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28 Cards in this Set

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an array of tests performed on urine and a very common method of medical diagnosis
optimal amount of time for a urinalysis
30 minutes or on refrigerated urine
a pigment metabolite arising from the body's destruction of hemoglobin
Normal color of urine
pale yellow to amber, abnormal color may be due to certain foods, various drugs, bile or blood.
Normal odor of urine
slightly aromatic, but bacterial action gives it an ammonia like odor when left standing. some drugs and diseases may change the way it smells
Normal pH
4.5 - 8 average is 6 which is slightly acidic
acid ash foods
foods that increase the acidity of urine. Foods high in protein and whole wheat products.
alkaline ash foods
foods that increase the alkalinity of the urine. Vegetarian foods. A bacterial infection may also result in urine with a high pH
specific gravity
the relative weight of a specific volume of liquid compared with an equal volume of distilled water
kidney inflammation
conditions that produce high specific gravity in urine
limited fluid intake, fever, and kidney inflammation
renal calculi
when urine becomes excessively concentrated, some of the substances will begin to crystallize and form this
the presence of glucose in the urine, indicates abnormally high blood sugar levels. may be caused by carbohydrate intake so excessive that normal physiological and hormonal mechanisms cannot clear it from the blood. occurs in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
normal blood sugar levels
80 - 100mg/ 100ml of blood
presence of albumin in the urine. usually too big to fit through the glomerular infiltration membrane
physical albuminuria
excessive exertion, pregnancy, or over abundant protein intake, can temporarily increase the membrane permeability, leading to higher levels of albumin in the urine
pathological conditions which cause albuminuria
events that damage the glomerular membrane, like kidney traumas due to blows, the ingestion of poisons or heavy metals, bacterial toxins, glomerular nephritis, and hypertension
the presence of these intermediate products of fat metabolism in excessive amounts, usually indicates that abnormal metabolic processes are occurring
increased acidity in the blood
pathological conditions which cause ketonuria
starvation, diets low in carbohydrates, when inadequate food intake forces the body to use its fat stores
appearance of red blood cells in the urine. almost always indicates a pathology of the urinary tract
pathological conditions which cause hematuria
irritation of the urinary tract organs by calculi infections, infections, tumors, or physical harm.
presence of hemoglobin in the urine, is the result of the fragmentation of the red blood cells
the appearance of bilirubin (bile pigments) in urine, abnormal finding and usually indicates liver pathology. this condition is signaled by a yellow foam that forms when the urine sample is shaken
Diseases that cause Bilirubnuria
hepatitis, cirrhosis, or bile duct blockage.
this is produced in the intestines from bilirubin and gives feces a brown color. some of this is reabsorbed into the blood and either excreted back into the intestine by the liver or ecreted by the kidneys into urine. absence of this may indicate renal disease or obstruction of bile flow. increases levels of this may mean hepatitis A, cirrhosis or biliary disease
this is the presence of white blood cells or other pus constituents in the urine. indicates inflammation of the urinary tract
these are hardened cell fragments, usually cylindrical, which are formed in the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts and then flushed out of the urinary tract.