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36 Cards in this Set

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The structural and functional unit of living organisms is the _____________.
5- List the parts of the cell theory.
1-Cells are the building blocks of all plants and animals, 2-Cells are produced by the division of preexisting cell, 3-Cells are the smallest unit that perform all vital physiological function, 4-Each cell maintains homeostasis at the cellular leveL, 5-Homeostasis at the tissue, organ, organ system and organism level reflects the combined and coordinated actions of many cells
7- For the following, choose prokaryotic or eukaryotic

Human body cells, plant cells, protest cells
9- For the following, choose prokaryotic or eukaryotic,
--Bacterial cells
bacterial cells
18- What does the plasma membrane consist of?
Consists of two lipid layers (phospholipids) arranged tail to tail with suspended proteins
21- List the functions of the plasma membrane.
1. physical isolation- physical barrier that separates the inside of the cell from the surrounding extracellular fluid (interstitial fluid)
2. regulation of exchange with the environment– controls the entry of ions and nutrients, elimination of wastes, release of secretions
3. sensitivity – first to react to changes in the extracellular fluid
4. structural support – gives stability to cells, tissues
26- What is the purpose of microvilli?
increase the cell’s surface area for more absorption
27- The cellular material outside the nucleus and inside the plasma membrane is known as ____________.
The Cytoplasm
29 High concentration of Na ions and low concentration of K ions
Extracellular Fluid
33-High concentration of K ions and low concentration of Na ions
39-What organelle is involved in the formation of the spindle fibers during mitosis?
41-Ribosomes are the site of __________________.
protein synthesis
43-What organelle is the powerhouse of the cell?
48-What serves as a minicirculatory system for the cell?
Endoplasmic Reticulum
52-What does the golgi apparatus do?
a. Consists of 5 or 6 flattened membranous discs called cisternae
b. Modifies and packages secretions, such as hormones or enzymes, for release through exocytosis
c. Renews or modifies the cell membrane – This is how the membrane changes over time
d. Packages special enzymes within vesicles for use in the cytosol
57-What is the control center of the cell?
The Nucleus
61-Chromatin threads coil and condense to form ___________________.
62-What type of permeability does the plasma membrane have? What does this mean?
The plasma membrane is selectively permeable-- allows some substances to pass while excluding others.
63-What are the two main types of passive transport?
Diffusion and Filtration
64-The process by which molecules and ions scatter themselves throughout available space is known as____________________.
65- In diffusion, molecules move from _________ to ___________ concentrations.
high, low
70-The simple diffusion of water is _______________.
71-In osmosis, water will flow toward the solution with a _____________ concentration of solutes. (higher or lower)
85-What are the two types of active transport?
Solute Pumping & Bulk Transport
88- Which of those moves substances into the cell? Out of the cell?
Solute pumping- in, bulk transport- out
90-What is the cell life cycle?
series of changes a cell goes through from the time it is formed until it divides
91-What are the two main parts of the cell life cycle?
interphase – longest phase, cells grows and carries on its usual metabolic activities, DNA is replicated
cell division – cell reproduces itself (M – phase – mitosis or meiosis
96- The division of the nucleus is known as ____________.
97-What are the 4 stages of mitosis?
Pro, Meta, Ana, Telo
98-For the following, choose the stage of mitosis that is best described.

Chromosomes aligned at the center of the spindle
101-For the following, choose the stage of mitosis that is best described.

Chromosomes move toward opposite ends of the cell
102-For the following, choose the stage of mitosis that is best described.

Centrioles separate and move to opposite poles
103-For the following, choose the stage of mitosis that is best described.

Nuclear envelop forms and nucleoli appear
113- The process of going from DNA to mRNA is known as _____________.
Protein Synthesis-- Transcription
114- The process of going from mRNA to protein is known as _____________.
115- If I give you a strand of DNA, be able to give me a complementary strand, mRNA strand, and the amino acid sequence.
Remember that RNA does not contain the base thymine. Instead it contains uracil and matches with adenine. A-T, C-G