What was the ruling in the 1999 Department of Commerce vs. U.S. House of Rep.?
Population sampling could not be used to decide congressional districts.
When and who were the 3 great waves of immigration?
1. Before 19th Century, Northwestern Europeans
2. Late 19th and 20th century, Southern and Eastern Europeans
3. Recent Decades, Hispanics + Asians
How was the political power of African Americans increased? (%)
The number of elected officials has increased by 500%
What was the goal of the Simpson-Mazzoli Act?
To stop illegal immigration
Who are the super achievers of the minority majority group? Why?
Asian Americans, Their crazy parents.
What is the worst off minority majority group?
Native Americans
What are the 3 main sources of political socialization?
Family, School, Media.
What is the key to the accuracy of opinion polls?
random sampling
What are 3 criticisms of public opinion polling?
1. Politicians more concerned with following than leading.
2. Weakens America by distorting the election process
3. Exit polling deters voters
In the 2004 Presidential election; only about __% of the voting-age population participated.
What is the difference between an initiative and a referendum?
an initiative is something the public wants to coem into existence; a referendum is something that is already in existence that the public wants changed.
What are 3 differences between US and the rest of the world when it comes to voting?
1. The US has over 500,000 elected officials.
2. the burden of registration
3. american's have a civic duty
Why have the presidential election rates dropped so dramtically since the 19th century?
It was easier to register and vote back then.
What are the 3 qualifications for someone to vote in America?
1. 18 years of age
2. citizen
3. have to reside in the state for at least 30 days
VOCAB: The belief that in order to support democratc government, a citizen should always vote.
VOCAB: A process permitted in some states whereby voters may put proposed changes in the state constitution to a vote if sufficient signatures are obtained on petition calling for such a referendum.
VOCAB: A characterization of elections by political scientists meaning that they are almost universally accepted as a fair and free method of selecting political leaders. When __________ is high, as in the United States, even the losers accept the result peacefully. (Gore after the Supreme Court runling in 2000)
VOCAB: The idea that the winning candidate has a mandate from the people to carry out his or her platforms and politics. Politicians like the theory better than political scientists do.
VOCAB: Passed in 1993, the act went into effect for the 1996 election, it requires states to permit people to register to vote at the same time they apply for driver's license, mail in and at state offices (like Welfare)
VOCAB: Electoral choices that are made on the basis of the Voter's policy preferences and on the basis of where the candidates stand on policy issues.
VOCAB: The belief that one's political participation really matters - that one's vote can make a difference.
VOCAB: Voting for a candidate because one favors his or her ideas for addressing issues after the elections
VOCAB: A state-level method of direct legislation that gives voters a chance to approve or disapprove proposed legislation, or a proposed constitutional amendment.
VOCAB: The legal right to vote, extended to African Americans by the 15th Amendment, to women by the 19th amendment, and to 18 year olds by the 26th amendment
VOCAB: A system adopted by the states that requires voters to register well in advance of Election Day. A few states permit Election Day registration.