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87 Cards in this Set

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Political landscape
Current state of politics in a particular region
The role of FAIR in the 2000 election
Ran a television commercial about storm lake, Iowa in the weeks leading up to the Iowa caucuses in January 2000. The commercial claimed that rising crime rates, increased costs for bilingual education and increased public heath care costs could be traced to the rise in immigrants who work in the town’s meat-packaging plants. FAIR was one of the 5 anti immigration groups that joined together in mounting an advertising campaign in 2000 on problems immigrants pose for our country.
Bush 43’s promise to reform immigration
-President Bush's immigration reform package has badly damaged his ratings on the issue from his core supporters, with his approval rating for handling immigration plummeting among Republicans and conservatives.
The role of the “Dream Act”
young mexican imigrants wont be deported ( causes hispanics to vote for obama)
The role of Proposition 187 in California in 1994
In 1994 Californians passed a controversial ballot initiative, Proposition 187, restricting public services to illegal immigrants. Even though a federal judge found portions of the proposition unconstitutional, the furor about prop 187 demonstrated the intense feelings on both sides of the issue, especially in a border state like cali.
What role does ethnocentrism play in shaping American political attitudes?
Selective perception based on individual background, attitudes, and biases-not uncommon, even among college students, who often assume that others share their economic opportunities, social attitudes, sense of civic responsibility and confidence.
Why did so many different groups come to America?
It holds a promise of religious, political, and economic freedom. It is also a place of opportunity for the enterprising. Our economic system has provided widespread opportunity for individuals to improve their economic standing. The American dream-that everyone can make it-is widely shared.
What role does political socialization play?
Process by which people gain their political attitudes.
Importance of demographics in determining a political predisposition
because where we live and who we are in terms of our age, education, religion, and occupation affect how we vote, many who study voting and make predictions about it do so in terms of these and other factors, referred to as demographics. A political predisposition is a characteristic of individuals that is predictive of political behavior. Although demographics can be important, there are large individual differences within socioeconomic and demographic categories.
Primary political socialization factors
Family,Immediate/Nuclear,Extended, Mixed/Blended,Same Sex,Ethnicity,Income,Religion
Secondary political socialization factors
divisions within the society that reinforce one another, making groups more homogenous or similar.
Cross cutting
divisions within society that cut across demographic categories to produce groups more heterogeneous or different.
manifest destiny
A notion held by 19th century Americans that the us was destined to rule the continent, from the Atlantic to pacific oceans.
Role of the West as a “crucible for democracy”
Numerous chances to get it right, burn off impurities
Frederick Jackson Turner
He argued that the moving western frontier shaped American democracy and the American character from the colonial era until 1890. He is also known for his theories of geographical sectionalism.
sectional differences in American politics
South became less distinct from the rest of the US and a large in immigration diminished the sense of the regional identity and the south has undergone tremendous economic change.
Role of North vs. South
Commerce and manufacturing were more significant in the north but the regions was that the institution of slavery. Northern opposed it which grew increasingly intense by middle of 19th century, reinforced the sectional economic interests. The south had undergone some economic change.
Solid South in American politics
Solid south was a region that voted for democrats at all levels. The reason for the connection between the south and democrats is simple: the civil war made the demos party the party of the south, and the republican party, the party of the north.
What has caused the change?
The political alignment has shifted as African Americans have been enfranchised and become overwhelmingly demos and many whites have become republicans.
Growing influence of the “Sun Belt”
another sectional division, the 11 former confederate states plus New Mexico, Arizona, and the southern half of California. Sun belts states are growing much more rapidly that the res of the country.
Demographics of the area
Population growth in the south and west is occurring in different age groups in the south-growth is largest among those over 65; in the west it is younger people who provide growth as industries headed south and southwest where land is cheaper and more abundant, and where labor is cheaper as well.
what is a metropolitan area?
Central cities and their suburbs. Defined by the Census Bureau
Metropolitan areas- A metro area contains a core urban area of 50,000 or more population
Where are we the most urban? The most rural?
Urban- east coast (NY) rural- Alaska
Why the move from cities to suburbs?
Better housing, new transportation systems that make it easier to get to work, the desire for cleaner air and safer streets, and white flight
The role of “White Flight”
The movement of whites away from the central cities so that children can avoid being bused for racial balance and attend better schools
Impact on cities
White, middle class migration to the suburbs means that American cities have become increasingly poor, increasingly African American, and increasingly democratic.
grouping of human beings with common genetic characteristics. Ethnicity- coial division based on national origin, religion and language, often within the same race and includes a sense of attachment to that group. In the us, the race and ethnicity issues focus on African Americans, Asian Americans and Hispanics.
Role of African Americans
More than 34 mil African Americans in the united states. Most people came to this country of free choice in search for freedom and opportunity. AFRICAN AMERICANS came as slaves, although freed as a result of the civil war, racial divisions continue as one of the enduring issues of the American politics. 90% lived in the south until 1900 and the figure was 54% by the end of 2000th century.
Demographic data
African Americans left the south in hopes to improve lives by settling in large cities and the reality was urban poverty. Some African Americans, recently, have been returning to the south, especially to its urban areas.
Wealth vs income
encompasses the things of economic value (savings, stocks, property) as compared to income, which is how much money you make from your job or investments.
Role of education and age in the African American community
African Americans are behind whites in education and job skills and about 15% of blacks graduate from college. African American population is younger than whites the median age for whites in 1999 was 36.3 compared to 29.5 for African Americans. urban areas has resulted in a much higher unemployment rate for young African Americans. Unemployment can lead to social problems like crime, drug and alchohol use and abuse, and family dissolution.
Voting preferences of African Americans
Recently, African Americans have become much more important politically because of their increased voter participation and their concentrated population. Southern senators and representatives cannot afford to ignore the African American vote.
Role of Hispanics/Latinos/Chicanos
Not a monolithic group, and while they share a common heritage, they differ from one another, depending on which country they emigrated from.
Differences in the Hispanic community
Latinos are politically important in growing number of states; Cuban Americans are more in the upper middle income levels while Puerto Rican Americans and Mexican Americans are in lower and lower middle-income categories.
Role of Asian Americans
Classified together by the census bureau for statistical purposes
Differences in the Asian community
There are significant differences among them in culture, language, and political experience in the United States.
Demographic information on the Asian community
10.6 mil Asian Americans, done well both economically and educationally, 2/5 grad from college compared to ¼ white Americans and one and 7 African Americans. Asian Americans include Chinese Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino and Thai origin.
Periods of peak immigration
Europeans….and a lot of ‘em. b/c of population surplus, and industrial jobs, religious freedoms.

6.9> immigrants primarily from Caribbean and Mexico and from Asian countries such as the Philippines, Vietnam and china.
Growing presence of women in politics
encompasses a comprehensive agenda, including voting and political rights as well as extending the basic liberties of the Bill of Rights and 14th amendment. Women seek = opportunity, education, jobs, skills and respect in what has been a male dominated system.
Role of a gender gap in American politics
Women typically divided their vote between the two major political parties. However in recent elections women have been more likely those men to vote for democratic presidential candidates.
When was it first noticed? (gender gap)
2000th presidential election, al gores share of the vote among women was 12% higher than among men.
issues that women are interested in
Women’s rights: child support enforcement, punishment for sexual abuse and rape, = treatment in legal system, family issues: daycare, workplace equality, etc
Impact of income on women’s issues
64% more women than men work at or below the min wage. Women earn on average less than men for the same work.
EMILY’s list
women democratic
WISH list
pro choice republican women
How large is the gay/lesbian community?
2.8% men and 1.4% women
Role of “civil unions” for gay/lesbian couples
Marriage for gay lesbian couples. Gives them all legal protection and rights as if they were straight.
role of the Defense of Marriage Act -1992
Full faith and credit clause.(nullification- state can invalidate any federal law) DOMA says government could not acknowledge gay marriage . Obama says to ignore it.
Political agenda for gay/lesbian community
Fighting discrimination, including the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy
States that have approved same sex marriage
New York, Washington, Maryland, district of Columbia, Cali, New Hampshire, Vermont, Iowa, Connecticut, Massachusetts, etc
What is the “traditional”, “nuclear family”?
Mother and father married with children in the home
Role of 1960s sexual revolution
Premarital sex
Live with some one of the opposite sex to whom they are not married: cohabitation raises public policy questions such as whether the live- in partner is eligible for employment benefits and welfare payments.
Impact of divorce
Divorce rates have been increasing at a very fast pace, divorce is one reason why many women go to work and why the number of households headed by women has risen. No Fault Divorce- don’t need the best reason, stupid reasons, if one person wants out their out. Women now have the financial opportunities.
A shared identity with other of Americans
Reinforcing cleavage. Brings different people together.A variety of dominations Impact of concentration of religious groups- regions of the country
Northern-moderate(gypsie moth republican liberal on social, traditional on fiscal)
Southern-conservative(bible belt)
Western-moderate to conservative
Cafeteria catholic-democratic /swing
Traditional- Republican
Orthodox-conservative republican
Reformed-democratic, liberal
the eldest son’s exclusive right to inherit his father’s estate, younger had to make their own way.
Jefferson and the “aristocracy of virtue and talent”
jeffersn sought to foster an “ ……” through a public school system open to all for primary grades and for the best students through the university level.
Role of education
One of the most important means for Americans to achieve economic and social mobility. Those who have gone to college earn more than those who have not.
impact of the top 25% (earning $50,000) on college education
Most college students come from the top quarter of American families in income those earning 50,000 a year or more. Students from these families graduate from college at twice the rate then the bottom 75% of the socioeconomic ladder
Madison on the question of wealth (Federalist #10)
Econmic differences often lead to conflict, and Americans remain divided politically along economic lines.
Americans in poverty
Identifies people who cannot meet a min standard in such basics as housing, food, and med care. The poor are a minority who lack political power. Percent of poverty stayed the same because population has increased. Most families in poverty are in single parent homes.
Households headed by women
3x more likely to fall below the poverty line than families by men.
Children living in poverty
25% poor are children under 18 yrs old and appear to be trapped in cycle of poverty
Role of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) same as Gross National
An estimate of the total output of all the economic activity in one year, including goods and services.
Role of the post-industrial era
no longer industrial, now is an information era. Share of info> share of manufacturing. Requires different workers. Less physical.
Governments as significant employers
Large employers of workers. Except layoffs cause decrease.
Occupational choices of women/minorities
Tend to be in jobs that democrats suppored. The U.S. Democratic Party has historically supported legislating equal pay for equal work. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Proffesional woman: most economic interists republican while social interests with democratic.Women are much less likely than men to work in blue-collar jobs and more likely to work in clerical positions or in the service sector.
Impact of those choices (female jobs)
Earn less than men of the same age and education,
Socioeconomic status
A division of population based on occupation, income, and education
Class divisions in the United States
Upper 250+ (1%=10 mil)
Lower –below poverty
Role of upward mobility in America
System provides the opportunity to move upward. (occupy movement- where was the upward mobility? Wasn’t real, don’t sense it) Explanation for American’s responses are the elements of the American dream that involve upward mobility.
Quote of Seymour Martin Lipset-
'the American social structure and values foster an emphasis on competitive individualism, an orientation that is not congruent with class consciousness, support for socialist or social democratic parties, or a strong union movement.” Not as much collective action because of Americas belief of individualism.
Role of the “graying of America”
Average age is getting older. Social Security, Medicare. Increased demand for med care, retirement benefits, and a host of other age related services
Impact of declining birth rate
Given the size of the population, fewer babies are being born. Rate of replacement.
Impact on the economy
Not as many putting $ into the s.s pot than taking
Impact on politics
55 and up is the most powerful group, they have nothing else to do. Elderly are listened to very well. Will not cut social security or medicare. Ss and medicare are big part of election.
Role of life-cycle effects
show people that as people become middle aged, they become more politically conservative, less mobile, and more likely to participate in politics. Impact on the individual.
Role of generational effects
arise when a particular generation has had experiences that make it politically distinct. Impact on the group.
Jefferson on education
enlightens the people generally and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.
Statistical impact of education-
9/10 students in kinder – high school attend public and vast majority people are educated in pub schools.
Quote of John Gunther
whoever reinvented E pluribus Unum has given the best 3 worked description of the us—federal system, diversity, quilt with different sections and designs,… but no matter what colors burn and flashes in what corners, the warp and woof, the texture and fabric is the same from corner to corner, from end to end.
Melting pot v. Tossed Salad
Melting pot-minorities especially ethnic groups, are assimilated into the rest of the American society and come to share democratic values like majority rule, individualism and the notion that America is the land of opportunity. Cants hold on to ethic identity….all become the same. Tossed can still hold on to ethnic identity and the differences can be seen, but still become a whole.